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Messages - MrSt3fan

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33rd vs 15th_YR got cancelled apperantly they double booked GG no re.

18:52 - MrSt3fan: Hey man, seems like something went wrong with our planning and we've got a double booking at 8 tonight. Unfortunately this leads to us not being able to battle you for the Rgl tonight. I will speak to the organisers and inform them about it, so you get a free win. Apologies for the late notice, but we just found out ourselves
18:57 - MrSt3fan: We don't mind to give you a fee win. We're rather busy the coming week, so it can be a pain to find a suitable day and time
18:58 - MrSt3fan: Up to you but we're fine with losing it. It's not like we have any shot at winning anyway ^^

will take that 20-0, but honestly shame Stefan get your shit together with planning events...

People make mistakes, no need to express yourself like that. You're not flawless yourself

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - 1 Line spot open!
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:22:59 pm »
Last minute cav spot open!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - 1 Line spot open!
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:05:41 pm »
Regiment Name: 37th North Hampshire
Preferred Faction: Uk
Preferred Class: Line
Expected Attendance: 8-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: yes
Steam Contact: [37th] Shadow


Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - 1 Line spot open!
« on: February 28, 2016, 04:55:49 pm »
I have 1 more line spot open!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle - Line, Lights and Cav!
« on: February 24, 2016, 05:47:00 pm »
Still some line spots open i believe! Sign up line regs so the 25th can kill you on the battlefield ;)

Yep, 2 spots still open!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle - Line, Lights and Cav!
« on: February 24, 2016, 01:00:40 am »
Regiment Name:25th Regiment of Foot
Preferred Faction:United Kingdom
Expected Attendance:25
Will you be attending once, or weekly:Weekly
Steam name:[25th] Pumti | Blomin Good Brit
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 2
Preferred Faction: Prussia, UK
Class: Skirmisher
Expected Attendance: 15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Permanently
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: 76th Highlanders
Preferred Faction: UK
Expected Attendance: 14-22
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: [76th] Hux
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

23rd stuff again

Regiment Name: 77y Pehotniy Polk
Preferred Faction: N/A
Expected Attendance: ~25
Class: Infantry & Cavavlry
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: yes

All Accepted!

Regiment Name: Arma dei Carabinieri - 9th Reggimento Carabinieri Genovesi
Preferred Faction: Prussia
Class: Light infantry / Skirms
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes :)

Both skirmisher spots have been taken. Would you like a line spot?

There's place for 3 more lines!

Also, Fire in the charge will not be allowed, change of plans.

Ok, line is fine :)

Then accepted! :)

Regiment Name: 2nd_QDG (CAV)
Preferred Faction: Any
Expected Attendance: 13-16
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

As stated above, I only have a few more line spots open. Both the cavalry and skirmisher spots have been taken. I can offer you a line spot if you want it

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle - Line, Lights and Cav!
« on: February 23, 2016, 06:30:45 pm »
Regiment Name: 3 pułk Piechoty
Preferred Faction: United Kingdom
Preferred Class: Light infantry
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam id:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

I only have line spots open

Community / Re: Do you remember?:>
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:36:20 pm »
Not the one under, Leo was it? Or was that after. I dont even remember

We never had Gokiller in the current 33rd, so nope, not the one Leo was Col for. The current 33rd was formed in NW too, not MM. (That map gives me ebola btw)

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle - Line, Lights and Cav!
« on: February 23, 2016, 04:23:42 pm »
Regiment Name:25th Regiment of Foot
Preferred Faction:United Kingdom
Expected Attendance:25
Will you be attending once, or weekly:Weekly
Steam name:[25th] Pumti | Blomin Good Brit
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 2
Preferred Faction: Prussia, UK
Class: Skirmisher
Expected Attendance: 15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Permanently
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: 76th Highlanders
Preferred Faction: UK
Expected Attendance: 14-22
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: [76th] Hux
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

23rd stuff again

Regiment Name: 77y Pehotniy Polk
Preferred Faction: N/A
Expected Attendance: ~25
Class: Infantry & Cavavlry
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: yes

All Accepted!

Regiment Name: Arma dei Carabinieri - 9th Reggimento Carabinieri Genovesi
Preferred Faction: Prussia
Class: Light infantry / Skirms
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes :)

Both skirmisher spots have been taken. Would you like a line spot?

There's place for 3 more lines!

Also, Fire in the charge will not be allowed, change of plans.

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - 1 Cav and 1 Line spot open!
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:33:58 pm »
Still a Cav spot open for Sunday 21st of Feb

Servers / Re: St3fan's Server Hosting - Second server 50% off!
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:13:53 pm »
Amazing server host. Greater character.

Thanks man! Much appreciated!

Servers / Re: St3fan's Server Hosting - Quality Servers For Quality Prices
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:07:45 pm »
New promotion: Second server 50% off!

If you get 2 servers, your second server will be 50% off! The biggest server will be the full price, and the smaller one will be half the price. If you order 2 equal servers, one will be full price, one will be half price. This means that, as an example, you can get two 200 slot servers for only 22.50 Pounds a month. This promotion will be available until the 20th of February and it will run for as long as you have 2 servers online!
Ill help spread the word for ya mate on some threads some of my mates made since they are looking for a server

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Servers / Re: St3fan's Server Hosting - Quality Servers For Quality Prices
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:55:11 pm »
New promotion: Second server 50% off!

If you get 2 servers, your second server will be 50% off! The biggest server will be the full price, and the smaller one will be half the price. If you order 2 equal servers, one will be full price, one will be half price. This means that, as an example, you can get two 200 slot servers for only 22.50 Pounds a month. This promotion will be available until the 20th of February and it will run for as long as you have 2 servers online!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - 1 Cav and 1 Line spot open!
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:05:09 pm »
Regiment Name: 45th Regiment Of Foot
Preferred Faction: Doesn't matter
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Expected Attendance: 12-20
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once, weekly if we like it
Steam name: You have me on steam
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes


Good luck!

Accepted as cav

Regiment Name: 15° Regimento de Infantaria
Preferred Faction: Dont care
Preferred Class: Line
Expected Attendance: 10-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yep

Regiment Name: Miquelets de Catalunya
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Line
Expected Attendance: 15-20
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

I'm sorry, but the event is full

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle - Line Only - 2 Spots Open
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:57:29 pm »
Regiment Name: 45th Regiment Of Foot
Preferred Faction UK
Expected Attendance:12-20
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once, but weekly if we like it
Steam name: [45th] Butler
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:yes


Event for tonight is full!

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