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Messages - Danster

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request - NW_Official_NA_1
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:08:42 am »
Server: NW_Official_NA_1
Offender: 3eVolt_CaD_Fritz
Offense: Witnessed Fritz teamkill Sir_Christopher_Lee for destroying a defense, then telling others to kill him if he does it again.
Time and Date of Offense: January 28, 2014 at approximately 12:55 AM

I was a simple observant to this incident. Took a screenshot of the chatlog after the incident and attached.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request - NA 1
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:21:05 am »
Except in every instance of Koopa's screenshots, you were the instigator. So why should the admins ban this guy if you do the same thing? Even if it isn't to the same extent, it just proves you can't deal with insults in a manner that doesn't involve admins. Maybe you should take some advice from your feud with Koopa and stop thinking it only applies to him.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request NA1
« on: June 06, 2013, 06:36:15 am »
My logic isn't flawed at all. You have been trying to get Koopa banned ever since Beanslegend started his first post. By stating that this is your first post against koopa, you are merely stretching technicalities in order to look when everyone knows you have been out to get him since this whole thing started. Literally EVERYONE who has been watching this knows you are trying to play the righteous, and lying to make yourself look good is gonna do the exact opposite of what you want.

The fact that you think what Littleguy said in the other topic doesn't even apply to you makes me laugh. You are reaching out to these admins for support, and you reject everything that isn't a solid ban. My points are further made every time you try to defend yourself. You want nothing but a ban, unwilling to take any other solution.

When Koopa was trolling with you in game, you didn't bother moving at all, or say stop doing that. You took screenshots and made yourself look helpless in front of the 'BIG MIGHTY KOOPA'. I told Koopa that was what you were doing exactly and told him to lay off. Koopa did start it, i will admit, I told him various times that this is a bad move. If i say i am doing this, maybe he will actually listen to what i have to say.

My definition of 'going out of his way' must differ aswell. What i meant was that if you were to stay in one spot, and Koopa were to harrass you, but if you moved on and koopa continued to follow you, and koopa continued following you from that, then you have sound reason to place a report or ask an admin on the server to intervene.

If you haven't noticed already, i would rather have all personal options in regards to ingame action exhausted before i resort to going on the forums, rather than going on and complaining whenever someone so much as looks at you the wrong way. Lets say we come to a deal: i keep Koopa from harassing you physically (lol) and keep him out of your way, and you mute him and do your best to keep out of his way. All parties stay unbanned, everyone is content, everyone has a part in keeping the deal, and the admins don't have to hear our bullshit for one minute longer. Sound good?

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request NA1
« on: June 06, 2013, 04:17:01 am »
For the record, I was there when a few of these events occurred, and i discouraged Koopa from doing them (in game actions), via steam chat. I ceased later on into the night. I will further my attempts at stopping his "trolliness" around you.

To be honest though, with a person like Koopa, a guy who feuds REALLY easily, you had this coming. To quote littleguy in our last little thread:

Stop talking to each other, stop playing on the same team, use the mute function. DO SOMETHING other than troll one another or the bans will come on both parties and they won't lift for a long time.

If you really think it is easier to come onto the forums and post yet ANOTHER ban request instead of pressing the mute button, or actually TRYING to get Koopa to stop arguing, I can't stop you. I would consider your actions to be abusive of the current system here, but it is a 'privilege', so to speak, and i cannot advocate taking away a privilege. I cannot come up with any reason why you cannot or should not perform any means to distance yourself, and if koopa goes out of his way to troll you, then yes he deserves a ban. If the solution for you to have fun in a game is to post ban requests and ACTIVELY try to remove someone instead of taking precautions to prevent this from happening in the first place, then you deserve to be banned as well for failing to take heed of Littleguy's words. This is abuse, plain and simple, and i would be shocked if our fellow admins did not see this as so.

I am a friend of Koopa, and my play time on the server would not be the same without him, and the same holds true for the rest of the Koopaguard. I would certainly wish both parties just go to peace with each other instead of behaving so petty,as i would guess our admins would say. I just ask that no one be rash, and no one will be affected harshly.

I apologize if my post is out of order with the rules in this subtopic, i just wanted my point of view to be heard by all. Thanks.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request - NA 1
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:29:12 am »
You are making some pretty bold accusations without proof to ask these admins for a ban on Koopa. He never acts unless provoked, I've seen it time and time again. If its possible, he will take an eye for an eye if he sees something occur, most honorable players will do that. Sure, he can and will hold a grudge, but the fact of the matter is, there is a mute button, and there is joining the other team. Calling for a ban because of something of which you have no proof towards just proves that you will go to any means to win a feud. Ill even go as far as to say you actually apologized to the person you team killed, before Koopa said what he said, and you didn't bother correcting him or anything. You just came here and filled out a ban report.

If anyone should be banned it should be the both of you for the exact same thing: having a feud. Of course, there is no reason to ban for a feud, that would be stupid.

It really seems to me like you just want him gone because you can't deal with a 'troll' using methods available to you, and thus I cannot take a neutral position towards this. Koopa is a voice for people, the Koopaguard will attest to that. They will follow him to death, they will dedicate victories in his name shall he fall in battle. Each and everyone of them will say the same thing i have said at the top: Koopa never acts harshly towards someone in specific unless they do something first.

I suggest that the admins take no action, and that one/both of you be proactive in avoiding confrontation towards the other. Its what we have been doing since freaking elementary, are we really going to resort to telling the teacher? It is really a shame that we are crying wolf over such petty bull.

EDIT: Is the term 'retarded' really a racial slur that you took offense to? Would it safe to say that you are of a lower intelligence level and thus the term was an insult? Cause we could be looking at this from the wrong perspective. /sarcasm

Of course you are not really of lower intelligence, it just goes to show how you really are grasping for straws to get this guy banned. Move on admins, this isn't worthy of anyone's attention.

Technical Support / Re: Video Card Display Crash on certain maps
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:26:02 am »
The problem seems to be persisting despite only using one video card. Either that or something on NW_Official_US_1 is doing it, as i can play Arabian Harbor on any other server and have no problem at all, but on US_1 my screen goes dark.

My computer is using 3 year old hardware at the moment with a full upgrade on the way. I doubt that age is a problem though, because i'm still getting 60 fps through anything that happens in game. Still can't play Planetside 2 though :(

If for any reason the video driver crashes outside of Napoleonic Wars, it will usually recover itself before a bluescreen or something occurs. Napoleonic wars is an exception to the note i suppose.

Ill come back if anything changes. :)

Technical Support / Re: Video Card Display Crash on certain maps
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:50:16 am »
Forcing a single GPU seems to have worked for me, at least for Arabian harbor. To answer your question i haven't done any overclocking. Thanks for the suggestion though :D

Technical Support / Video Card Display Crash on certain maps
« on: November 13, 2012, 07:14:15 am »

This problem seems to be pretty rare that i couldn't find a fix around the old forums, so i figured i would bring it up here. I normally frequent NW_Official_US_1 and in its map rotation is the map "Arabian Harbor". When i join this map (and custom map 10, and another map i cant remember the name of), near instantaneously my display driver crashes, and i am left with no other option but to power down the computer.

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 2 Radeon 3870's in crossfire, with an Intel Core2Duo processor. I've checked the integrity of files which turned up nothin, but haven't re installed the game itself yet, because Napoleonic Wars is the only module that has the issue. I've turned down graphic options, but they don't seem to have any effect. I've updated my drivers, but the issue remains. I have yet to force a single GPU on the game, so i will try this and come back with an update.

If anymore details are required i would be happy to find them for you. Since the issue only causes the crash of the display driver and not a fullblown bsod, i'm unable to provide a proper crash dump of any of these occasions.

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