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Messages - DoubleDouble

Pages: 1
Lots of fun to be had. Especially when regiments coordinate with each other! Thanks [2FA]Hotjoe for the invitation and also the 19te for putting on a good show!

General Discussion / Re: What is your fighting style?
« on: August 07, 2016, 03:07:08 am »
I am the perfect balance between being the person who just bought M&B on sale, and being pro.

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: August 04, 2016, 07:36:44 am »
Name of the person causing trouble: [45e]Cpt_DjOverjoy

Nature of their offense: Tk and leave

Time and date of their offense: 2:30pm PST, 7/31

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Just witness. (If you're going to have tags, you should respect them. Unless of course your regiment endorses bad behavior.) De je vu?

Any proof if you have it, for instance, screenshots. (use spoilers!):

No ban for now, but I probably would have if I was in-game at the time. Thanks for the report.

All good. I appreciate the feedback.

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:51:38 am »
Name of the person causing trouble: [45e]Cpt_DjOverjoy

Nature of their offense: Tk and leave

Time and date of their offense: 2:30pm PST, 7/31

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Just witness. (If you're going to have tags, you should respect them. Unless of course your regiment endorses bad behavior.) De je vu?

Any proof if you have it, for instance, screenshots. (use spoilers!):

I dced, started downspamming, and then 3 people walked in my way. Literally nothing I could've done. Also, double double please hop off your high horse Mr. High and Almighty. If I wanted someone to critique my behavior it would be an admin or an actual respectable person in the community.

I'm interested what your definition of respectable is. Also I find it odd you were capable of tk'ing so much in the middle of "dc'ing". I am on no high horse, but now that I am aware of the usage of these forums I will not ignore childish behavior from "veteran" players. As you said, lets leave it to the admins.

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:46:31 pm »
Name of the person causing trouble: [45e]Cpt_DjOverjoy

Nature of their offense: Tk and leave

Time and date of their offense: 2:30pm PST, 7/31

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Just witness. (If you're going to have tags, you should respect them. Unless of course your regiment endorses bad behavior.) De je vu?

Any proof if you have it, for instance, screenshots. (use spoilers!):

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:20:10 am »
Name of the person causing trouble: Nr7_Gren_Otto_Adler

Nature of their offense: Teamkilling at rounds end / confessing before leaving next round since he was tk'd by one of the victims

Time and date of their offense: 5pm PST, 7/24

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Just witness. (If you're going to have tags, you should respect them. Unless of course your regiment endorses bad behavior.)

Any proof if you have it, for instance, screenshots. (use spoilers!):

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting |
« on: July 10, 2016, 04:27:35 am »
Name of the person causing trouble: 41st_Goku_The_Killer

Nature of their offense: Slurs, Teamkilling and Attempt to Delay

Time and date of their offense: 6:30pm - PTD

If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Told him to leave because he's bad (in a jokingly way although obviously hard to tell through text) and he shot back with "kill yourself ni**er" and so on. Then in another match he said "Fuck Ni**ers". I also tk'd him a few times to stop him from tk'ing me (which he did a couple times but no screens, following with just running around not fighting and just delaying).

Any proof if you have it, for instance, screenshots. (use spoilers!):

Servers / Re: NW_Official Servers Administrative Applications
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:53:05 am »
Community name: DoubleDouble, [IV]1LH_Husar_DoubleDouble or (from Native) Nobody, Pity, DoubleDoubleWithCheese

Steam Name: DoubleDouble (

Age: 22

Location/Timezone: Pacific Standard

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA1

Regiments: 33rd (recruited by Disgrntld a long time ago), 1LH

About yourself: Originally from California, and now reside in Washington. Native American and Caucasion background. Beer, games, work, bills, sleep, eat, repeat. No idea what I want to pursue but one thing is for sure...admin for NA1 is a must.

Why you would be a good admin: I respect anyone and everyone unless given a reason not to. With that said, obviously I would abide by admin rules and enforce them only when applicable. I have been playing Mount&Blade: Warband for way too long, between Native and NW; one thing I have learned is that there are many different people who enjoy the game, therefore I would strive to allow everyone to enjoy it as much as I have over the years.

Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: If they occur on Thursdays or Sundays, yes, otherwise no.

Previous Experience (if any): Very little/None for major servers

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