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Messages - Praetorian

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27th 8-2 35th. Good match, pretty good admining, and thanks to the 71st for letting us use one of their servers while ours shat on itself.

Really good match. Both regiments followed the rules and respected each other. The only problem was the low numbers of the 35th.

Regiments / Re: 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie - [NA Recruiting]
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:35:57 am »
No roster, I'm sad.  :(

As am I.

I just want any regiments who are having trouble getting into the full events, our event is open to a ton who wish to join. Just post your application and I will accept it on the spot.

I agree it is a good event and all it requires is more attendance.

Community Name: 22e_Ligne_Col_Praetorian
Steam Profile (link):
Regiment: 22eme Regiment
Why do you want to be a referee? In order to make the NANWL experience more enjoyable. My goal is also to guarantee the usage and respect of rules throughout the NANWL.
Why do you think you would be a good referee? I feel that I would be impartial and unbiased in all of my rulings. I will also be able to guarantee a large amount of my time to NANWL line battle administrating. These factors coupled with my experience in line battles can only insure a good experience out of my administration.
Admin Experience: 7NA Groupfighting, 54th Groupfighting, and [22e]Official
Did you read all the rules thoroughly? Yes
Will you admin fairly and unbiased? Yes

Tico is bad

Ik JESUS would love that. He would finally have people he could kill in melee. Lol GF
wow ur mean anyway i maed u sig i hope u liek it <3<3<3


Ik JESUS would love that. He would finally have people he could kill in melee. Lol GF
Yay Praetorian finally bumps his regiment's thread. gg gf but seriously I can always rek u lelelelel
Ha JESUS you wish.

Ik JESUS would love that. He would finally have people he could kill in melee. Lol GF

Regiments / Re: 22e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [Recruiting NA]
« on: March 09, 2014, 03:11:29 am »

Regiments / Re: 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie-[NA]-Recruiting W.I.P
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:27:30 am »
That was a good lb!

Yes it was enjoyable

Regiments / Re: 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie-[NA]-Recruiting W.I.P
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:35:52 am »
Lol JESUS would get banned.

Servers / Re: GroupFighting _North America_
« on: December 28, 2013, 01:15:18 am »
Steam Name:[VOC]Praetorian (You have me)
In-game Name: 22e_Col_Praetorian
Why you should be an administrator?: I believe that I would be a good admin because of my willing to work out the problem. That coupled with my belief that trolling only causes more problems makes me a very strong admin. I would be willing to work out the problem but would also want to get rid of whatever problem was occuring.
Do you agree the server rules?: Of course
Previous Experience(If Any): 22e Public server, Have admined a few lbs whenever need be including the 22e Saturday lb, and the old Pyrots server.

Regiments / Re: 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie-[NA]-Recruiting W.I.P
« on: December 18, 2013, 03:22:09 am »
It did go well.  ;D

Regiments / Re: 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie-[NA]-Recruiting W.I.P
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:39:14 am »
xD Mathias 2 stronk

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