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Messages - IR_Nr59_Lamastos

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I hope that I'm still available on the 19th, so I'll give it a shot.

Player Application
Name: Lama

The Mess Hall / Re: Join Our CoC Clan!
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:00:35 am »
Oh nice, Nr59 played CoC for a while as a regiment lol. We started for the memes, but it was actually fun.
Did you know that Qui Gon Jinn plays CoC?

Clash on, kings!

Goodbye Glenn, good luck in whatever you do in the future!

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk.3
« on: November 27, 2021, 01:42:30 pm »
Dear members of Asatro, it's time to merge under a banner. Your Cpt. Koen wants you in 15th_YR!
@Smylie @Nightwing @Lama @HiReaper @Maxifighter @Cody @Noswill @Ragn4r @Darius @Narrow @Ilypa @MacMajor

You cannot justify such a legendary, unstoppable force of dedicated alpha males in one single team. It would not be fair. That's why we disbanded. Smylie knew about the danger, he still did it, and he payed for it...

Regimenter / Re: Wagramer Grenadier Regiment
« on: November 25, 2021, 01:08:01 pm »
Viel Erfolg!

Mr Wursterich, what a man

The Mess Hall / Re: Chuckster Points - 09-01-2021
« on: October 08, 2021, 04:55:30 pm »
57 - BlitzKrieg
58 - NightWing
just saw this, wtf are you doing with our names chuckster?  >:(


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: The Fighting Pit - 3v3 Tournament
« on: September 13, 2021, 12:50:04 am »
Fun tourny thanks guys!

Viva Les Chocolatiers!

Events: EU / Re: Capture the Flag event CAPTURE THE CITY -LONDON-
« on: September 11, 2021, 01:44:16 pm »
Regiment: k.k. Infanterie-Regiment "Alexander von Jordis" Nummero 59
Person in charge (steam): IR_Nr59_Lama
Expected manpower: ~15
Read and accepted rules: Jawohl

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Proud Boys
« on: September 07, 2021, 08:37:13 pm »
Oh no, that's sad :/ Hope you all find a team that you like playing with, it's a shame you disband. Never played with you, but I always thought you were cool guys!

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Discussion
« on: July 31, 2021, 11:08:51 pm »
is the minecraft texture pack allowed?

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Asatro GF Team
« on: July 19, 2021, 09:41:44 pm »
Been here since Kami, roughly 2 years ago. What a journey it was! I put many hours into the team playing, having fun and laughing.
It's really sad that we didn't manage to survive the most recent phase of inactiveness. It is finally time for us to let another one take our place as the - as far as I know - longest standing team (didn't research, but would make sense).

Love all of you guys, thanks to everybody who helped giving me and Asatro/Kami a great time! And thanks to Strawhead for destroying the team with a video of Batman playing the clarinet.

Most importantly, I want to thank Smylie! You have seen me play 2 years ago in a regimental groupfight and added me on Steam, asking if I'd want to join a groupfighting team. Never haveing been in one before, I accepted and gathered my first experiences in Kamikaze. It was an awesome time, and many great people came and left over the months and years. But without you, the team would have never come to existance and would have never survived for so long, and I would probably still only play regimental stuff. You were always fair and friendly to me, and I trust you to this day!

I know you have a toxic side and there are some people you don't get along with, but you are a really lovely person and you were always kind to me. Even though the team disbands now and you didn't really have much time for NW the last weeks, I hope you become active again and bless the community with your presence :D Don't forget about the every-once-in-a-while-casual-asatro-gf!
There are some other people who have grown particularly dear to my heart, but it would be too much to mention them and I would probably miss one or two. But if you read this: Yes, I am talking about YOU!

Now, our groupchat will still remain and be a place of old memories and old people. And maybe feetpics. We have to decide whether enough people like them or not. I remain neutral on this topic.

skrt skrt,

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Napoleonic Wars: Mojang Edition Alpha 1.0
« on: July 11, 2021, 01:42:29 pm »
This will bring NW to old glory and make playercounts rise

In Development / Re: (WIP) Napoleonic Wars: Mojang Edition
« on: July 03, 2021, 02:25:25 pm »
We started playing Minecraft with 20 people with each player having a customized Nr59 uniform skin and an awesome NW texture pack a year it has come to that. What a time to be alive.

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