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Messages - MrVoodoo

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Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: April 21, 2013, 08:06:13 pm »
- Regiment Name : 2nd Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot
- Faction : uk
- Class : Line Infantry, Skirmishers, Artillery, Cavalry
- Based : EU/NA
- Thread Link :

Regiments / Re: 2nd (The Queen's Royal) Regiment of Foot
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:55:12 pm »
I have just checked out their information. Their teamspeak doesn't work and they the Canadians activity was last in February.

Regiments / Re: 2nd (The Queen's Royal) Regiment of Foot
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:46:27 pm »
By?, if anyone has the owners name so I may speak to them.

Hello, Welcome to the 2nd Queen's Royal regiment of foot. We are a international regiment that aim to provide a disciplined and enjoyable Napoleonic wars experience for all members. We aim to have fun attending linebattles but also have a acceptable level of discipline that may assist us in doing well through skill in melee and shooting. We realize as a regiment that enforced discipline does not equate to having fun so we try to offer a friendly community for all members.

We find it fitting that Medals and Ranks are awarded for activity, skill and Discipline. We have taken measurements to ensure that everyone is recognized and that we give the correct amount of support for all members. The 2nd has been around for a year now, maybe not in the form of the 2nd but have been the same group of friends and dedicated members( Obviously with some new additions). We strive to get to know every member that joins and not just have an alienated high command. We ,as a regiment, know that many people have decided to take the name the 2nd Queen's and these people have ranged from North American to European regiments and all in between. We hope that we do justice to the regiment and hope to continue our previous success.
Highlanders fighting alongside the 2nd Queen's Royal.

The Regiment was first mustered on the 14th October 1661 on Putney Heath. It was formed to garrison Tangiers, which had been ceeded to England as part of the dowry of Princess Catherine of Braganza of Portugal when she married King Charles II in 1662. The Regiment was taken into the line as the 2nd Regiment. With this number the Regiment is the senior English Regiment, the 1st Regiment being the Royal Scots. The Regiment garrisoned Tangiers for 22 years until it was abandoned to the Moors.

The Regiment spent most of the 18th Century in extensive garrison duties in Ireland, Gibraltar and the West Indies. In 1793 it found itself being ordered to Sea! To help the Navy make up for the lack of Marines when the fleet was rapidly expanded on the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars. The Regiment served under Admiral Lord Howe off Ushant aboard the Flagship QUEEN CHARLOTTE and in the ROYAL GEORGE, DEFENCE, MAJESTIC and RUSSELL. On the 1st June 1794 the Regiment took part in a Fleet action which became known as the "Glorious First of June". This gave the Regiment the honour of an Infantry regiment being awarded a Naval Battle Honour, the right to have the Naval Crown on their colours, and their Officers the right to take the loyal toast sitting down in the Naval Tradition.

In 1811 the whole Regiment embarked for the Peninsular War once more, where it was involved in sieges of various French fortresses. At the Battle of Salamanca in July 1812 the Queen's Royals once again showed their mettle, but lost 109 men. The Regiment was way below strength during the battle and was just 408 strong. By January 1813 the strength of the Regiment had fallen so low that six weak companies were sent home, and the remainder were joined by four companies of the 53rd Regiment to form the 2nd Battalion of Detachments. They were present at the Battle of Vittoria in June 1813, and subsequently took part in the battles of the Pyrenees and Nivelle, and finally in April 1814 the Battle of Toulouse.
Red Coats hold the line at Hougemont.

Officer Staff.

Lieutenant Colonel




2nd Lieutenant


Non-Commissioned Officer Staff.

Regimental Serjeant Major

Serjeant Major

Colour Serjeant



Lance Corporal

Enlisted Ranks.






These ranks are very important to have command and structure in the regiment. The enlisted men should listen to all commanders of all companies. We expect rank structure and the chain of command to be held and respected.

The 1st Company of Line make up the backbone of the Regiment. They fight in a line with muskets, and deadly bayonets. Firing in Massed volleys, and then eventually finishing with a charge and clash of bayonets, the Line infantry deal, and take, the most damage out of all the companies. Melee and shooting skill is required to progress within the ranks of the 1st Company. All new recruits begin in the 1st company, and upon being promoted to the rank of Regular, you will have the choice to join any of the other companies (depending on numbers).

The 2nd Company of Skirmishers act as an aid to the center company. They scout ahead, and protect the main line from being flanked, as well as working together with the main line to help flank enemies. The 2nd Skirmisher company play as Skirmishers and Light infantry, so are very flexible infantry. Shooting skill is hugely important in the company, but Melee is also highly valued. The Skirmish company have limited spaces and are considered to be the best shots in the Regiment, so in order to get in you must prove yourself in the center company first.
The 3rd Artillery Company are a small group of handpicked members of the Regiment, who have already proved themselves in the 1st Company. The Artillery are highly skilled at shooting with a cannon, and setting up defences and positions quickly, but also are highly skilled at melee, in order to protect themselves from attacking lines. Members of the Artillery Company are chosen by the Officers and, as in the Light company, officers will only consider members who have already shown themselves to be active and skilled in the 1st company.

The 4th Company of Cavalry is a highly trained, highly disciplined group in the regiment, They are used to support all companies especially the Artillery and Skirmishers. However, When the Cavalry a "let of their leash" they can charge the enemy in a devastating charge, killing or wounding may members of the enemy. These members are the best on horse members in the regiment. They are chosen by the leader of the cavalry panter and are subject to close scrutiny. The cavalry can be used also for crushing attacks on enemy skirmishers and Line infantry.

Think you have what it takes to be a member of the 2nd Queen's Royal? Go to our website and fill out the application form, where it will be looked over and should be approved by an Officer within 24 hours. Or, you can hop onto our Teamspeak (, and ask for an Officer there. We look forward to hearing from you!

Regiments / Re: 21st Royal North British Fusilers!
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:39:05 pm »
They need to make a post then, as it is still available unless they make the post.

Regiments / Re: 21st Royal North British Fusilers!
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:48:04 am »
This regiment active?

Regiments / Re: 72nd Seaforth Highlanders (NA/EU) (Recruiting)
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:06:05 pm »
Are you guys still active? If you are Good luck! :)

Regiments / Re: 9ème Regiment d'Infanterie Légère "l'Incomparable"
« on: April 13, 2013, 02:56:15 am »
In the Regiment List post it expresses that he is interested in Line also, Which is where I believe this started however this does not matter if this is an NA Regiment anyway. Thanks for pointing out my Signature only just noticed that.

Regiments / Re: 9ème Regiment d'Infanterie Légère "l'Incomparable"
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:51:04 am »
Sorry to burst your "Regiment Revival bubble" But we have the 9e name taken. Very sorry.

Regiments / Re: 9e de la Garde Imperiale [EU/Recruiting]
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:42:51 pm »
Why don't we discuss this in the 9e Teamspeak, If you are obviously not happy with us then I think a chat would be a bit more constructive than replying to each other on an FSE post? (Not directed toward Gurkha) - Thank you also Gurkha I think we will be ok but we are still in shock of his departure and miss him greatly.

Regiments / Re: 9e de la Garde Imperiale [EU/Recruiting]
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:31:16 pm »
Who is this promoted person you speak of?

Regiments / Re: 9e de la Garde Imperiale [EU/Recruiting]
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:14:28 pm »
Ill try my best Eazy thank you. We had a great Linebattle last night with 40+ 9e members attending which we were very impressed by. The regiment is still running. Just because Eazy left doesn't mean we are finished he was only a Lieutenant after all. The new updated thread should come soon but let's hope I can get it up to as good standard as this.

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:42:53 pm »
- Regiment Name : 9e Régiment de la garde.
- Regiment Tag : 9e
- Faction : France
- Class : Line Infantry/Skirmishers/Artillery/Cavalry
- Based : EU
- Thread Link - Will come soon in the process of updating old one here -

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 11 - 1st Battle of Bull Run
« on: February 17, 2013, 10:55:47 pm »
Beautiful :D Looks great!

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