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Messages - Baratheon

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Events: NA / Re: Union Gaming Tuesday/Friday Line Battles! [NA] (Open!)
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:08:34 pm »
As my co-admin has already stated, we have now officially shut down our servers.  We enjoyed our time over the past 3 years as the NEC and later UG and wish the community the best of luck.  After 3 years your interests change and sometimes a break is needed.  The 57e will continue to attend events within the Mount and Blade community, including Napoleonic Wars and we are always willing to help with any questions or issues.  Who knows?  We may even be back as hosts one day for Napoleonic Wars.

Union Gaming is still very much alive.  We still reside in our TS server and play a plethora of games.  Now more than ever we are opening our doors to gaming communities to have a home with us in our TS.  If your group needs a place to stay and people to game with, we are there for you to try out.  We hope to have a long and happy future in the gaming world.

I myself have been playing with this community for far over 3 years, spanning across 3 iterations of Napoleonic War.  I hope the community continues to thrive and that I can continue to enjoy the times with the rest of you.  I encourage regiment leaders to sign up for Thundersnow's events (he has always been a gracious host) or found your own.  I am always available via steam (eagleblueline) or on these forums if you'd like to chat, join UG, or play a friendly game!

Thank you Napoleonic Wars community, it has been awesome!

Regiments / Re: 57e Régiment d'Infanterie, Le Terrible [UG] *Recruiting*
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:35:46 pm »
Always looking for some more friendly faces!  We are now attending a Sunday North and South event!  Let me know if you'd like to join!

Regiment name: 27th Inniskilling
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line and skirms
Predicted Attendance: 15-25
Leader's Steam link: Alexander CO, Thar XO
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday, every week

Accepted, please add me to steam! (eagleblueline)

Regiment Name: Grenz Regiment Oguliner Nr. 3
Role desired: Skirmishers
Date you're applying for: 9/2/14
How many people for this role: 8~


Regiment recently reported by an individual named Chantakey to be a Trell Reg

lol what?

We are actually pulling out of the Union Gaming.

Protips: Get an admin that watches in spectator, but we could all go sailors or cavalry and no one would say a thing. Its like organized NA1.

Glad to see you leave.  You have been nothing but problems.  Also, your Protips are complete garbage.  We have no such issues in our linebattles and you would be immediately kicked and/or banned from our server for doing anything like you mention. 

Please, do not come back.


As a side note.  We now have some openings for Tuesdays! 

Secondary note.  Please use these forums for applying to our events.  Do not use it for negative feedback or to publicly leave the event.  It isn't necessary and shows you off to be the one in the wrong on most occasions.  Thank you!

Hey all.  We have seen a few new faces since my last post here but are always looking for more!  Get in touch if you'd like to give us a try!

Do the friday events have space for more regiments?

Lately we have been filling up to 200.  I can keep you updated as to if there is space.  Check back here often after our Linebattles and I will post if we have room.  Alternatively, add me to steam and ask me directly!

With Mount and Blade: Warband and Napoleonic Wars having been/being on sale, the 57e would love to extend an invitation to any and all new players to the game.  We have been around for over 2 years now and will gladly have you in fighting shape in no time.  If you'd like to check us out jump into our TS sometime at:


Please forgive us for the technical difficulty we had this evening (6/17/2014).  We are working with our server provider to have the servers up and running by this Friday. 

Thank you.

Regiment name: 8th Royal Horse Artillery
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Artillery
Predicted Attendance: 10 (and a line)
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: All Tuesdays and maybe a couple Fridays

The 8th are hereby removed from our events and labeled as trolls. 

Regiment name: 4th Royal Artillery
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Artillery
Predicted Attendance: 10
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Friday, every week if possible

Accepted as Arty for tonight 5/30!

I as a the Sub-commander of the 1aGIB would like to denounce the Arstotzka Regiment, for trolling on purpose and not trying to play the game, as proof i have this chat with one of the members (they dont have a leader, as it is an anarchy) and everybody that was there saw it.

*snip* Do not post private conversation logs.

This is most certainly not the place to make a complaint.  If you have a problem with their regiment you should speak to their leadership or message a Union Gaming admin privately.  Thank you.

Sorry but did you forget about the Little Russia Cuirassiers?

We cannot accept a regiment as a specialty unit for every battle.

Regiment Name:3rdGJB
Role desired: Skrims
Date you're applying for: 5/20/14
How many people for this role:[/color]12-15

Accepted as skirms!

Regiment name: 30th (Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): LI
Predicted Attendance: 15-20
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesdays

Accepted, add me on steam!

Regiment name:1st Regiment of Foot (Royal Scots)
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): LI
Predicted Attendance: 10-15
Leader's Steam link: Spoonn4
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Every Tuesday

Accepted, add me on steam!

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