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Messages - BmCx_Blacklabel

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50
Servers / Re: NA Groupfighting |
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:02:01 pm »
Name under which you were banned: Gandalf_Gandalfian
What was happening when you got banned: Ancient_Noob slayed me for team wounding him (punching) so I tkd him cuz I was angry
Time and date: 2:48 AM 8/19/14
Timezone: Eastern
User Identification Number: 427384
There a lot of reasons why you should stay banned btw.

Banned, thanks for the report.

Servers / Re: 54th_Groupfighting | Taking Applications for Admins
« on: January 24, 2014, 01:27:46 am »
Community Name: 1stYeniceri_1stLt_Label
Steam Name: 1stYeniceri_Label (
Age: 18
Regiment: 1stYeniceri
Admin history: 54th_Na_siege, 1stYeniceri_Official
Why would you be a good admin: I spend a lot of my time on groupfighting servers, and I have lots of admin experience, I am fair and un-biased, and I know the rules on  groupfighting servers, and I have 780+ hours on the game, and I want to give back to the community I have enjoyed for many months.

Servers / Re: 54th_NA_Siege | Taking Applications for Admins
« on: January 20, 2014, 11:40:18 pm »
Community Name: 1stYeniceri_1stLt_Label

Steam Name (Links preferred): 1stYeniceri_Label

Age: 18

Admin History: 1stYeniceri official server, was not just used for training's, it was also a public server.

Why would you be a good admin: I am a regular to the game, and I am on almost every day, so I would be a very active admin, I have over 780 hours on the game, so I am a veteran to the series. I have never been banned from any servers, and have always respected the rules of the server, and I am well suited to enforcing the rules. I am merciful to mistakes but will not tolerate any racism, slurs or trolling. Thanks for your time and consideration! (Also for hosting a good NA siege server, which is long overdue.)


23:00~ (MST)
I was playing on NA1 last night, with a reg member Karma, and a little bit after spawn, I started getting attacked by someone with a saber briquette, by the name of, "TheManWithThePlan" and I killed him, and another user, maybe not seeing that I was the one attacked first, also tried to kill me, resulting in two team kills on my part. This is my first ever problem I have had playing multiplayer on NW in more than 500 hours.

In Development / Re: Regimental Thread (Iron Europe - WW1 Mod)
« on: December 22, 2012, 09:07:28 pm »
I would like to reserve the name 5th Garde-Regiment zu Fuß. Under the German Empire please good sir.

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