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Messages - deaddonkey

Pages: 1
Runaway would have the right of it, yeah. I did some research and it seems like enough TKs leads to an autoban without discretion. Accidents with artillery caused the ban, although I did far, far more good than bad for my own team that round. Either way, I don't think my crappy mortar shot really warrants permanent ban. But that's not for me to decide, hence the appeal.

Name under which you were banned: 47th_Rsv_Harry_Flashman
Reason for which you were banned: I was something like 60 kills for 2 deaths on arty (swivel guns) while defending got autokicked once for accidental TK due to the hazards of lots and lots of arty fire I believe? But presently an arty troll by the name of Wolve came, and, as they tend to, spent two rounds trolling and TKing me, following me to every swivel gun I tried to use and kicking, running in front while loading etc. I was forced on the mortars instead, which I'm no good on but a really crap shot, accidentally TK'd several allies and I believe at this point I got autobanned.
Have you checked to see if it was a temp ban by rejoining one hour later? Yes.
Time and date: Sometime late night 17th or early morning of the 18th July
Why should you be unbanned? This is by far my favourite pub server, I'm just here to play, not to troll or break rules, the mortar shot was most certainly an accident and it won't happen again.

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