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Messages - Slappy

Pages: 1 2
15thyr  vs   95th
       7    -    3

- Ref. Obelix

Good match - Really nice to ref :)

It was actually 95th 19234509325 - 2, sort your life out ref!

Joking aside good round, bit of a manic set up

I like cheese

Regiment Name: 95th
Average Regiment attendance: 15-20
Leader Steam contact: (Slappy)
2nd in command contact: (Teseract)
How old is your Regiment: About two and a half years.

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:43:34 pm »
Lets fuck 'em up!

Servers / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:18:34 pm »
Community name: Slappy
Steam Name: [1st_Col] Slappy
Age: 19
Location/Timezone: (GMT +0)
Applying for (Ts/Servers): Eu server/servers
Regiments: I have in the past been in the:
 - 53rd  Shropshire regiment of foot
 - 2nd Queens bays
 - 1er RDI
And im currently leading the 1st regiment of foot guards (Grenadier Guards)
About yourself: I am a 19 year old i work as a horticulture apprentice for Plymouth city council. I work from 7:30 - 4:00, Monday - Friday.
Why you would be a good admin: I would make a good admin as i have previous experience with my own servers and im also co-owning the british army servers (I think there is 3.) I am also the type of person who will find out both sides of the story rather then listen to one person. Also as admin i always cut ties to my own regiment as in, if someone from there fucks up i will deal with them as if i didn't know them.
Previous Experience (if any): Hosted events on the british army servers. I am co-owner of the British army and we have about 500 people in the Roosters from the 2nd Brigade all the way to the 6th brigade. I am Colonel of the 1st regiment of foot guards, which has about 100 people on the steam group.

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:00:41 am »
Crusader tonight ladies!

Regiments / Re: ♔ The British Army ♔
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:09:53 pm »

Regiments / Re: ♔ The British Army ♔
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:01:32 pm »
Its a game and NOTHING is stopping you from doing ANYTHING you want to do, Due to the name "British Army."

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:26:19 pm »
Scoreboard 5th brigade!!!

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:30:04 pm »
Name: Perkins
Steam ID (Or a link to your profile page): Farrell494
Age: 19
Nationality: British
Experience in the game before: (This wont affect your application, I just want to get an idea) joined the community at the end of MM Russia-begining of MM Prussia and joined the 1st yorkshire regiment of foot, after 3 months ended up as LtCol and 2nd in command of the regiment (stayed as that for 9 months(but after several reforms and a few arguments ended up as a major and joint 2nd in command with 2 other majors) commanded the yorkshire rifle detachment for 2 months, became a foundng member of the HM community and a training instructor for the 2 rifle regiments in the HM, left when the HM turned into a gaming community and the Yorks were re-formed into an austrian regiment for NW, joined the 87th regiment of foot as a gunner but left due to no room for promotion and i have most recently served in the 60th regiment rifle battalion but left due to the colonel not wanting to promote anyone (having not promoted anyone for 3 months)  (sorry for the lecture :) )
Do you understand the rules of the Regiment? yes

(my reason for joining is i plan on joining the grenadier guards in the near future)

ACCEPTED Ill add you on steam.

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:22:00 pm »
Spartans event tonight woop wooop!!

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: February 02, 2013, 11:29:17 am »
Nice work their wes we owned them all!! lol

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:33:28 pm »
Linebattle tonight fellows Lets see those bellboys off tonight!!!

To day we the 1st regiment of grenadiers had a linebattle against you today, the 13/01/2013.

I would like to say that it start off ok, the teams were a bit unbalanced but things like this happen. Then the teams were switched around, however the teams were still unbalanced.

Then it started going wrong when there was about 10 people left on each team, you decided to restart the whole battle...Who the hell does this......

Then your Capt Venom was killed and he mentioned officer aiming, which cant possible be proven or dis-proven. Following this i simple told him to "Man up" or around those words and i was kicked.

To add injury to insult you reset it when there was still people alive...again.

In conclusion i am giving you helpful hints how to not run a linebattle. I hope you take this in to account.

Yours Faithfully

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards (Grenadier Guards)
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:24:50 pm »
Woop woop sound of the police

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