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Messages - YS23

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Other Games / Total War: Pharaoh
« on: July 06, 2023, 02:29:54 pm »

"In Total War: PHARAOH, the newest entry in the award-winning grand strategy series, immerse yourself in ancient Egypt at the zenith of its power and experience the dramatic events that threaten its destruction."

Release: October 2023

Feel free to discuss Total War's newest videogame.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 06, 2023, 10:58:36 am »
The problem with Holdfast is in my opinion how the community manages their regiments and events. It is all through seperate Discord servers. It is such a sloppy mess. In my opinion forums are far better to manage such a widespread community. If you use it simply for a regiment to communicate with each other, also because it is a lot cheaper and in most cases free, I could really live with that. Maybe I am growing old I do not know, but in my opinion sometimes what gets invented in the future is not always better than what exists in the past. Besides, the community is also very toxic (ofcourse it is an internet community, every has a bit of that), but still. If you come up with different ideas, they just cannot deal with it.

About the gameplay of Holdfast, I tried it and the gameplay is just not satisfying or by any means enjoyable. This got nothing to do with skill (I know I get shit on by a lot of players) the game feels very unresponsive, hitboxes are bugged. Also, I feel the game is more a shooting fest, especially on the public servers. To this day, I still feel NW is superior than any other Napoleonic game of its genre (except for the graphics, ofcourse Holdfast is eye candy compared to NW). We will have to see if Sword & Musket will be able to pull out something magical. I hope the Napoleonic singleplayer mod (Guns & Powder I think?) will be something good as well.

Only real solution is making NW an independent game which is not possible. FSE tried a while back and if I’m remembering correctly Paradox shot the idea down.
I get your point, it would be awesome to have another standalone Napoleonic game, but if that would have happened, if Paradox accepted it, then I am afraid it would have ended up like BCoF. It's almost like Holdfast but in the ACW period. I could be wrong, but seeing how long they worked on BCoF, and how dead it is right after release. It's worrying.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 11:21:28 pm »
Lately, I have been playing NW daily. Mostly Tropical Paradise and Minisiege. I haven't seen a lot of individuals with regiment tags. There is truth in Zeyden's comment. However, there are still people playing on these servers frequently, but they aren't as populated as ever. And most of them don't like regiments at all. Today, I was on Minisiege and almost the full L-G regiment was there. Good to see them still going.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 06:50:20 pm »
Casual is well alive, its just the top players that all seem to have left as price said, compared to last year
Then why can I barely see any regimental activity on public servers for trying to recruit people? To play in general? They also don't use the forums anymore. It is very difficult to get in touch with them. Casual is not so very alive anymore as you might think. Public servers are also getting more and more empty. Yes some events might still happen. I understand we will never be able to go back to the peak of NW once had. My only wish is to bring more players to the game so we can have multiple large events again and a bigger playerbase.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 04:15:06 pm »
Imo the game is somewhat still "active". Obviously the numbers aren't the same as they were a few years ago but you can still find a good amount of casual players during the regular events. I can somewhat retrace the "50+" number by wursti, but lets be real: We dont really see them. Back in the days we had 2-3 full linebattle servers per day. Right now we barely fill 1 server. Also have a look at the casual servers which attracted a good amount of players a few years back. This aint the case anymore. The comp scene is basically non exisiting anymore, because many, including me, dont have the interest to actively play at all. Right now I personally only play the game because I enjoy playing it with my regiment. It somewhat feels like a "burn out" for many people i assume
Exactly. They are almost nowhere to be found. Public servers have also decreased. There are only 2 servers I could think of that are somewhat populated, but not by much anymore. I get that with the competitive scene people get burn outs. People want to win and it brings stress for many players. Many say that casual events are boring and only the competitive scene interests them. But where is their enthusiasm for the Napoleonic Era? And I get it, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Getting shot in the beginning of a round and then waiting for an hour isn't amusing indeed. But, there are flag spawn events now which counter this problem, and honestly I enjoyed them quite a lot. Still do, actually. I want to change the state of the game, to bring more players and have these events rocking again like they used to. But as an individual with an irrelevant voice, I do not know how.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 02:04:28 pm »
I do find it quite funny that only now people come out of the woodworks to try and keep the game alive. Probably should have done something sooner if you really cared that much.

There is still a casual community, but the comp one (at least the high level comp scene) is very much dead.
What can one individual achieve? I wanted to help much sooner, but my voice is irrelevant.

That is good to hear that there are still casual groups as I am more interested in this game for the historical aspect and bigger linebattles.

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 01:23:32 pm »
Well I know of atleast 50+ active regiments, so it doesnt seem that dead
Lot's of regiments have disbanded. Compared to 2014 the game has lost a lot of players (which is understandable). The forums are also barely being used anymore. The contacts of these 50+ regiments are difficult to find since it seems that many don't use the forums any longer. Also foreign regiments that don't speak English have decreased. Take for example, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Turkish. Lot's of these regiments that speak these languages have little to none existent anymore. I am only trying to find a way to bring more life into this game, I only don't know how.

Community / Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: July 03, 2023, 01:15:36 pm »
Greetings everyone

I am actually saddened by the fact at what state the game is in. I see so many Napoleonic Era games dying. A lot of older Napoleonic games are not satisfying to play anymore due to their graphics being outdated and gameplay mechanics. Take Napoleon Total War for example, with recent updates the game is broken. Sound is not working properly and regular crashes. Mods do not work at all anymore. Now to come back to the topic of NW. Ofcourse, this game is getting old, but the gameplay is still a lot better than the current state of Sword & Musket for Bannerlord and the game from Anvil Studios called Holdfast. I understand that people are growing older and their personal lives are getting busier. Teamspeak servers are expensive (for this we have also Discord which is free) and maintaining an ingame server is expensive too. I also see that many people play this game solely for tournaments and these lists that I've seen. Why can we not enjoy the game as historical enthusiasts who care about this time period? I do not wish to offend anyone, this is merely a picture that I get.

Isn't there really any way to revive Napoleonic Wars for Warband? I would like to help in any way I can since I am a big Napoleonic Era enthusiast and it pains me to see that there aren't many games out there to enjoy within that time period.

If you are looking for a russian only reg then the main 2 would be LG and 3y.

LG plays only casual linebattle events while 3y is more of a competitive regiment that participates in tournaments and plays groupfights and 1v1s
Thank you. I'll look into it.

не играй в эту игру бро если тебе дорога психика , потом спасибо скажешь
Честно говоря, это зависит от того, с кем ты играешь. ;) Я также не собираюсь играть в эту игру на соревнованиях. Я здесь только из-за моего интереса к наполеоновской эпохе.

Thanks, will do!

There will always be negative people who cannot be positive about anything. They could complain for hours whilst not having said anything useful whatsoever. You have limited resources and I am sure you individuals are trying your hardest to make the best Napoleonic experience for Bannerlord. My guess is that we will just have to be a bit more patient. Rome was not built in one day either. I wish you S&M developers all the best and if you need any help with research about the Russian Empire in the future, I'll be happy to lend a hand.

Also, if the multiplayer is finished, will you look into a singleplayer version too? I think it might attract a lot of players as well, since many individuals bought the game solely for its singleplayer.

I sincerely hope after dedication and some time that this modification will become a worthy successor to the Napoleonic Wars DLC. There are little to none Napoleonic Era games out there. Napoleon Total War is also broken now with the recent updates, which is very disappointing. All other Napoleonic Era games (Scourge of War: Waterloo, to name one of them) are so outdated, which makes them not so satisfying to play anymore.

Всем привет.

Я ищу русский полк для игры. Я давно занимаюсь историей России. Я нахожу это очень интересным, поэтому уже некоторое время изучаю язык. У меня все еще есть проблемы с пониманием и речью. Читать и писать мне легче. Есть ли какой-нибудь полк, который был бы заинтересован во мне? Наиболее предпочтительно, я бы хотел вступить в Лейб-Гвардии. Но и у других все хорошо.

Сразу скажу, что я не буду очень активной, у меня насыщенная жизнь. Так что, если я не могу быть полноправным членом, это нормально. Мне тоже хорошо быть наемником. Я надеюсь, что это сообщение было написано хорошо, это заняло у меня несколько минут. Я с нетерпением жду встречи со всеми вами.

С наилучшими пожеланиями.

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