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Messages - CakeFarts

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Cavalry Fantasy League / Re: [CFL - S1] Introduction
« on: March 03, 2021, 10:16:10 pm »

Community Name: jamesb
GUID: 1237625
Nationality: USA
Steam Link:
Do you agree to the rules?: yes

Thanks for everyone who was interested and wanted to play. Unfortunately we got a late start to making our roster and weren't able to get the 15 we needed to play. I will be sure to start earlier next year.

I talked to dragon King over steam a couple days ago. He said we would try it out and see if we could get the roster together. but if we get the 15 we will play. Also request to join steam group

Put me on bitch

bet mfer. Chantakey confirmed bugler lets get this shit we running up on these eu kids

Yes the 140 ping will make it hard, but we are going to try anyways!

Community Name: Cakes
Do you want to be Captain: no

The 6 Nations Cavalry Cup starts in a week and team NA has been invited to attend. Currently, the captains are myself and Virus(8thHuss). The team is allowed to bring a total of 24 delegates to compete against the other nations. If there are more than 24 people who want to participate, we will hold elimination try outs to determine the final roster. Rosters must be finalized by the 15th so sign up promptly. The team is limited to North American players ONLY. Use the following format on this thread to sign up:

Steam link:

Please add Virus on steam here: and request to join the steam group here: 

For more information on the 6 Nations Cav Cup, refer to the Cav Cup thread here:

Current Roster:

Servers / Re: NA_Groupfighting
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:37:31 pm »
Name under which you were banned: HOEKAGE
What was happening when you got banned: Yoshie joins server, slays me for typing when I was literally fighting, then perm bans me for kicking him for slaying me. (who decided the bipolar autist should be admin?)
Time, date, and timezone: 10/26/20, 7:03 EST
Why should we unban you: Literally did nothing, the dumb quebeci is on his period again
GUID: 499445

you were slayed for typing and not playing which we have tried to crack down on since people will just afk type and not even play. If you want to type to the point where you aren't even playing on the server go to spec. Then you tried to tk yoshie after he slayed you next round. The only thing he shouldn't have done was type "stfu retard" in admin chat but I talked with him about that.
Regardless trying to tk an admin intentionally isn't the smartest thing. And I also wouldn't start insulting admins in your appeal either. won't go well for your unban date

Unban Date: 10/30
quote this on the date above to get unbanned

This ban explanation is not transparent at all. For starters, since when has typing in rounds been slayable? where is the notification that this is now a slayable offense? Or like what exactly did he get slayed for? Then regarding the second part of the altercation, all you have said to disprove what chantakey said was say that "he tried to tk an admin". Like release some logs showing us he tried to tk him. Also, where is the consistency in severity of punishment? Someone tks yoshie 2x to get banned, someone else needs to tk him 1x to get banned, and now 'attempted tk' is immediate ban(refer to page 9 to see respective bans)?Considering the admin's reputation, it seems chantakey's story may hold some weight. Knowing this and considering your lack of transparency and the fact you and yoshie know each other, it makes it hard to trust the validity/judgement of the ban. You need to do a better job of inspiring confidence in moderator actions, and work harder to make sure admins arent abusing power.

If you do another tourney and get that many people, you should have group stages and then do a knockout bracket.

Events: NA / Re: NA Cav competitions
« on: September 28, 2020, 05:22:15 pm »
So it seems like there is some participation interest, is there anyone who would want to host server?

Events: NA / Re: NA Cav competitions
« on: September 28, 2020, 05:20:22 pm »
If you are one of those people that won’t play anything other than cav/spec please disband this thread

*Says we should host tournament to invigorate the NA cav spirit*
*Gets told to disband thread*

Ok I will disband thread bc i enjoy cav xD lolololol. And i am in lineinfatry regiment soooooo maybe you should support community evnets?

Events: NA / NA Cav competitions
« on: September 25, 2020, 08:00:27 pm »
CakeFarts here. We need to reinvigorate the cav spirit in NA. It has been a while since NA has had some serious(and seriously good) cav regs. To do this, I propose we do a cav tournament(either 5v5s or a 1v1 tournament). If anyone is interested in doing this, comment here and I will be here for it 100% of the way. I think what is needed to put this on is good community influence by the influential members of the community and a server on which to host the cav battles. Thanks for reading!

-a brainlet cav player

Community / Can we get NA1 back online?
« on: September 09, 2020, 11:32:49 pm »
Hey everyone, just wondering who would be the one to talk to for this and how we can make it happen. maybe pair the relaunch of the server w a community sale. Also why did NA1 go down in the first place? Also we need a battle server that is just a battle server would be very hype and make me want to play nw more. Well thats my thoughts

Hey can we get NA1 back online or like whats up. everyone has been getting played its just gf roleplay and bots these days. pub battles were the days

Suggestions & Bug Reports / Re: Dragoons are way too underpowered
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:21:53 pm »
Firing on horseback is way too inaccurate, its hard to hit anything. And the horses are slowers compared to hussars and lancers, so how are dragoons supposed to escape from them?

Bring back musketoon on horseback. Hussars and lancers are way too powerful compared to dragoons.
Underpowered? Dragoons are the most annoying cav in the game. All they do is shoot and in away, and your trying to get it to have musketoons and be faster? They should just take hussars out of the game if this is what you are wanting. Each cav balances out to another, or makes it so that it is always vulnerable. I.e hussars are fast but with shorter swords and their horses have less health. If the dragoons were faster how would a hussar or a lancer catch up to it? That is the vulnerability of the dragoon, its slow speed.

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