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all but a couple of uniforms are done, now it's mostly less exciting stuff like animating, ui textures, and other back-end things which can take a while

Skins & OSP Resources / Uniforms of B&I II [OSP]
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:55:42 am »

Since we are updating all the uniforms in the mod (thanks to Hinkel and Docm30) we would like to release the old uniforms to modders for use in their projects. There's no point in letting all that hard work go to waste!

This pack contains uniforms (models and textures) from the French, Prussian, British, American, and Japanese nations in the 19th Century; a wide variety of awesome stuff you can use to make fantastic things with. You will find that all the uniforms have been ordered (by mesh name) in the following fashion for ease in modding: nation_class_name_rank. Unfortunately the pack does not contain python code for the module files, however adding them to the items list will not be too difficult. We recommend that you follow the naming method through the items list to the troops list for simplicity, like so:
["brit_infantry_24th", "brit_infantry_24th", [("brit_infantry_24th",0)], itp_merchandise| itp_type_body_armor  |itp_covers_legs |itp_civilian,0, 100 , weight(3)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(14)|leg_armor(6)|difficulty(0) ,imodbits_cloth ],
This way you can use the mesh names from the brf files to assign them to troops in the file (rather than looking for mesh names in the item list, then getting the item name and adding that to the troop one is editing).

Conditions: Please remember to give us credit for the stuff you use from this pack.

Grab the download link here

Get Will's 19th Century Firearms Pack from this download link

about a month ago we had the first stage of beta testing, which went really well. so bugs from that have been cleaned up, and some new features have been added (like the winter uniforms), so we'll have another, larger, test when this stage is complete.

at the moment i've got all the time in the world, so i'm working on the mod as if it were a day job. it'll probably be finished within the month, or early next month (not including testing time)

new flags

british winter uniforms

french winter uniforms

japanese winter uniforms

prussian winter uniforms

us winter uniforms

since everyone seems to like the idea of playing as custer so much, here's some pictures of his uniform (winter and regular):


you might want to try reinstalling the warband dedicated server files, then place these over them again. the NaS server or module doesn't change anything to do with text.

1. redownload the warband (or napoleonic wars) dedicated server files, set them up
2. redownload the north and south server files, and unpack them into the dedicated server folder

if that doesn't work, you might want to check on taleworlds and see if there are any similar problems

hope this helps!

Ladys, Ladys, and Hinkle.....dont fight here on the thread titled "Your Best NaS memories" this is a place of good memories and fun experiences. DO NOT turn this into a mud slinging or a debate.

good point, but best to leave these kinds of things up to moderators to sort out ;)

i've updated the weapon stats post to reflect the changes made in 1.1, hope it clears some things up for people.

When I downloaded the patch, all the characters were messed up.. How do I fix that?

that shouldn't happen because we never touched the character creation stuff between the patches.

We attempted to fix the broken bear glitch while also fixing up some old ones. The beard problem is better but still not fully working

it's a warband problem introduced in a game update some time ago, before 1.0 and during development of 1.0 (when we added some new ones) the beards were fine. once again, there was no change to character accessories between versions, not only to keep people's characters from before, but so that they're compatible with the new B&I characters (NaS uses the new B&I hair, and B&I uses the NaS beards).

perhaps there will be something on the progress this week, i've been very busy lately (with NaS etc) and i will continue to be busy with real life stuff for the next three to four weeks i'm afraid... but rest assured the mod is still being developed with the same amount of passion that it was when i started this update!


This update introduces proper server files for the mod, something that will allow everyone to host their own server without messing around with the mod files and the NW server batch files (because not everyone is into that kind of thing)

If you don't know how to set up a dedicated server, click here for the tutorial.

Firstly you will need to download the Warband/NW dedicated server files and set up them where you want to host your server.

Secondly you will need to download the new North and South dedicated server files, unpack it in the Warband server folder, and replace all when asked.

You're basically all set to run a dedicated North and South First Manassas server now!

Edit by Wüsti: Changed version number and downloadlink

quick update from me (shocking i know):

the mod is undergoing some closed beta testing, i've received some great feedback and have a list of changes that need to be made and things that i need to finish. i'm trying not to add any more features because of this, but i just couldn't help adding winter uniforms; on snowy and stormy maps units will spawn with their winter coats rather than regular tunics.

don't forget to keep an eye out on moddb for more regular updates!

I'm going to break my hiatus for a second just to remind everyone that the mod is still under development, and updates (mostly in the form of screenshots) are being posted on our Moddb page!

I see there parts from L'aigle and 69th Irish uniform from N&S, but it still looks awesome! Good work

Considering I made the flappy part from that winter frock coat, it's only fair it gets re-purposed :P Besides, all the models are based off Docm's N&S models (thanks to Hinkel's generosity) so there isn't anything from L'aigle in that uniform.

There's probably an option for that, but it notifies you if you're following a mod and new stuff gets posted about it. It's a really useful site.

Blood & Iron / Re: In Development - B&I 3.0 - We're still working on it!
« on: September 12, 2015, 10:23:15 pm »
Because I can't be bothered with the state that these forums have fallen into tbh, and more people get notified by stuff getting posted on moddb.

Blood & Iron / Re: In Development - B&I 3.0 - We're still working on it!
« on: September 12, 2015, 09:39:20 pm »
More stuff will be posted on the moddb page rather than these forums now, if you want to keep more up-to-date on the mod follow us on there!

Link to Moddb

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