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Messages - Cwater

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 45
Why tf am I doing this?

Application for free agent
Steam name and link: Cwater
In game name: Cwater
GUID: 69531427
How long have you played warband: 2012...Kill me
Competitive history: I don't remember what I had for fucking lunch. You expect me to remember 6 years of the shit I get drunk to try and forget?
Especial mentions like throphies Etc: Refer to earlier answer
t r a s h
You would know

Why tf am I doing this?

Application for free agent
Steam name and link: Cwater
In game name: Cwater
GUID: 69531427
How long have you played warband: 2012...Kill me
Competitive history: I don't remember what I had for fucking lunch. You expect me to remember 6 years of the shit I get drunk to try and forget?
Especial mentions like throphies Etc: Refer to earlier answer

half asleep and accepted a ft7 cause this bum wouldn't stop spamming me on steam (he's justinbieber) I reign superior again baby. Look at all my fans who came out to watch" width="508

Damn, that Cwater guy up there looking pretty good, might need to recruit him.

can we all just agree that the 26e was the best regiment to ever touch this game?

*cough* you mean MoskovGren obviously *cough*

Can we all agree that we have better things to do than argue about dead regs' and washed up players at 3 am on a Tuesday?

Yes, read my guide on how to get laid.

As if

Can we all agree that we have better things to do than argue about dead regs' and washed up players at 3 am on a Tuesday?

good tie against the 3eVolt, 19-19.
Honestly 20-0 forfeit smh

S'uppose I'll give eit a go

Community Name: Cwater
Old Gen or New Gen: Old Gen (late 2012/early 2013)
Any competitive experience: I've been fighting for the Jewish state since I was but a boy (yesh)

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