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Messages - Harrier

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Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:19:17 pm »
Melasie, don't spam!

Great event last night guys, just like old times. Highlight for me was at the end where we had almost 100 men in a double line only get a single kill in a volley. Typical 1er Corps shooting!

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:42:24 pm »

Haha england invented the sport and they're shit at it

At least England can beat Italy without needing them to mess up a last-minute drop-goal!

The Mess Hall / Re: European Community Lists
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:44:03 am »
Addendum 2: Jackie was godlike back in the day
I'm still not quite trash. :P


Upon closer inspection, this screenshot appears to have been digitally altered. After some restoration, I believe I have the original screenshot in its true, unadulterated form:


Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: January 23, 2016, 03:27:07 pm »
Regarding dual-nationalities, there's no shortage of international sportsmen who have played for two countries they've had citizenship in throughout their careers. I don't mean to pretend for one second this is as serious as international sport, but why should the precedent be any different?

There should be an effort to stop players hopping between whichever countries they fancy playing for in any given tournament, yes. Why not give players with dual-citizenship one and only one choice as to who to play for from this tournament onwards?

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:28:16 pm »
That is twice in a row I see you posting on FSE recently, Harrier. Are you sure everything is okay? :P

Tell me about it, this'll be my 6th or 7th post in the last two days. I think I have a problem. :(

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:18:29 pm »
Nation: Great Britain
Player's Name: Harrier
Player's Steam:

The Mess Hall / Re: European Community Lists
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:52:16 pm »
All the way on the top would be accurate.

Community / Re: Best Moments in Napoleonic Wars
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:13:18 am »
drawing with 92nd 5-5 with 17e wowowo

That was a great game.

Community / Re: Best Moments in Napoleonic Wars
« on: January 19, 2016, 12:04:43 am »

Who was that guy who said "OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"? He sounds hilarious.

That was Vikestad. I can confirm he is not hilarious. :)

The Mess Hall / Re: European Community Lists
« on: January 18, 2016, 11:36:37 pm »


The Mess Hall / Re: European Community Lists
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:20:07 pm »
Literally everyone forgot Devald. :( He was even in FFE. :C

Devald was awesome for sure, I can't believe more people don't remember him either. Guess that shows our age! Definitely one of the top players while he was playing, but the problem with a player who stopped playing almost three years ago is that the only sources are the sketchy memories of a handful of old men. I vote for him getting a spot on the list, but, to be honest, I can see why he's not.

As for more recent players not on the list, two come immediately to mind: 6aM3R and 1te_Laurens. I know the OP stresses tournament results and linebattle performance, but at a certain point sheer skill has to come into the equation and those two are perennially overlooked and/or underrated imo. Also one small gripe with players already on the list, I think there's a good case to be made for moving ClaSh up by a point or two. I think people forget how dominant he was back in his 75e days before the Pro Cycling Manager addiction took hold.

Overall an impressive piece of work, though, must have taken some time! Final note: Add 84e for my regiment affiliation please.

Off Topic / Re: UK General Election Thread - New Poll every Sunday
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:36:06 pm »

On the subject of the poll, just going to leave this here. It seems somewhat volatile, but it's also easy to see a clear upward trend for the 'stay in' vote. I only expect that to rise the closer we get to 2017.

Off Topic / Re: UK General Election Thread - With NEW Poll
« on: May 08, 2015, 03:45:34 pm »

The moment Nigel Farage lost his seat.

Off Topic / Re: UK General Election Thread - With Poll
« on: May 08, 2015, 07:47:28 am »
That exit poll was a genuine shock, the fact that the Conservatives actually exceeded it and look set for a majority is just incredible when you consider all the polls going into the tail end of the election campaign. I genuinely thought that we would either need a second election or have a minority Labour government supported vote-by-vote by the SNP overrule the larger Conservative party in forming a Government.

Speaking of the SNP, holy shit. That happened.

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