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Messages - Ashrazal

Pages: 1
Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 14, 2015, 05:26:20 pm »
That and today 14/02/15 those successful one will be contacted.

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:49:25 pm »
Desert map.... why do we have 2 rocket troop spots and only 1 rocket launcher? Guy called Ivan Durak steals the launchpad and buggers off with it to god knows where and yea. at 50 man capacity the % of classes is maxed out so in that case it causes a problem.

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 11, 2015, 12:21:42 am »
you sadistic french bugger :D haha i shot a scotsman today, stabbed him and on the second stab he fell into the pit. I made him beg me to end his misery :p
still... new scripts are always refreshing the game :) the next one outside the toilet though pls :D

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 10, 2015, 08:43:44 pm »
one more thing that came to my mind a bit too late was the spike pit on the desert fort. people get stuck there all the time. would it be possible to create a killscript based on them falling to a certain depth inside that pit? like basically an invisible box about half a meter below the falling point that sets health to 0... just an idea.

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:58:01 pm »
Can confirm the above post about the WWWWW's.

Secondly: Howitzers...
Is it possible to remove the sandbags and gabions in front of the howitzers on the map?
It takes about a minute with an arty sword to destroy them and they make the howitzers unusable since they need to be aimed straight forward and lower to hit their targets on the map. As long as anything is in front of the guns, the shell just explodes directly in front of it, sometimes without even damaging the constructs. So maybe that could be changed.

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:39:32 pm »
i had an idea for a new map.... a snowy one, again with russia and france basically.... but i'll have to learn how to make m&b scenes. I've modded other games a little before, so it's not all new to me.... but i might be able to contribute at some point.

Still naval sounds awesome.... more pirates and pirate hats :D

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:41:00 pm »
i can start praying now? good :)

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:44:58 am »
i'm sorry :( was not entirely sure if it was the right thread but thanks for considering it :)

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:45:48 pm »
Community name: "Ashrazal"

Steam Name: Ashrazal

Age: 24

GMT +1

Applying for (Ts/Servers):

16th Bedfordshire, 3rd East Kent and a few minor ones

About yourself:
24 yo, mainly playing M&B NW Minisiege, lots of time on my hands, online most of the day and some hours at night, checking in on the server or when noone is there staying on server to get it populated again.

Why you would be a good admin:
Played a lot on that server and i know about every kind of trolling and abuse people have come up with. Seeing as i am online alot the times when the trolls come out and people ruin the fun is always when no admin is present. All i want is for an admin to be there when one is needed and considering that i love this server and the game too i don't see why i could not invest my time into helping making the experience people have on the server the most fun rather than the most frustrating.

Previous Experience (if any):
I know most of the maps in and out and the areas where people start screwing each other over... but if this is regarding admin experience... not really although i do know what an admin should and should not do... aka leave the game to itself as much as possible and sort out the trouble without causing any additional trouble to other players.

Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:36:54 pm »
The crapper script on desert fort is bugged. people get teleported downstairs and have to walk all the way back up again to the  uk flag. found it last night with someone.

Pages: 1