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Messages - radical_johnny

Pages: 1
Don't allow this to become a trend in your server, please. I enjoy the server and the players on it, but if you permanently ban people without reason or out of spite, you're really not doing anything good for it.  :-\

How long have you been around? 15th have been banning people without any real thought or common sense for ages so you're not getting unbanned unfortunately.

Quite some time, just not on the forums. Yeah, I never noticed that 15th is utter garbage until I joined the forum a day or so ago. It's fine -- I've still got BBG's bots server!  :)

Servers / Re: Bot Survival NA - Sponsored with Quantum Impulse Gaming
« on: October 18, 2016, 10:32:24 pm »
Thanks, Glenn!  :D I'll try not to be a casual racist this time!

Servers / Unban Request
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:39:12 am »
Unban Request
Name: radical_johnny
Offense: Can’t remember (was over 10 months ago), possibly slurs.
Why Should You Be Unbanned?: This was one of the few servers I actually liked, and I tend to not be a nuisance in servers I enjoy playing in. And, now that I’ve been banned from the only other (decent) Bots server (unfairly, I should say), I’d really like to get back into this one.
User ID #: 1154877
Time/Date: 10 months or so ago.

Requesting an un-ban (name is radical_johnny). I was banned recently by the admin named "Read_the_Rules". I shit you not, I got banned for simply asking why somebody got banned. Went something like this:

"Player "XYZ" has been permanently banned by Read_the_Rules"
Me: "Why was he banned?"
"You have been permanently banned from this server."

The reason I was concerned was because he was the only other sapper on the team beside me, which goes to show I was simply playing as I normally would: as a sapper.

Don't allow this to become a trend in your server, please. I enjoy the server and the players on it, but if you permanently ban people without reason or out of spite, you're really not doing anything good for it.  :-\

Pages: 1