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Messages - Alexkhom1

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: The 3rd Green Jacket Thursday Event
« on: July 03, 2014, 10:01:16 pm »
Regiment Name: King's Hessian Infantry "KHI"
Leader's Steam: NightMare
# of Attending: around 8
Role: Line
Do you agree with the rules: yes
Have you ever felt the touch of an admin: yesh c:

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: King's Hesse Infantry - Skin
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:30:09 pm »
Are you going to continue making skins? If yes, can we leave some suqqestions?

Eh...I'm Thinking about it Mate, I fear my skins Won't look good w/ out any good editing software. Prehaps, I may work on some skins on the near Future. I'm  thinking about making a Scottish Cavalry Skin :)

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: King's Hesse Infantry - Skin
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:28:43 pm »
I love the officer skin, downloaded.
Sweet, Also, I updated the hats so they won't look as glitchy c:

Skins & OSP Resources / King's Hessen Infantry - Skin
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:51:23 pm »
Hey guys, I'm very, very New to skinning. I have awful editing software, so It may look pretty bad, and cheesy. I hope you like it, and Enjoy. :3

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, This skin replaces the King's German Legion :P


                                             PS: I'm not a (Cow) for writing in my signature :D



Modifications / Re: King's Hesse Infantry - Skin
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:01:27 am »
Looks good but you should really zoom in so we can see the detail. Also might help if you get rid of the slur.

Aight m8 ;3

Modifications / King's Hessen Infantry - Skin
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:26:33 am »
Hey guys, I'm very, very New to skinning. I have awful editing software, so It may look pretty bad, and cheesy. I hope you like it, and Enjoy. :3

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, This skin replaces the King's German Legion :P


                                             PS: I'm not a (Cow) for writing in my signature :D



Events: EU / Re: 1er Grenadiers Official 1v1 Melee Tournament NA/EU
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:58:32 am »
Country: Sudan
Steam Name: Yorkshire
In-game Name: Republika_Sprkska_Alexkhom1
Current Regiment: None?
Do You Agree To The Event Rules?: yush

In Development / Re: The Cost of Liberty
« on: May 20, 2014, 09:43:32 pm »
Man...This sounds like an amazing mod. I just can't wait until its out!

Regiments / Robb "the Gambler" av Karing's Buccaneers
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:30:23 am »
Robb "The Gambler" av Karing's Buccaneers


My Regiment, and myself are currently trying to make this Regiment Sustain and alive, if you would like to join this regiment to help us grow. Add alexkhom1 on steam. Our Teamspeak is we are in a community.

Robb av Karing was the one of the Most brave, and powerful Pirate in the American-Atlantic Coast, Robb av Karing was born on August, 28th of 1790 Robb's Nationality is Swedish, born into Nobility. Robb's Father died of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, in Stockholm. Since he was the youngest son of the Karing's, He never knew his mother since she died when he was born. Robb had 5 more other brothers. However, Robb was the laughing stock of the whole family. He was always teased, made fun of, and bullied as a kid. Then grew up to be a Scervy Pirate of the Euope and the Americas. Robb got the title "the Gambler" meant that he always risked everything for the other, he gambles his and his crews life for his ambitions. Therefore Robb always raided, and blocked ports of Georgia, Florida, and Carolina. In May, 7th of 1816 he was hanged for Piracy in Savannah, Georgia, and thats how his Journey Ends.

However, before he Raided and Blocked Ports in America. He first did it to Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and France, He seeks Vengance, Wealth, Honor, and Renown. He never raided Sweden for the safety of his Siblings, and the People. In June 19, 1807 sometimes, he was given Bokstäver av fabrikat och vedergällning from Sweden which means Letter of Marque and reprisal, to help His home country Sweden in The Pomeranian War against France, at age 16. He was Known as "Den unga pirat" which means The young pirate in English.


First Mate
Sailing Master


Master Carpenter
Master Gunner
Sail Maker
Cabin Boy
Powder Monkey


Pages: 1