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Messages - [13thRSC] Beno

Pages: 1
Regiment name : 13th Royal Scotts Cavalry
Preferred Nation : either
Troop/Class : Cavalry, Hussars
Amount Attending : 7-12
Leader and Second steam link: 1st - 2nd -
Weekly or Once? : weekly

Events: EU / Re: GD Saturday Linebattle [Only Line & Cavalry Linebattle]
« on: September 30, 2018, 09:11:54 pm »
Leaders Steam Name: [13thRSC] Beno
Name of the Clan: 13th Royal Scottish Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 7-12
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attedance or Not: regular
Class: Cavalry, Hussars
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: 1stDiv Sunday Linebattle!! Looking for Lines
« on: September 30, 2018, 09:02:22 pm »

Historical Discussion / Re: Could Germany have won on the eastern front?
« on: September 18, 2018, 07:32:29 pm »
Maybe if the other allied had oppended up an western one.

Events: EU / Re: [HRE] Sunday Linebattle, 7 GMT (All Spots open!)
« on: September 17, 2018, 07:39:14 pm »
Regiment name: 13th Royal Scotts Cavalry
Preferred Nation : UK
Troop/Class : Cavalry - Hussars
Amount attending : 10-15
Leaders Steam ID : - Copral of Horse Beno - Copral of Horse Yilan
Regular or once?: Regular
Do you accept the rules : Yes

Events: EU / Re: 1stDiv Sunday Linebattle!! Looking for Lines
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:12:58 pm »
Name of the Clan: 13th Royal Scotts Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 15-13
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attendance or Not: Regular
Class: Hussar
Nation Preference: Either
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Pages: 1