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Messages - Nuchiha

Pages: 1
I wonder how long it will take until people realise that telling people looking for un bans "Sorry there's no hope, you'll never play again, to bad for you." does not help anything at all.

The main post does say that you can appeal in extenuating circumstances.

Do not waste your time posting unban requests here unless there are any extenuating circumstances concerning your permanent ban! Do feel free to make intelligent comments about the server, the maps and to report any trouble makers on the server. If you are reporting a trouble maker be sure to tell us the exact time in GMT and give supporting evidence in the form of screenshots etc. If you are unable to provide the time of an offence and offer some visual evidence of a player`s wrong doing then we are unlikely to be able to do anything about the matter.

I'd like to know where I may appeal my permanent ban, or at least know why it was done. I don't want to post my appeal only to learn it was in the wrong place.

This is not an unban request, I am requesting where I can appeal.

Suggestions & Bug Reports / Re: Dragoons are way too underpowered
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:14:26 pm »
Mhm. It also tends to work much better in custom maps where there's the odd strategic point (wall, building, etc) that they can take. Far too many events have this 'everything must be balanced, everyone must be catered to' kind of mentality.

I for one would love to play Dragoons if this were the case.

Yeah, if events were unbalanced and if maps had more serious strategic areas that are in the middle (instead of at team-spawns) then Dragoons would become infinitely times more useful.

Maybe I should put my money where my mouth is and make a map. Noob-mapping ahoy!

Suggestions & Bug Reports / Re: Dragoons are way too underpowered
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:05:07 am »
I too used to think they were underpowered.

But then I actually started playing as a dragoon, dismounting and all. Works quite well in my experience even with the medium horses.

Technical Support / Re: Toggle Weapon Mode Problem
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:05:36 am »
A 1 second delay after switching has been added to fix a exploit, sadly this is anoying when accidentally switching but better than the animation exploit.

Is this exploit when people switch from a "holding" melee attack, to ranged and were able to aim almost instantly rather than raising the musket like normal? If so, it's happened to me before post-update, I got used to it (pre-update) and I'm not great at bayonet-melee so I probably would've died anyways. Can updated clients play on outdated servers? If so, this explains how I'm experiencing persistence of it, but it doesn't explain my odd toggle issue.

About the toggle-delay, I'm pretty confident it's not that. I've hosted a server match by myself (Forever Alone), to test it out and see if the issue was merely client-side lag from my internet. It appears not, I can click the toggle button and nothing will happen, even after five seconds. Since no one has been posting in this thread saying they've had a similar issue, I may just have had the update go wrong on my client. I'll re-install it to see if the issue goes away.

Thanks for the help, mates. I'll post back after the re-install to see if the problem persists or subsides.

Manually deleted all the files as well as did the uninstall. Man, over 60-Gigabytes of memory.

Anyways the problem subsided, I experience the proper 1-second delay now. Thanks for the help, mates.

Technical Support / Re: Toggle Weapon Mode Problem
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:33:39 am »
A 1 second delay after switching has been added to fix a exploit, sadly this is anoying when accidentally switching but better than the animation exploit.

Is this exploit when people switch from a "holding" melee attack, to ranged and were able to aim almost instantly rather than raising the musket like normal? If so, it's happened to me before post-update, I got used to it (pre-update) and I'm not great at bayonet-melee so I probably would've died anyways. Can updated clients play on outdated servers? If so, this explains how I'm experiencing persistence of it, but it doesn't explain my odd toggle issue.

About the toggle-delay, I'm pretty confident it's not that. I've hosted a server match by myself (Forever Alone), to test it out and see if the issue was merely client-side lag from my internet. It appears not, I can click the toggle button and nothing will happen, even after five seconds. Since no one has been posting in this thread saying they've had a similar issue, I may just have had the update go wrong on my client. I'll re-install it to see if the issue goes away.

Thanks for the help, mates. I'll post back after the re-install to see if the problem persists or subsides.

Technical Support / Re: Toggle Weapon Mode Problem
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:04:04 am »
The most recent patch implemented a delay between switching weapon modes. Are you sure you aren't just pressing Q too quickly after switching?

I did not know this, I'll have to go host a not-so-online multiplayer match and test it out.

It's not the problem, tried waiting up to five seconds and it didn't switch. Unless the weapon switch is six seconds or higher (Which I really doubt, since I've switched instantly post-update when the toggle works), the toggle weapon isn't functioning right.

Community / Re: To Leaders - How did you come about leading?
« on: August 14, 2013, 07:07:11 pm »
I started out as a pubber, playing in public matches. I was recruited into the NR. 14 (Line), by Pops I think. After two or three line-battles I rose to the rank of Gefreiter, but so did everyone else in a mass promotion. Basically it meant we were better than the new recruits. Eventually the NR. 14 began to die out and there was dissatisfaction in the higher ranks.

So everyone formed into the new NR. 18 GBStrk under the I.KOe, with the previous leader as an honourary officer. The I.KOe was an attempt at making an army with regiments under it. After a couple more line-battles I eventually became a Korporal, which I honestly didn't see coming. I led the lines frequently, as the high command wanted the lower officers to prove themselves, or something.

I was good at staying out of sight, and flanking, I'd often by the guy who'd hit the artillery very early in the match. Even captured a few standards during my time, which was nice. Looking back, I was probably better placed in a light infantry or cavalry regiment. Eventually the NR. 18 GBStrk was for people good at melee, so I was transferred to the NR. 2.

Then there was the schism, when IDF was promoted to Quartermaster as a joke apparently. He left, he says he took two members but nearly half the regiment followed him. I didn't care, I had no problems with IDF and if he wanted to do his own thing that's his choice. Eventually the I.KOe started to die out, I joined the 1st NOG a little after the schism, I considered IDF and several others who followed him my friends.

So Magyar, one of the original officers from the days of yore in the NR. 14, decided to create the NR. 5 (Hussar) because I.KOe was dead. I was a Zügfuhrer, essentially making me second in command. Needless to say, I was very good at being a Hussar. Sadly the NR. 5 didn't last long, and it died out within a couple line-battles. I miss the days of being a Hussar, I might even find my own regiment because of this. There just isn't enough Austrian regiments.

Oh, I also attained the rank of Corporal within the 1st NOG later on. But the 1st NOG died out after IDF left, there was a schism of sorts. Sort of split up between the 1st NOG and two other regiments, very sad that as soon as IDF left everyone just went at each other. So I left the 1st NOG, and decided not to be apart of either regiment. Here I am now, with my only regiment being the now-dead NR. 5 and the Pentri Clan on Rome at War.

Technical Support / Re: Toggle Weapon Mode Problem
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:23:51 pm »
The most recent patch implemented a delay between switching weapon modes. Are you sure you aren't just pressing Q too quickly after switching?

I did not know this, I'll have to go host a not-so-online multiplayer match and test it out.

Technical Support / Toggle Weapon Mode Problem
« on: August 14, 2013, 05:15:23 am »
Well when I click my "Toggle Weapon Mode" (The key that switches between ranged and melee.), sometimes it doesn't work. For me it's set as "Q", because it's easier and faster to press than "X" for me. So when I press it, sometimes it doesn't work, requiring me to press it repeatedly until it does. It's not just the key either, I'm able to use it fine in other activities (Most notably, typing and other games.). This is a minor inconvenience, because usually when I enter melee I can back up for the several seconds I need to press the key repeatedly. But when I'm surprised or in very close quarters, it can be the end of my avatar's life (I use avatar meaning as the character you're playing as.).

Other keys I've tried using are; "Tab", "E". I want to use a key that I can access quickly because, sometimes you aren't expecting melee combat and it's a surprise. I'm fine when I have a secondary item though, mostly a sword or sabre briquet.

Historical Discussion / Uniform Reference?
« on: July 21, 2013, 04:59:21 am »
I know it's an odd thread, and it's more of a question really. But what do you use for uniform reference, what is it backed by? I ask this because I am looking for some sources, I was enough of an idiot to not save a bookmarked URL when all of the bookmarks were deleted.

As for myself, I use this;

I can't really say what it's backed by, seeing as I can't read French enough to make out any significant bit of it.

Community / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:51:21 pm »
Well, I'm Nuchiha/Red Oktoberfest.

Joined the game's community, literally right after the melee update. Had no idea what anyone was talking about at the time. I also was very bad at melee, because people thought the old system was going to come back and I was taught of how it was going to be. It never came back. I did get better though, so that's a plus.

Community / Re: Union Or Confederacy?
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:46:41 pm »
Union, because unity makes us strong. That, and it could turn into a warring-states area much like ancient China. This benefits no one. \

Unless GB wants to take back a former colony.

General Discussion / Re: Which role will you play?
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:38:05 pm »
Scout, and because of the 3D VoIP, probably courier as well. I tend to move quickly and out of sight very well.

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