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Messages - Host_The_Most

Pages: 1
Events: NA / Re: Saturday Line Battle
« on: January 28, 2022, 05:00:44 am »
Regiment Name: 91st Regiment of Foot
Expected attendance: 3-5
Regiment leader's Steam URL:
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: Yes

I am more responsive on my regimental discord

Events / Re: Saturday Linebattle 9:15 PM GMT
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:48:58 am »
Name of the Regiment: 2ndKY Volunteers
Which class/classes would you like to play: Sharpshooter/Line Infantry
Expected attendance: 10
Regimental contact: WDYM? My discord is Host_the_most#9788
Wish to attend permanent or only once: permanent
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? Yes

Regiment Name: 91st Highland Regiment of Foot (Argllyshire)
    Class: Line
    Preferred nation: UK
    Expected Attendance: 4
    Leader/Representative's Steam: 324354366 Or go to my regiments discord server
    Temporary or permanent signup: Permanent

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Conquest Event [EU]
« on: July 07, 2021, 09:14:48 pm »
Regiment Name: 91st Highland Regiment of Foot (Argllyshire)
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Contact Steam ID: 324354366
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Sign up for Wednesday
Regiment-Name: 91st Highland Regiment of Foot (Argllyshire)
Steam-contact: Devondesade
Class: Line Infantry
Expected attendance: 4-6
Permanent?: Yes
You know the rules and promise to pass them to your men: Yes
Contact me through this:

Hello! My name is Host_The_Most! The 91st is looking for people to join the Regiment.

We're a Small Regiment!

there is a lot of room to grow in the 91st.

We do events daily from Napoleonic wars to North and South

8:00 PM EST Tuesday NaS
8:00 PM EST Wednesday NW Filler Day
8:00 PM GMT Thursday NW Training
7:00 PM GMT Friday NW 1Rhein-Siege
9:00 PM GMT NaS Saturday
2:00 PM  EST Empire Event NW Sunday

Monday: Break Day

Hello! My name is Host_The_Most! I am looking for people to join my Regiment.

We do events daily from Napoleonic wars to North and South
Discord Link:
Here is our event Schedule
NaS 8:00 PM EST Tuesday:
NW  8:00 PM EST Wednesday:
NW 7:00 PM EST Sunday:
NW Training 8:00 PM GMT Thursday:
NaS 9:00 PM GMT Saturday:
AZW 7:00 PM GMT Friday:
NW Training 8:00 PM GMT Sunday:

Monday: Break Day

Regiment Name: 91st Highland Regiment of Foot (Argllyshire)
Preferred nation: UK
Class: Foot Guards/Line Infantry
Expected attendance: 8
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Once
Regiment leader's Steam name and second in charge: DevonDesade, youngiain13
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: Yes

Pages: 1