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Messages - Chevy

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: North American Duel League - 2nd Season-
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:52:41 am »
Community Name: Chev
Steam Name (Links only):
Regiment or Public player?: Pub

Events: EU / Re: [NA] 22e's Saturday 7 EST linebattle
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:46:40 pm »

Special Classes:
Regiment's name:19th Imperial Japanese Army
Leader's steam(Link): 2 lazy (U have meh already)
Which Class?(Arty/Skirms/Cav): Cav
Average Attendance: 1
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yus

Regiment name: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
Are you the regiment leader?: Yes
Role (Arty/Skirms/Cav).: Cav
Date of event: 11/2/13

Regiment name: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
Are you the regiment leader?: Yes
Role (Arty/Skirms/Cav).: Cav
Date of event: 10/26/13

Regiment Name: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
Leader Steam Link:
Do you understand the rules?: Yes

Specialty Application

Regiment name:
19th Imperial Japanese Army
Are you the regiment leader?:
Role (Arty/Skirms/Cav).:
Date of event:

Regiments / Re: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
« on: October 09, 2013, 05:31:46 am »

Regiments / Re: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
« on: October 08, 2013, 03:22:02 am »

Regiments / Re: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:10:18 am »
Thanks for the support!

Regiments / 19th Imperial Japanese Army
« on: October 07, 2013, 01:44:35 am »

19th Imperial Japanese Army
Regiment Info
We are a active North American Regiment fighting most of the year.

The point of this regiment is to have fun, but we will not accept trolls. We focus mainly on Melee most of the time and hiding out in caves waiting for those Yankees show themselves.

The Japanese 19th Army was created on December 19, 1942 and assigned as a garrison force for the eastern portion of Japanese-occupied Netherlands East Indies from January 7, 1943 under the administrative control of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group. It was headquartered on Ambon. On October 30, 1943, the IJA 19th Army came under the control of the Japanese Second Area Army, a subsidiary of the Kwantung Army as Imperial General Headquarters began planning for a projected invasion of northern Australia. The projected invasion never occurred, and the IJA 19th Army remained on Ambon, largely cut-off from reinforcements and resupply as the Allies bypassed Ambon in their island-hopping campaign in the South West Pacific theatre of World War II. It was demobilized on February 28, 1945 largely without having seen combat.

Laws of the Imperial Army

Respect- Respect others like you would want to be treated.

Activity- It is required to come to at least to one event a week.

Teamspeak Rules- When someone is talking let them talk, do not Scream into your mic.

Training/Event rules- Do not Teamkill during a Training or Linebattle, Do not Kick or Punch someone in a Training or Linebattle, Do not shove your way to the front of any part of the line, do not react to other regiments comments.


Taisa - Colonel
Chusa - Lt Colonel
Shosa - Major
Taii - Captain
Chui - 1st Lieutenant
Shoi - 2nd Lieutenant
Juno - Ensign
Socho - Sergent Major
Gunso - Sergent
Gocho - Coporal
Heicho - Lance Corpral
Imperial Guard-Guard
Jottohei - Senior Private
Ittohei - Private First Class
Nittohei - Private
Chu - Recruit

Taii Chev


Socho Japan
Gunso  Pineapple


Imperial Guard BioHazard
Imperial Guard Cebby
Ittohei  Redwolf
Ittohei Blitz
Ittohei American Mayhem
Nittohei  commanderX
Nittohei  Plasmabacon
Nittohei  Paul Baumer
Nittohei  James
Nittohei Sawyer
Nittohei AgentFlorida
Nittohei BullsEyeBart
Nittohei James
Nittohei  peacetrattie
Nittohei napolean113
Nittohei Glaucus
Nittohei Bruce
Nittohei Rawson
Nittohei JojoKim
Nittohei Fluttershy
Nittohei Jimmy Lundun
Nittohei Cjh

Chu MartinHardwood
Chu  Tommyboy
Chu  Mason
Chu  Fiddle
Chu Sebastian
Chu ScottishIndian
Chu SighFigh131
Chu Orkman

Dentist Spencer

Steam Group:



Events: EU / Re: Battle Of the Colonels. [N/A] [Tuesdays & Sundays]
« on: October 07, 2013, 01:26:22 am »
Regiment Name: 19th Imperial Japanese Army
Estimated attendance: 10 - 12
Nation:Japan [France will do]
Regiment leader steam name: FunOnABun


Regiment Name: 7th Royal Bavarian Infantry
Desired Class: Line Infantry
Numbers: 13 - 18
Steam Name : Nerve

Events: EU / Re: 21e Saturday North American Siege Event [8est]
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:58:28 pm »
Regiment Name : 7th Royal Bavarian Infantry
Leaders Steam Name : Timmay / Nerve
Projected Attendance (minimum or 14) : 14 - 17
Do you swear up have your unit follow the event rules? upon agreeing I recognize the admins judgment law and must abide by it at all times. (Yes/No) : Yes

Events: EU / Re: Marius's Casual {NA} Sunday Line Battle!
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:35:19 pm »
1. Regiment Name: 7th Royal Bavarian Infantry
2. Leaders Steam: Timmay and Nerve
3. Estimated Attendance: 10 - 13
4. Accept all the Rules?: yes
5. Wanting class: Line Infantry

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Un-Ban for Opls_Ens_Jimmay
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:06:13 am »
Jimmay shot the rocket without realizing that several other players were standing in front of him. It was a honest mistake.

Pages: 1