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Messages - Sparhawk

Pages: 1
Specialty Application

Regiment name:KPR

Are you the regiment leader?:no, but with his permission

Role (Arty/Skirms/Cav).:Arty

Date of event:

Events / Re: *KPR* & Getty Hosts Bello Civili Sunday Event! (NA, 6pm EST)
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:19:46 pm »
Thank you XV added!!!

Events: EU / Re: Nr.96 North American Friday Linebattle
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:39:48 pm »
Name of your Regiment KPR
Average Attendence 12-15
Steam Identification URL Kolakhan
Do you agree to follow the rules

Specialty Application

Regiment name:KPR

Are you the regiment leader?:yes

Role (Arty/Skirms/Cav).:skirms

Date of event:

Events / Re: *KPR* & Getty Hosts Bello Civili Sunday Event! (NA, 6pm EST)
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:53:25 pm »
Thanks William and Merc for confirming!!!

Events / Re: *KPR* & Getty Hosts Bello Civili Sunday Event! (NA, 6pm EST)
« on: November 12, 2013, 04:57:21 am »
87th Beech registered the VII Legion with me on Steam, added.

Events / Re: *KPR* & Getty Hosts Bello Civili Sunday Event! (NA, 6pm EST)
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:36:18 pm »
Romulus got you in the Steam group TY for your confirmation.

Events / Re: *KPR* & Getty Hosts Bello Civili Sunday Event! (NA, 6pm EST)
« on: November 11, 2013, 03:51:07 pm »
Kershaw, Lions of Bav and Devmc99 you are all in the Steam group already thanks for coming over and confirming your attendence. Ibsocal we sent you a friend request and will get you into the group ASAP.  As other groups from Maccius's site check in with us on Steam we will try and get them over here as well.  We sent every unit who applied on that site a friend request last night and are getting them in one by one.  Our apologies for the confusion on the turnover of the Event.  There WILL BE an event starting on 11/17 and thereafter.  Also Getty and Kolakhan will be advertising this event at their other events and all the forums will start supporting each others events.  The KPR/Getty family of events include:

KPR Monday NW Line Battle 8PM EST
KPR Wed NW Siege Event 8PM EST
Getty Bello Civili Sat Event 6PM EST
Getty NACE Sat NW Line Battle 8PM EST
KPR/Getty Sun Bello Civili Event 6PM EST

We also fully support:
FH Thursday CTF Event 8PM EST
7Y NW Friday Line Battle 8PM EST
7NA Sunday North&South Event 8PM EST

You may contact Kolakhan, Getty or Sparhawk for info on any event.

Events: EU / Re: 7y's North American Friday Line Battle!
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:15:40 am »
Regiment name:KPR
Steam leader name/Link to:Kolakhan
Preferred unit/Attendance:Any

Events / Re: *KPR* Hosts Bello Civili Tuesday Event! (NA, 8pm EST)
« on: November 07, 2013, 10:20:37 pm »
Thanks Jello knew we could count on you!

Hosts Sunday Night Bello Civili Event at 6pm EST!

We appreciate all the support we received but it appears the mod just doesn't have the support in the community for large scale battles and for that reason we are closing the event.  thank you again for you participation.

We are trying out some unique concepts so organizations and rules are subject to change.  The object is to simulate the various organizations of the Legions over time and give the players a large variety of choice in putting together their units and having fun in playing the game.  This will be a learning experience as we go along and when we discover inequalities they will be corrected.  Until we learn more of the new Egyptian faction I am limiting the choices to the Roman factions. Up until now units have been composed of a single unit type and do not reflect the actual historical composition of a Legion or army.  I am going to try and change that paradigm by giving you a choice.  You can come as one homogeneous unit if you wish or you can create a more historical mixed unit following a formula for creating that unit.  This will be dependent on the number of men you bring to the battle and will require some minor math work or you can just use a standard set up.

Legion Leaders are expected to show up in the KPR TeamSpeak: between 5:30 and 5:50pm EST to get the info.

General Rules:

- Time limit per round is 15 min
- 1 sapper per side is allowed and determined by request before the battle
- No armored horses, no fire weapons as in arrows and javelins
- No trolling (aka; teamkilling, teamwounding, kicking, obstructing artillery, etc.)
- If an Admin asks a question only Legion leaders should respond.
- Profane or abusive language, taunting, spamming, racial or ethnic slurs in chat will not be tolerated
- No ramboing please!
- If your unit gets down to 2 men you must join another unit.
- The exception is artillerists which may continue to operate until they all die.
- If a Legion LEADER has an issue with something or someone during the battle, please contact one of the KPR admins. Do not take unilateral action.

Troop Selection Rules:

Your unit may consist of the following:
any number of Miles Inf from the numbered Legions (or Greeks/Germans/Numidians )
1 Officer type of your choice that gives any buff (only 1 buff of any kind allowed per legion)
1 archer/slinger or 10% of your total men
1 cav (any) or 10% of your total men
2 aux types including Germans/Numidians (only inf) or 20% of you total men

Your Miles inf + your Officer = your main body
All other troops = your aux
If you have a small number of men or don't want to do the calculations you may take the "standard amount" of 1,1,1,2 but at no time may your aux outnumber your main body which will be an easy way to tell if you are in compliance.  Here are some sample calculations:

20 men - 4 aux, 2 cav, 2 archers, 1 officer, 11 Miles
15 men - 3 aux, 2 cav, 2 archers, 1 officer, 7 Miles (I rounded up for the archers and cav but it could be 1, your choice, of each since 10% of 15 = 1.5  .5 goes up, .4 goes down)
10 men - 2 aux, 1 cav, 1 archer, 1 officer, 5 Miles

We will call this unit a mixed Legion the main body of which is made up Miles and the Officer and all the other troops referred to as Auxiliaries. The main body must always be in close (shield to shield) line or column formation with Aux Inf no more than 5 paces away or they may be part of the main body.  Aux cav should be no more than 10 paces away normally but may be used in a scouting role a "reasonable" distance away from the main body but MAY NOT engage in combat while scouting.  Once physical combat (not missile) is joined obviously spacing requirements are less restrictive as combat dictates but effort should be made for the unit to maintain integrity as much as possible.

Skirmishing Rules:

The primary role of skirmishers, the aux unit is to screen the main body from the enemy and guard the flanks of the main body.  They also provide ranged missile fire into the enemy and when the main bodies engage try to flank the enemy.  As this is a new concept it is important to understand while doing this they must maintain their proximity to their own main body.  In combat they will be allowed the same flexibility as main body troops in expanding their combat zone as needed to protect themselves but ramboing will be watched carefully.  Obvious rambos will be slain and units which cannot seem to grasp this new concept will be denied the priviledge of using it and have to go back to using one type of troop.

Apply by posting in this thread using this format and add Kolakhan, [XI] Getty or Sparhawk on steam.

[b]Legion Name:[/b]
[b]Average Attendance:[/b]
[b]Leader's Steam:[/b]
[b]Preferred Nation:[/b]

We will contact you on Steam and add you to a Steam group as well as reply here in the forum.  Thank you for your consideration.

Regiments Attending:

Kohors Praetoria Requiem (KPR)
Spes Pœniténtibus Legio~VIII
Victrix[XXXII] (10thBI)
Cohors XI Praetoriani
Legio III
Legio DMX
VII Legion
XXIII Imperium
Legio VI Ferrata
Legio XV Primagenia
5th Legion


KPR Monday NW Line Battle 8PM EST
KPR Wed NW Siege Event 8PM EST
Getty Bello Civili Sat Event 6PM EST
Getty NACE Sat NW Line Battle 8PM EST
KPR/Getty Sun Bello Civili Event 6PM EST
12E/KPR Sunday North&South Event 8PM EST

We also fully support:
FH Thursday CTF Event 8PM EST
NR96 NW Friday Line Battle 8PM EST

You may contact Kolakhan, Getty or Sparhawk for info on any event.

MOAR BAYONETS! Add Sparhawk.

Community / Re: Your best attendence?
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:37:41 pm »
I think the most important question would be, what percentage of your roster has showed up at one time. Of course you have to take into account; how long the unit has been around, that a 5 person reg with 100% attendance isn't all the impressive and so on.

That being said, KPR fielded 18-20 of our 30 man roster last night. That does not include a couple mercs.

General Discussion / Re: Trolls in Linebattle Events!! *IDEA THREAD*
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:45:41 pm »
Alright guys, after going through our (KPR) server logs, I found a few names and IDs of people that were trolling our event and some of the regiments in it.

Also, after a little experimenting I found out that you only need to player IDs to ban using the ban list txt file that is on the server.

373286 # is banned permanently by SERVER.
453758 # is banned permanently by SERVER.
62239 # is banned permanently by SERVER.

All you need to do is copy and paste these lines of text into the ban list of your servers. I would put down names, but they are not going to be of any use as they change depending on the reg they are trolling.

Thanks for the help with figuring this out guys, much appreciated!

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: April 19, 2013, 12:45:43 am »
Community name: My in-game tags are "KPR*BL_Sparhawk*. In TeamSpeak and everywhere else it is just "Sparhawk."
Steam Name:  Sparhawk (Picture of a blue sword)
Age: 18
Location/Timezone: New England/EST
Applying for (Ts/Servers): Applying for Admin on the Official_NA1 server
Regiments: King's Prussian Rifles (KPR)
About yourself: As stated, I am 18. I have been playing Warband for about 2-3 years now, played MM back in the day and started playing NW about a year ago. I have been in three different regiments since that time. The first was the 21stBrit, then the 1stCI, now KPR.
Why you would be a good admin: I think I make a good admin because I an even tempered, fair person who doesn't like letting anyone down. If you want references or anything of that sort, ask around. I am widely known in the NA community, or at least by a lot of the NA regiments.
Previous Experience (if any): I have had a lot of experience in the admin area, having run the 120 man 7thTN NaS event for a while, Admining my regiment server, and becoming a Senior Admin in a mod called NordInvasion.

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