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Messages - A. Ramirez

Pages: 1
Regiments / Re: 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment (1st West Prussia)
« on: January 13, 2014, 07:11:40 am »
Bumpy bump =)

Events: EU / Re: Uncensored Gaming Sunday Siege Event
« on: January 13, 2014, 04:15:25 am »
Regiment Name: 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment
Regiment Leader Steam:
Role: Line
# of Men attending: 8-12
I have Read the Rules and will follow them to the best of my ability(Yes/No):[/b] Yes

Events: EU / Re: Nr.96 North American Friday Linebattle
« on: January 10, 2014, 04:46:39 pm »
Name of your Regiment: 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment
Average Attendence: 6-12
Steam Identification URL:
Do you agree to follow the rules: Yes
By applying to this you are liable to laceration, incineration, atomization, and californication.

Regiments / Re: 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment (1st West Prussia)
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:03:04 am »
Isn't 6te taken? Good Luck

The only 6te I found was under the name of 1st West Prussian but they merged with another regiment back in June of '13 from what their forum post so it's open from what I can tell =)

Regiments / Re: 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment (1st West Prussia)
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:29:01 pm »
Bump for new site added

Regiments / Re: 7te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment
« on: January 04, 2014, 08:14:39 am »
A regiment under this name already exists, you may want to speak to them about using it.

7te Thread

Ahh shame, had this name used for about 6 months back in 2012 and took a break due to work. Was hoping to get it off the ground again but they're established, guess well just have to come up with another one =/...

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:20:50 am »
- Regiment Name :6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment (1st West Prussia)
- Regiment Tag : 6te_RANK_NAME
- Faction : Prussia
- Class : Line Infantry
- Based : NA
- Thread Link :

6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment

About us

The 6te Prussian Infanterie-Regiment is made up of a group of friends from a realism unit in Day of Defeat: Source. We are looking to create a historically accurate unit with proper ranks and training while still staying enjoyable to more casual players. We focus on teamwork, tactics, and respect; We expect our members to be professional at all times, in and out of game.


If you are interested in joining the regiment all you need to do is fill out the application on our site ( Also,you can fill out an application and post it here, the template will be below. We are recruiting all types of players, doesn't matter whether you are new or a seasoned vet, there will be a spot for you. We will have historical ranks and promotions will be given out to those who bring the most to the table in terms of skill, leadership, and most of all maturity. Our Ventrilo information will be available below so feel free to come in if you just want to come play with us!


Application Form

[b]Real name[/b]:
[b]Preferred In-game name[/b]:
[b]Steam name[/b]:
[b]Time zone GMT -/+[/b]:
[b]Previous In-game Experience[/b]:
[b]Do you have TeamSpeak[/b]:
[b]Will you be able to attend meetings, drills, and follow all regiment rules?[/b]:


1.   Members will be respectful at all times. This means getting along with every player - public or not. If you are to have an argument, do it in a respectful and professional manner.

2.   Members will always play fair and respectfully. We do not tolerate actions such as cheating, dragging rounds out, fake surrendering, and Teamkilling. Teamkilling is forbidden in every form except a genuine accident.

3.   Members will follow orders when they are given, by officers and Admins alike.

4.   Members are required to use TeamSpeak for Trainings and Linebattles.

5.   If you are unable to attend a meeting, training date, or event you should advise a NCO or Officer so they know your reason.


Commissioned Offiziere

Kapitan(Kpt): The Kapitan is the highest ranking Offiziere at the Kompanie level. He oversees the command of the Kompanie and leads it during battle. It his his job to coordinate with the battalion and lead his Kompanie in compliance with the overall battle plan. Any battalion orders are passed to the Kapitan first and he will distribute them to the platoon level. The Kapitan is expected to understand operation and manuevers at the strategic and tactical level and to maneuver his Kompanie according to the "big picture".

Leutnant/Premier-Leutnant(Lt/PLt): These are the lowest ranking Offiziere in the regiment and act as Platoon leaders. It is their job to run their respective platoon and oversee it's performance in battle. Each Leutnant is entrusted with distributing information, taking accountability, and coordinating with their Unteroffiziere to ensure that their platoon is combat effective. During battle, Leutnants will take command of their respective platoons and follow the overall orders of the Kapitan. Premierleutnants, although higher ranking than Leutnants and first to assume command of the Kompanie in the case of the Kapitan's death, are considered to be of the same rank as Leutnants. Therefore, Leutnants do not address Premierleutnants as sir, nor do they take orders from them unless the PLt be acting as the Kompanie Commander.
Non Commissioned Offiziere

Feldwebel(Fw): Feldwebel is the highest ranking NCO in the regiment and is entrusted with keeping it combat effective at all times. If any Unteroffizier is unable to resolve an issue or answer a question, they bring it first to the Feldwebel before the Kapitan. The Feldwebel helps to distribute information to the platoons and assists the Kapitan in running the Kompanie. He is also free to assist platoons when need be.

Unteroffizier(Uffz): Unteroffiziere are the lifeforce of the regiment. These men are the true leaders of the Kompanie and ensure that it remains combat effective. Unteroffiziere are expected to know and understand not only the line tactics, but also be knowledgeable in how to give and receive orders. Discipline is maintained by these men and it is their jobs to ensure that all orders are carried out by the men. Any problems or concerns are first dealt with by the Unteroffiziere and are only passed up the chain of command if they are unable to resolve it. Unteroffiziere are expected to interact with the men and answer any questions or concerns that they have, they are also expected to ensure that every soldier in their platoon is fully functional (IE on teamspeak, in steam group, checking the forums, running the current version of Warband, etc) as well as helping their Leutnant with accountability.

Korporal(Kpl): Korporalen are the lowest ranking Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the regiment. It is their job to work with the Unteroffiziers to maintain order in the ranks and to ensure that discipline and the code of conduct are upheld at all times. Korporalen lead by example, but are also expected to understand line tactics and if need be, take over for an Unteroffizier in case they fall in battle. Korporalen are expected to provide an example of what it means to be a "good soldier", but are expected, unlike the Gefreitern, to learn how to lead as well. Korporalen act as the left guides of the platoons in our battle lines. Therefore, it is paramount that they be familiar with line tactics.

Enlisted Soldat

Gefreiter(Gefr): Gefreitern should be considered "experienced soldaten". This is not an NCO rank, rather it is an award to those Soldaten we deem to have exhibited a mastery of the skills of the soldier. Gefreitern do not issue orders, neither are they considered superior in rank to Soldaten, rather, they are looked upon as the "ideal soldiers" and are expected to act as so. Gefreitern lead by example and are usually the ones being groomed for advancement into the ranks of the NCO's. Only through hard work and exemplary performance can a Soldat be considered for advancement to Gefreiter.

Soldat(Sdt): This is the lowest official rank in the regiment. Soldaten make up the rank and file of our regiment and account for the vast majority of our men. Soldaten are expected to follow the code of conduct and carry out orders. Our success or failure as a regiment rests on the shoulders of these men.

Rekrut(Rkt): Upon entry into the Regiment, all new members will be awarded the rank of Rekrut. This rank acts of a sort of "probationary period" which allows new players to get to know the regiment and for us to get to know you. Once the leadership of the regiment deems a Rekrut as knowledgeable in line tactics and discipline, they will be promoted into the regiment. Think of this rank as a "trial period" where you are being educated and tested in order to determine if you fit our requirements for a Soldat.


Commissioned Offiziere

Kapitan (Kpt)

Premier-Leutnant (PLt)

Leutnant (Lt)

Non Commissioned Offiziere

Feldwebel (Fw)

Unteroffizier (Uffz)

Korporal (Kpl)

Enlisted Soldat

Gefreiter (Gefr)

Soldat (Sdt)

Rekrut (Rkt)

Total Members: 18


Currently the 6te takes part in the in Thursday's Battle of the Nations, Saturdays N.A.C.E, and Uncensored Gaming Sunday Siege Event. We normally work in unison with the other regiments of the VII Brigade in these events so you have a chance to play as other roles if they need mercs

Pages: 1