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Messages - noodle

Pages: 1
Regarding the the canister shots "too weak" complaints. I always see the artillery in a linebattle doing at least 1-2 kills, when a line is charging them. And just yesterday evening, after reading the complaints here, I catched 2 screenshots in a normal linebattle (both screens from yesterday:)

This looks to be literally like 10 meters away (at least in the second picture) in a "line battle"  in which case I'd expect a canister to kill like 1 person if aimed correctly due to the spread being very low at this point.

Canister is accurate up to 500 yards and capable of killing 20 men in one shot at this range on a line sized target, and also is aimed in front of the regiment so that the balls bounce off the ground and strike upwards.

This isn't even considering the effects of a double charge of canister, or round ball and canister loaded together.

Now, we're certainly not using the same sizes as the real napoleonic wars where a single detachment would be over 300 men strong, but considering the musketry of all regular troops in the game is quite above average (IRL hit rate was about .003% at 200 yards) cannons seem quite weak in comparison with their most useful shot (at least IRL)

The reason canister was so deadly (and the most feared weapon of the time) was because it had the power of a full volley of muskets with a much greater inherent accuracy, as well as a much easier time of aiming (when a detachment begins firing, no one can see 3 feet in front of them, a cannon has clear sight)

Canister should be the go to ammunition for firing on any target that isn't in an enfilade, in this case cannonballs would be used to rake down an entire column of men, whereas canister would much more effectively distribute itself across a wide target like an approaching regiment.

I would just make cuirassiers armor quite likely to deflect any sabre blow since thats what its for, and no sword is ever going to slash through hardened steel.

also since the primary role of light cavalry is absent in this game (recon) there isn't really any realistic place for it aside from getting to a place quicker than anyone else can.


Increase the effectiveness of cannister to be actually worth using, no matter how I aim (and I'm pretty good at artillery) it barely ever does anything at even optimal ranges.

Add horse artillery with lighter caliber, standard in game cannons look like 12 pounders, so you can just keep the model and make it clear its a 6 pounder when its horse artillery, or just implement one of the mods/models that does this.

Between lancers and hussars: from what I know of real life Hussars frequently had firearms like pistols and carbines, if I were trying to differentiate them I'd give hussars pistols and carbines while lancers get .... lances.

So the dragoons and hussars would both have firearms, but dragoons should dismount before firing and have better skills with them.

I heard there was an update coming so I registered and wanted to raise my #1 pet issue:

Canister shot for cannons is utterly useless, doesn't even work well sub 50 yards, might as well shoot round shot instead.

IRL effective range was up to 500 yards and could mow down dozens of men in a single shot with great accuracy (this is why artillery was king of the battlefield)

assuming the artillery pieces we use in game are 12 pounders they would have over 400 bullets in each cannister, no idea how many are in current ones but it definitely seems too little.

Make canister shot extremely deadly please, it isn't really a napoleonic game when artillery is an afterthought or relegated to busting down walls.

Shrapnel also seems to do little to no damage, considering explosions are quite weak (they only cover like 4 feet radii) shrapnel should be the real killer of explosions.

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