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Messages - iCod

Pages: 1 2
Servers / Re: Bot Survival NA - Sponsored with Quantum Impulse Gaming
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:58:58 am »
The funny thing is iCod has been banned twice. He actually has 2 accounts banned right now. I think he now has a 3rd warband account. I saw him on there and warned him not to slur or we'll ban this 3rd account

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Just perm ban the 3rd account lol
I've been a good boy though :(.
But yeah with NW somewhat dying and only a few servers being very populated I've cleaned up my act and stopped acting like a total edgy idiot. Better to just shut up and enjoy the game, you know?

Servers / Re: Bot Survival NA - Sponsored with Quantum Impulse Gaming
« on: July 31, 2016, 04:22:58 am »
Ban Request for user 5000th_Gidkid
Name:5000th Gidkid (ID: 432230)
Offense: Spamming and wasting BP and trolling several times on numerous maps. He changed his names several times to try to trick the server into thinking he was someone else, these names included but aren't limited to -New_Player, -yourmotherwilldieinhersleep, -idonttheid, etc
Proof: Here is him spamming BP
And here's him joining back to the server under his original name, but of course under the same ID
Time/Date: 7/30/16 9-10PM EST

Servers / Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie Public Siege Server
« on: July 22, 2016, 05:09:30 am »
Name under which you were banned: iCod
Have you checked if it was a Temp Ban? Yes, it was perma (said so ingame)
Explain what happened: So this evening i was playing on the 63e Server and an admin decided to start permabanning everyone who was discussing politics. (A lot of people)
I did not see in the game rules that discussion of politics was prohibited, so I don't see this admins banning of me as valid.
I'm asking for an unban because I did not break any server rules. I even stopped talking about politics once Karth warned me yet I still was permabanned (the same thing happened to others; they stopped yet were still banned.)
Time and date: Around 10pm 7/21/16
Timezone: EST

So where does one apply for an unban after that admin banned everyone for discussing politics?

yo admins, i got banned for "trolling defences"
but it was the sapper who was putting defences in the doorwy at spawn so nobody could get out
i got  message saying

Read_The_Rules has permanently banned you from the server

the 15th is the best server in the nap wars servers list, no joke and the multiplayer
experience has never bee the same plz give me one more chance :'( :'(
Don't even bother, they wont even consider unbanning you, even if you were significantly unfairly banned in the first place. The 15th admins are like police, they shoot on sight and don't even bother asking questions later. They are power tripping abusers that ban users for the slightest misdemeanor, or for no reason at all.

Servers / Re: Bot Survival NA
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:55:44 pm »
(idk where else to apply for admin so I'll just leave this here [Copied from the Bot Survival EU thread])

Nickname: iCod

GUID: 1092783


How active can you be?: I'm on this server for several hours pretty active...

Current Regiment/Clan:None as of now.

Adminexperience: Admin'd on the Trench Battle server about a year ago, and a few 2nd reg servers...Also admin'd 2 GMOD servers a few months back (then I stopped playing, lol.)

Why do you want this role?: I'm always on the server, (and have sunk dozens of hours into it) but some admins just can't always be on the server 24/7. And when the admin leaves, the trolls come out. I want to be there to keep the server stable when all the other admins are gone. I want ensure that all the players are always having fun and there is no trolling.
Further more, I want to enforce the rules of the server and as stated before, just make sure that everyone is having fun and that the rules are being followed by everyone.
I'm very hopeful that this application will be accepted, and if not, that is fine as well. As long as I get to be a part of this amazingly addictive server, everything will be great. :)

Servers / Re: 59th Jailbreak Edition.
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:44:38 pm »
Is the site down?? Because I get go onto the website, it's just a blank page..
Maintenance maybe?

Servers / Re: 59th Jailbreak Edition.
« on: July 20, 2015, 07:54:44 pm »

Servers / Re: 59th Jailbreak Edition.
« on: July 20, 2015, 05:36:08 pm »
Can I get an answer please?

Servers / Re: 59th Jailbreak Edition.
« on: July 20, 2015, 01:50:06 am »
Name under which u were banned - iCod

Server(s) you are banned from - 59th Jailbreak

What was happening when you got banned - I do not know, I was logged off. I left the server and when I came back a few hours later It showed I was banned. I remember before I left, Betty was fucking with the server and I just didn't want to deal with that so I went on another server.

Did you break any other rules prior to your ban? - No.

Time and date when the account was banned - No idea, I assume sometime between 5 PM EST and 7PM EST as that was when I wasn't online.

User Identification Number - Will get that later. (But assuming that I was log-banned, you must have my UserID anyway...)

Why should you be unbanned? - Because I have no idea why I was banned in the first place? Maybe someone was impersonating me or something? Can I get some answers please as to what happened? I'm never a guard so It cant be rdm...And I don't see any other way to get perma-banned besides RDMing...
This is very concerning. Why was I banned and why was I not told?
This is my favorite damn server and being banned, (while not even online) and not even getting to know why, for not doing anything wrong...this just seems so incredibly wrong if you ask me....

I was just banned by harvain as well. Im in the 4thKS, which is a very new reg, so what reason was i banned for? I was on the server no less than 3 minuets than out of nowhere he comes on and just perma bans me for no apparent reason?! today at 9:22 PM i was unfairly permabanned. Me and my mates in the 4thKS were on the server and out of nowhere, this mod called Harvian came on and permabanned me. Is it because of the reg or something? It can't be since the reg was made 2 weeks ago and has done nothing to anger any moderators on a sever. I know this is not the place to ask for unbans, but i see it unfair how i go on a server (my favorite freaking server actually) and permabanned for no reason.

Servers / Re: Tropical Paradise
« on: August 14, 2014, 07:41:08 pm »
Admin Application:

Steam Name: iCod43
In-game Name: 2nd_Guards_Rgl_iCod
Why you should be an administrator?: I am pretty much on the server 24/7. I have experience as an admin on other servers, and on other games such as GMOD. i want to enforce the rules that are very much exploited when admins arent off (such as ship spawn killing) and i'm a generally all around nice guy that would be honored to have this position.
Previous Experience(If Any): Trench Battle, many GMOD gamemodes such as, TTT, and Jailbreak and Prop hunt.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: NA1/Unban Appeal/iCod
« on: August 03, 2014, 05:00:51 am »
Anything so far?

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / NA1/Unban Appeal/iCod
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:39:14 am »
Name under which you were banned - 2nd_Guards_Qns_iCod

Server(s) you are banned from - NA1

What was happening when you got banned - The last time i was playing on the server was like a week ago. Then i came back yesterday only to find that i was perma banned? I am sure that when ii last played i was not banned. I would never do/did anything that would require a ban, let alone a perma?! Maybe this was a misclick or mistake? Has to be something, i am  certain i did nothing wrong.

Time and date - Do not know (Anywhere between last week and yesterday?)

Timezone - EST

User Identification Number - Found it (Thank you) 77417
Modify message

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: NA1/Unban Appeal/Juice_Kelly
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:37:17 am »
Name under which you were banned - 2nd_Guard_Qns_iCod

Server(s) you are banned from - NA1

What was happening when you got banned - The last time i was playing on the server was like a week ago. Then i came back yesterday only to find that i was perma banned? I would never do/did anything that would require a ban, let alone a perma?! Maybe this was a misclick or mistake? Has to be something.

Time and date - Do not know (Anywhere between last week and yesterday?)

Timezone - EST

User Identification Number - I do not know.

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