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Messages - Metaltunder

Pages: 1 2
Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: April 03, 2017, 11:38:37 pm »
In-game Name: Billy_Herrington AKA Metaltunder
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): Ioxma
Reason For Ban: Don't know, i asked for a valid reason for slaying a player, and then after a few words which literally were from him "Want to know a real reason you shitty kid?", he banned me.
Time/date (If Known): 23:25//03/04/2017
Apology/Statement Against Ban: As I said before, this ban is totally unfair, and it's only made to piss me off.
Player ID (If Known): Don't have it now

Edit: It was temp, but still im dennouncing this

Events: EU / Re: 65y Friday Siege [08/01/16] - [Line Infantry Spaces]
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:34:06 pm »
(Not my reg, they asked me to do it for them)
 Regiment Name:Ostpreußische Landwehr
Class: Infantry
Attendance: 6-10
Preferred Nation: Any
Link to Steam of Leader/Representative: lemoid66
Do you agree to the rules of the event?: Yes
Temporary / Permanent : Permament

Events: EU / Re: 65y Friday Siege [EU] - [08/01/16]
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:46:49 pm »
Regiment Name: Legions etrangeres
Class: Arty
Attendance: 5-10
Preferred Nation: france
Link to Steam of Leader/Representative:
Do you agree to the rules of the event?:Sure bro
Temporary / Permanent : Permanent

Regiment Name: Légions étrangères
Class: Artillery/Line
Attendance: 4-10
Preferred Nation: France
Link to Steam of Leader/Representative:
Do you agree to the rules of the event?: Sure m8
Temporary / Permanent : Permament

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: 1er Torneo de duelos de Chicken
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:34:01 pm »
Nombre en la comunidad: Metaltunder
Nonbre a usar: Metaltunder
Nombre en Steam: Metaltunder
Regimiento: LE

Servers / Re: Tropical Paradise
« on: August 02, 2015, 12:42:53 pm »
Steam Name: Metaltunder
In-game Name:Metaltunder/LE_9eArt_TntCoronel_Metal
Why you should be an administrator?:Sometimes, when I enter the server, there's no admin on, so most of the people disrespect the rules like some kind of racist comments and more, and I'd like to help with those issues.
Previous Experience(If Any):In my regiment (LE), we've done a lot of events, anyway we're not doing them yet. In those events, I've been always one of the principal admins, and well, did my best always :P

Events: EU / Re: Napoleonic Wars Commander Battle Campaign
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:15:23 pm »
Name: Metaltunder
Country: Spain
Company Type: Infantry
Ideal begginning rank(For the start of the campaing): Lt
Groups/Individuals you would like to be grouped with: LE

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: Napoleonic Wars World Cup [NWWC|2015]
« on: February 18, 2015, 10:07:24 pm »
Nation: Spain
Player´s Name: Metaltunder
Player´s Steam: LE_Metaltunder

Regiment Name: Légions étrangères de la grande armée(LE)
Unit Type: Line
Preferred nation:France
Representatives Steam: LE_Metaltunder/LE_gatoarmando/Bliss/LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡
What day(s) would you like to come: Saturday
One time or weekly: One time
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules:Yes

Events: EU / Re: 59th Saturday Linebattle *EU* *7:00GMT* *Line, Light & Cav*
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:13:00 pm »
Regiment name:  Légions étrangères de la grande armée (LE)
Class: Line
Prefered faction: France
Number attending: 12-16(inf)
Leaders steam Name: LE_Metaltunder/LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡
Would you like to sign up weekly?: Yes
Have you read and agreed to the rules of the event: yes

Regiments / Re: ♞ 1er Régiment de Chasseurs à Cheval [Recruting] ♞
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:44:37 pm »
Not bad :3

Events: EU / Re: 59th Saturday Linebattle *EU* *7:00GMT* *Line, Light & Cav*
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:39:54 pm »
Regiment name:  Légions étrangères de la grande armée (LE)
Class: Line
Prefered faction: France
Number attending: 12-16(inf)
Leaders steam Name: LE_Metaltunder/LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡
Would you like to sign up weekly?: Yes
Have you read and agreed to the rules of the event: yes

Events: EU / Re: 84e Saturday Linebattle Event (Line and Arty Only) [EU]
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:09:33 pm »
Regiment Name:  Légions étrangères de la grande armée (LE)
Regiment Leader Steam ID: LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡/LE_Metaltunder
Approximate amount atending: 15-20
Prefered nation: France
Arty or Line: Line

Events: EU / Re: 84e Saturday Linebattle Event (Line and Arty Only) [EU]
« on: August 30, 2014, 08:59:05 pm »
Regiment Name:  Légions étrangères de la grande armée (LE)
Regiment Leader Steam ID: LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡/LE_Metaltunder
Approximate amount atending: 15-20
Prefered nation: France
Arty or Line: Line

Events: EU / Re: 84e Saturday Linebattle Event (Line and Arty Only) [EU]
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:27:12 pm »
Regiment Name:  Légions étrangères de la grande armée (LE)
Regiment Leader Steam ID: LE_Coronel_Jonathan✡
Approximate amount atending: 15-20
Prefered nation: France
Arty or Line: Line

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