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Messages - reclu

Pages: 1 2
i cant wait for tomorrow event!!!!

thats was a ok linebattle, i hope there will be some more.

that was a great in regiment linebattle!

Hello, cant wait until the linebattle

Community / Re: Marks BCoF Threads and Stuff. #WhoisJelly?
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:37:55 am »

Miss the old time we had, Thinking about bring back the 2ndCS, add reclu on steam to join.

Community / Re: Howe's BCoF Regiment Signature Workshop
« on: May 21, 2014, 01:16:14 am »
1. Regiment name: 5th New York Volunteer Infantry

2. Reg's role: Infantry

3. Any nicknames your aware of? Duryée's Zouaves

4. Any sayings/qoute you want? Les Zouaves sont les premiers soldats du monde. (The Zouaves were the first soldiers in the world, just telling you want it mean)

5. Any specific image you want? Put link to it here: I trust you to find a good image, just in case here a link.

6. Link to your thread if you have one:

Forum & Website / Re: threads
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:08:18 am »
how do i start a regiment thread? Add reclu on steam so we can talk

Community / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:00:15 am »
I'm a reclu and mine a danger to life. AND how do you make a regiment thread add reclu

Application to Join

Regiment name:1stDevilDogs

Are you the regiment leader?:Yes

Regiment leader steam.:

Regiment FSE Thread link.:We don't have one

Projected Attendence.:10-14

I agree to read and follow the rules and make sure to check the thread for any updates (y/n).:Yes

Why do you think your regiment would be a good fit for the event?:We love you and we are Op, and again we LOVE you

Do you have any previous experiences with N_A_C_E events or events with Romulus or Marceaux?:No

Regiment Name: 1stDevilDogs
How many you will bring: 10-14
Leader's steam link:
Do you agree to all the rules?: Yes
Regiment composition (What you want to bring): 1-2 sniper(if you agree to it) 1 Heavy MG and the rest is going to be infantry,plus a officer

Regiment Name: 1stDevilDogs
How many you will bring: 2
Are you going to delay rounds?: No
Steam link/Name: Poosoo and NoxV NetStalker

Regiment name:1stDevilDogs
Estimated #:10-14
Your preferred role:infantry
Do you agree to the rules? Yes i do.
comment: i did this application because just in case someone drop out, Steam Name: reclu (just in case)

add reclu on steam because this is going to be my first time buying a server, but is it going to be monthly paid?

Regiment name: 1st Devil Dogs
Estimated #:10-15
Your preferred role: Infantry
Do you agree to the rules? Yes I do

Can you squeeze another regiment that will bring 10-15 people, we just got screwed on a Friday event and i'm hoping we can make a awesome Sunday event. add me on steam: reclu, so you can tell me the answer.

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