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Messages - 10th Royal Hussars

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Events: EU / Re: IVe Corps Tuesday Event | Looking for lines
« on: October 15, 2021, 05:40:55 pm »
Regiment Name: 10th Royal Hussars
Preferred nation: Any
Class: Hussars
Expected attendance: Roll 2D6
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Weekly
Regiment leader's Steam name and second in charge:
Have you read and agreed to the rules ?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: October 05, 2021, 11:21:16 am »
Full Company Nane: Feldartillerie Regiment Prinz August von Preußen Nr.1
Ingame Tags: AR_Nr1_Rank_Name
Class: Line, Lights/rifles, Cavalary (hussars)
Expected attendance: round about ~25
1st in Command: Barlinkraut
2nd in Command: Karass
but u can also Contact me: Levox
Attending weekly or once: Weekly
Have you read and agreed to rules: Yes

Please let one of us know when slots are available

For slots and line infantry as discussed, welcome.

More line infantry regiments welcome

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: September 27, 2021, 09:48:35 am »

Artillery slot available

Advantage will be given to brigades or alliances that will bring a line as well

Time to renew our apply:

Full company name: III.Königlich Baierisches Regiment
Ingame tags: III_KBR
Class: Arty
Regimental motto: Homicidum est Homicidum
Expected attendance: 5-10
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once: Weekly
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

Thank you for your interest.

In the meantime, we had a poll among event regiments concerning the artillery, and most voted that the even is more fun without artillery, most of whom voted that arty should be brought back after the event grows back a bit more.

So this is currently a no-arty event. For this reason, we can only accept artillery applications that are part of combo artillery + full line application.

Regiments / Re: ♞ 10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of Hussars [EU]
« on: September 21, 2021, 10:45:43 pm »
Our benefactor the prince of Wales, residing over some important matters.

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: September 21, 2021, 06:49:18 pm »

Artillery slot available

Advantage will be given to brigades or alliances that will bring a line as well

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: September 15, 2021, 07:13:03 pm »
Full company name:La Compagnie d'Ourche
Ingame tags:[LCO]Fala...
Class: Arty
Regimental motto: /
Expected attendance: 4-8
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once:Once
Have you read and agree to rules?: Yes

Accepted for today only.

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: September 13, 2021, 05:09:11 pm »
Hello, we are looking forward to participate ! Thanks for reading

Full company name: Légion du Cerbère
Ingame tags: CRBR_
Class: Line
Regimental motto: /
Expected attendance: From 6 to 15
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once: Once (monthly actually haha)
Have you read and agree to rules? Yes

as line infantry, welcome to the event.

Few more line slots available!

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ARTY slot available
« on: September 08, 2021, 09:45:35 pm »

Artillery slot available

Advantage will be given to brigades or alliances that will bring a line as well

Events: EU / Re: [Ve] Wednesday Linebattle - ACTIVE whole summer
« on: September 04, 2021, 05:15:47 pm »
The whole Ve Wednesday Event administration wishes to express our deepest condolences and sympathy for the tragic floods that befell the northeast of the USA.
Our prayers are with the victims, their families, and all those who suffered any loss on this unfortunate occasion. Stay strong!

We still have a few line infantry slots available, next event will be held on the 8th of September.

Full company name: III.Königlich Baierisches Regiment
Ingame tags: III_KBR
Class: Arty
Regimental motto: Homicidum est Homicidum
Expected attendance: 5-10
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once: Weekly
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

Thank you for your interest, however, the artillery slot is taken, for now. We'll let you know if something changes, best regards.

Full company name: 98e Reggimento di Parma
Ingame tags: 98e
Class: Line & Arty & Cavalry
Regimental motto: La Vittoria Sara Nostra
Expected attendance: 10-20 for line, 5-8 for arty, 6-12 for Cavalry.
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once: weekly
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

as discussed, starting 8th September, welcome!

Artillery and cavalry slots available

Advantage will be given to regs that are able to bring a line as well

Full company name: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot (Artillery Battery)
Ingame tags: 45thN_Rank_Name
Class: arty
Regimental motto: Nothing of Value was lost
Expected attendance: 5-10
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
3rd Contact Regimental Leader:
Attending weekly or once: once to try it out
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

As arty for the next week.

Accepted as weekly artillery.

We are still accepting line infantry regiments

Full company name: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot (Artillery Battery)
Ingame tags: 45thN_Rank_Name
Class: arty
Regimental motto: Nothing of Value was lost
Expected attendance: 5-10
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
3rd Contact Regimental Leader:
Attending weekly or once: once to try it out
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

As arty for the next week.

Full company name: 3e Légion de la Vistule
Ingame tags: [3e]Rank_Name
Class: line
Regimental motto: None
Expected attendance: 5-10
1st in command steam:
2nd in command steam:
Attending weekly or once: once
Have you read and agree to rules? yes

Welcome aboard!

Artillery slot available

Advantage will be given to brigades or alliances that will bring a line as well

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