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Messages - Rabid

Pages: 1
LB Tomorrow at 8pm EST, can't wait  :D

Had a decent line battle. I was use to 25+ man lines, but 11 is what i'll have to deal with till we get bigger. Although, we did have some good melee and beat the 71st in close combat  ;)

Regiment Name: The 35e Régiment d'Infanterie
Leader's Name: [35e] Rabid
Leader's Steam:
2nd Leaders Steam:
Estimated Attendance: 11
What is the first GENERAL RULE?: Read da rules

thanks big boi

Regiment Name: The 35e Régiment d'Infanterie
Leaders Steam: [35e] Rabid
Amount of men: 11
You have read the rules and agree to adhere to them? Yes

We have our first training Friday at 7pm EST, can't wait  ;)

Great linebattle tonight guys!
3-1 victory!

You jimmy

I've been working hard to get old and new guys in the regiment! So far so good  ;)

Regiments / Re: 35e Régiment d'Infanterie (Thread in progress)
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:31:17 am »
Great to be in the community again! It's been almost a year since I've been in a regiment.

Indeed Ferguson... He stole pictures from the original 62nd. Scumbags these days.

I didnt steal them I typed in 62nd Wiltshire on Google and clicked images thats where I found them.
If u dont believe me then go to google and look yourself   

If its against the rules to do so I can always remove them
I made them myself. I don't have to go to google... troll.
Resorting to name calling, are we? Grow up, he misunderstood google and simply saw a picture and used it. Sometimes people are anxious to get their threads up. He even offered to take it down and you're still blatantly rude to him.

It's not name calling. It's a statement. I'm not rude, it's rude taking credit for someone else's work. He should make his own, it's not difficult....

Indeed Ferguson... He stole pictures from the original 62nd. Scumbags these days.

I didnt steal them I typed in 62nd Wiltshire on Google and clicked images thats where I found them.
If u dont believe me then go to google and look yourself   

If its against the rules to do so I can always remove them

I made them myself. I don't have to go to google... troll.

Indeed Ferguson... He stole pictures from the original 62nd. Scumbags these days.

Nice thread... Too bad you didn't make that picture.

Edit: Any of those pictures a matter of fact. Stop taking pictures that other people made.

Events: EU / Re: Thursday North American Public Linebattle
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:19:04 am »
Regiment Name: 1st Svea LivGardet
Regiment Leader: Rabid
Leader's Steam:
Estimated Attendance 8-10
Desired Role: Skirmishers

Events: EU / Re: Thursday North American Public Linebattle
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:44:07 pm »
Regiment Name: 1st Svea LivGardet
Regiment Leader: Rabid
Leader's Steam:
Estimated Attendance: 11-14
Desired Role: Line Infantry

Pages: 1