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Messages - -kRIEGER

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Re: 92nd Sunday Linebattle "Flagspawning"
« on: April 29, 2024, 09:14:10 pm »
Name of the Regiment: k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl
Which class/classes would you like to play: Lights
Expected attendance: 7-12
Regimental contact:
Wish to attend permanent or only once: permanent
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? Yessir

Events: EU / Re: 24th Thursday Linebattle (Line slots remaining)
« on: April 28, 2024, 06:07:25 pm »
Regiment Name: k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl
Class(es): Lights
Numbers: 7-12
Weekly or One time: weekly
Rules Read & Agreed: Yessir
Commander's Steam name:
2nd in Command's Steam name:

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Event [EU]
« on: March 11, 2024, 10:01:58 pm »
Regiment Name: k.k. Legion "Erzherzog Karl"
Preferred class: Lights or Arty
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Once or Weekly?: weekly
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Regiment name : k.k. Böhmisch-Mährische Legion "Erzherzog Karl" (or just "Legion"/"kk_Leg")
Troop/Class : Lights
Amount Attending : 5-10
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?: weekly
At what time does the event start?: an unholy one

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Anniversary Event [EU] 11 years!
« on: May 25, 2023, 10:14:18 am »
Regiment Name: Legion Erzherzog Karl
Preferred Class: Lights (or Cav if not available)
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Contact Steam ID:
Currently participate in 33rd or 92nd Sunday Event? (if so which?): 33rd historical and wednesday when not Lines-only
Read the Rules and Accept them?: ay

Regimenter / Re: Legion Erzherzog Karl
« on: March 27, 2023, 10:20:51 am »
Angeblich wird sogar das gelegentliche LB auch auf Youtube hochgeladen


Sign Up List
A. Your regiment name - Legion Erzherzog Karl
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 5-10 - Lights (can also play Cav)
C. Your regiment leader contact information - me
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Event [EU]
« on: January 10, 2023, 02:50:38 pm »
Regiment Name: Legion Erzherzog Karl (Legion)
Preferred Class: Lights/Skirms/ Cav
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Once or Regular?: Regular
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Event [EU]
« on: January 08, 2023, 01:19:13 pm »
Regiment Name: Legion Erzherzog Karl ("Legion")
Preferred class: Lights / Cav / Skirms
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Regiments / Re: k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl [Est. 2018][EU][Recruiting]
« on: August 23, 2022, 11:59:42 pm »

Regiments / k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl [Est. 2018][EU][Recruiting]
« on: August 23, 2022, 11:56:05 pm »

The Coat of Arms of the Legion
Foundation of the Legion
The war of the third coalition, which started with the french naval defeat at Trafalgar therefore hindering the naval invasion from England. " If I can't be within fifteen days in London, I shall be in Wien by mid-november." said Napoleon. His Goal was set. The British king George Augustus II. had allied himself with the Russian Tsar Alexander II. and with the Austria Emperor Franz. It was expected, that Napoleon would anew be marching through Italy with his Corps. With this fear in mind, the Erzherzog Karl was sent to Italy, but in an exiting turn of event and with much speed was Napoleon suddenly marching through Germany, and could after a series of quick victories march into Moravia. One year, day-for-day, after Napoleons emperor coronation shall take place the confrontation with the Austrian and Russian armies. The coalition expected an easy victory due to the seeming french weakness, but they were wrong. The battle which was nicknamed the battle of the three Emperors was a turning point. Only two days after the battle, Napoleon moved his headquarters to the Castle at Austerlitz, and by mid-november he was in Wien and occupied the city. Despite the fact, that the Third Coalition transitioned into the Fourth Coalition, the Battle of the Three Emperors, also known as the Battle at Austerlitz, was a turning point for the Austrian Army. The Erzherzog Karl was tasked with the complete reformation of the austrian field army. The abolition of the life-long service, the reformation of the Army into Corps, aswell as the establishment of the austrian Landwehr are just a few points of this total Reform.

                      The Legion during the Napoleonic Wars

The Bohemian-Moravian Legion Erzhertog Karl, also called Erzherzogs Karl Legion, consisted of some 20.000 volunteers which fought in the context of the second coalition war onwards. The Regiment gained soon eminence, but was in the latter 1801 dissolved. It was however brought back some eight years later under the name "Legion Erzherzog Karl" and brought under the supervision of the IV. Corps of the Army, this Corps served as support of the Main Army, which the Feldmarschall Erzherzog Karl Ludwig Johann Joseph Laurentius von Österreich (1771-1847) lead. This reborn Legion had as goal to defend the Homeland, and was as soon as 1809 used in the context of the fifth coalition and the Battle at Wagram. A battle in which, more than 300.000 soldiers partook.
Only a month and a half after Napoleons defeat at Aspern in May 1809 did he cross the Danube once more. This time he marched towards the austrian army, which took positions on the plateau near Wagram, nearly five kilometers north of Aspern.
The IV. Corps of the austrian army was in the middle of the overall formation and therefore encountered the french II. Corps of Oudinot. Despite the fact that neither of the Corps performed a battle influencing flanking manoeuvre, they however had a crucial role which was to hold the center. As the second day of the battle took place and no end was in sight, begun a overall offensive of the french side. The IV. Corps did withstand the blow. The Erzherzog did not want to lose his army, nor it's integrity in a series of prolonged days of fighting, therefore he ordered a retreat, and the austrian army left the battlefield without further harm in an organized formation according to the Feldmarschalls plan.
When a french minister mocked the austrian army and their defeat, Napoleon simply replied : "It is evident, that you were not at Wagram." But it had already been Napoleons last successful campaign, especially the reform of the army by the Erzherzog Karl proved to having equalled anew the balance of power within Europe.

A portrait of Erzherzog Karl by Jean-Baptiste Isabey

The Erzherzog Karl at the Battle of Aspern.

About us

We are the Legion Erzherzog Karl. The Legion was founded the 4th October 2018 as a part of the Kaiserliches Heer under the leadership of kRIEGER. We however recently, on the 8th August 2022 changed the official language within the regiment to English, previously it was only German.
We are the only light and skirms of the coalition known as "kk". Through taking part in the same events we try to further the cohesion between the members of the Legion, as well as between the members of the Kaiserliches Heer. The events in which we take place are both of a competitive nature such as groupfights and 1vs1, but we also participate in more common Line-battles which might have historical backgrounds or not. We also expect a disciplined behaviour of the members, who are representatives of the Legion and the Heer.

[I.] Feldmarschall
[II.] General der Infanterie
[III.] Feldmarschall-Lieutenant
[IV.] General-Major
[V.] Oberst
[VI.] Oberstlieutenant
[VII.] Major
[VIII.] Hauptmann
[IX.] Oberlieutenant
[X.] Unterlieutenant
[XI.] Fähnrich
[XI.] Regiments-Adjutant
[XII.] Feldwebel
[XII.] Fahnen-Führer
[XIII.] Corporal
[XIII.] Regiments-Tambour
[XIII.] Regiments-Arzt
[XIV.] Zugs-Corporal
[XIV.] Bataillons-Tambour
[XIV.] Ober-Arzt
[XV.] Vice-Corporal
[XV.] Compagnie-Tambour
[XV.] Unter-Arzt
[XVI.] Gefreyter
[XVI.] Fourierschütze
[XVII.] Gemeiner
[XVIII.] Landwehr
[XIX.] Rekrut
[XX.] Miliz


Feldmarschall Ben


Feldwebel Hartmann

Corporal Basti
Unter-Arzt Stygandr [Lw.]

Fourier Shizzel
Fourierschütze Ivenhoe
Fourierschütze Zymon
Fourierschütze Colonizer
Fourierschütze Tobias
Fourierschütze PVA
Gemeiner Jäger
Gemeiner Blossom

Rekrut Essah
Rekrut Vegard
Rekrut Gabriel
Rekrut Peer
Rekrut Briet
Rekrut Rika
Rekrut Eshmek
Rekrut Forky

Miliz Croma
Miliz Dread
Miliz Melgrim

Our offer includes

Several Napoleonic Wars gameservers (with a multiple of possible scripts and mods)
A unique Teamspeak3 server
The k.k. Skinpack, currently in its eleventh iteration
More than ten other "offers of the Community", sponsored by the k.k.
Various other played games between the members such as Paradox Games and others
An infinity of opportunities within the Community and with players from many nationalities
Competent and coordination during Events
Fun within the Napoleonic War and above !

Our current Schedule

  • 7:45 pm Roll Call
  • 8:00 pm Nr5 Event
  • Lights

  • Free
  • 7:45 pm Roll Call
  • 8:00 pm Sword & Musket Event
  • Lights

  • 7:45 pm Roll Call
  • 8:00 pm 24th Thursday Event
  • Lights

  • Free
  • Free
  • 7:45 pm Roll Call
  • 8:00 pm Sword & Musket Event
  • Lights

Events: EU / Re: 92nd & 33rd Sunday Flag-Spawning Event [EU]
« on: July 31, 2022, 08:54:25 pm »
Regiment Name: k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl
Preferred Class: Cav
Estimated Attendance: (10 minimum): 5-10
Once or Regular?: Regular
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: ay' Sir

Regiment Name: k.k. Legion Erzherzog Karl
Class/Unit: Cav
Expected Attendance: 5-10
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: yes
Leaders Steam Link:

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Sunday-LB [EU]
« on: April 11, 2022, 01:20:30 pm »
Name of the regiment: Legion Erzherzog Karl
Steam-Contact: [kk_Leg] kRIEGER
Preferred Unit: Cav
Sign-up period: (Once/Weekly) Weekly

Regiment Name and Tag In-Game: Legion Erzherzog Karl [kk_Leg]
Class: Light inf
Numbers: 6-12
Once or permanent: Permanent
Have you read and agree with rules: yes
1st and 2nd in command Steam: kRIEGER 2nd Ezio

Pages: 1 2