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Messages - Munj

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 42
Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: RGL -Regimental Groupfighting League
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:41:05 pm »
Name: Munj
Experience: I am an Napoleonic Wars League (NWL) Referee
Why you want to be a Referee: This sounds like a really interesting concept and would like to get involved helping to ref these battles
When do you have time: mostly on the Friday Saturday and Sunday but if necessary in the week

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League [Season 1-4]
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:35:08 pm »

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League [Season 1-4]
« on: November 27, 2014, 08:39:27 pm »
2lhr   vs GGR Nr4
 7       -      3


Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: November 21, 2014, 08:58:52 pm »
Spartans vs 33rd

     7       -      3


Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:59:42 pm »
92nd vs Spartan

 9      -      1


Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:51:40 pm »
25th vs 1te

 9     -    1

GG both sides.

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:32:21 am »
With regards to the Spartans vs 14e battle. My decisions were justified I had a rough time ,after the event, disputing the gaps issue with the 14e. But I believe my judgement was correct. Admittedly the Spartans did have more gap addressing issues than the 14e (yes both sides did have minor gap addressing issues, it's not fair to say only one side did) but the whole point of a referee is to put an issue into perspective and use initiative, not just follow the rules like a dog. I believe that these gap issues were minor and were not detrimental to the outcome of any round, and I think that pointing them out so that they are acknowledged and worked on is actually far more effective than handing out harsh punishment. As I said to Enriik if I were to stop a battle for every small rule break then we would be playing all day. At the end of the day it was an intense event, definitely not a roll over for either regiment (as the score dictates). Finally with regards to hill camping I would say this, the whole point of the NWL rule 'After 5 rounds teams will be swapped to the opposing faction.' is to give both regiments to manipulate either side of the map to their own will. Therefore actually both sides had the opportunity to use the high ground to their advantage, it's dependant on whether they choose to make use that advantage, it's called tactics, it's how real wars are fought, using your environment to your advantage.

I would like to end this topic now. It was a fair fight, both regiments played well, making for a really enjoyable match to referee in. I just hope that next time when disputes are being sorted out they are done so in a calmer and more level headed way, rather than adding your own emotion into it. That's all I'll be saying on this topic and quite frankly I think we should all end it here and move on.

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:29:31 pm »
14e vs Spartan

 5    -      5

Ref: Munj

Good fight from both sides. Spartans watch your spacing, I didn't penalise you as heavily as I could because that moment wasn't game changing and it would be unfair to restart the round. 14e I would appreciate it if you weren't so salty about the decisions made. Being told this is the 'last time' I will ref your matches is just not good sportsman ship. At the end of the day there are 2 sides my decision will only please one its unfair to criticise the referee for acting in fair judgement (regardless of whether that judgement goes against you). 

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:15:45 pm »
1. Spartan vs 25th
         7        -   3

Ref: Munj

2. 5pp vs 14e
      0    -   10

Ref: Munj

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