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Messages - Rayleigh

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Tbh I don't know the state of either of the 55th/92nd centre companies currently and I do understand that with summer itll be hard with attendance etc. Bringing your centre companies was just an idea I offered for your sake which would be respectable, though if you are looking for other regiments, 19th are interested and potentially Nr13/65y. During the prelimnary discussions on FSE there was a concensus that 92nd/55th could bring their companies though I do understand that things do change

55th Could also bring a full team. I would love to join a 2v2 Format Tournament!

My point with which I wrote my original post with was to highlight and remind people the aims of this tournament and to reiterate what Kincaid said about teams as I do think its pretty unfair to portray Kincaid as cancelling you guys out without fair warning when it really was there.

A lot of bullshit written down by Maskman. Thank you for that!
So if we get denied with all those 'warnings' and irrelevant podcasts etc, then we still have the right to contradict this decision and try to make our case.
For example if your application would be denied than I guess you'd do the same if you think that Kincaid is wrong.

Also 92nd cannot bring their centre company to this tournament, if it was possible then I think we'd do the same like 45thN.

The reason as to why I linked the podcast in is to sell the point that playing with centre companies aint that bad and that there are advantages. Though I do understand where your hostility to irrelevant podcast comes from considering the last one you went on ended in tears  :'(

We never had a seperated Centre or Gren company only periodically a Lights company who ditched out because of low IQ. 65y hate me just so you know :)


On this FSE thread there was a discussion regarding over powered teams, the general consensus in the thread was to run the teams through Kincaid prior to any team applications going up as opposed to doing seeding and randomised teams to keep the tournament interesting and for balancing purposes, the 45thN for example didnt submit their team application until we had a chat with Kincaid to make sure everything was in order. This way of manually pairing teams as opposed to seeding and randomization is much better imo and we went with it.

Ultimately it is a 2v2 summer time tournament conveniently placed inbetween EIC and RGL, it isnt meant to be the type of tournament where tier 1/2 regiments sweat it out, pair up with eachother and smash their way through to the final. This was explicitly said by the host with the aim to create a more interesting tournament as mentioned below.

Last year teams were formed in private, with regiments applying together and avoiding stacks with a simple rule preventing any regiments who made it to semis in the last major tournament from playing together. Whilst this did work to an extent I feel the group-stage was far less interesting as a result, with the top two regs from each group leaving little doubt who would ultimately make it through.

The new sign-up format I am proposing is we go for individual reg sign-ups, split the reg pool down the middle and pair an upper and lower reg randomly. This could also include (prior to pairing) a quick PM from myself to every leader, requesting any reg pairings they wish to veto due to any potential issues (language barrier/past experience/etc) which might arise. Hopefully this would avoid any upset amongst each team whilst ensuring they are somewhat fresh.

Ultimately you're going to have some stronger teams, the favorites as you would call them, 71st/96y 15thYR/77y but on any good day most teams could beat them - the possibility is not totally unreachable. I think down grading the skill level of the teams in the tournament provides much more competition across the medium tier teams and would make this tournament much more interesting with not only more teams but more competetition. Kincaid did specify that all the teams would need to be approved if we went down the free choice of pairing as opposed to seeding (much better imo) and there was fair warning to this.  Worst comes to worst 55th and 92nd would have be given the oppurtunity to play with their centre companies in this summer time regimental tournament as we gear up for RGL in the late autumn.

We covered some of this on the Chriseh Podcast where we talked about the tournament itself, the potential teams paired up and the pros and cons of being able to bring centre companies with you. This is just generally what I took away from the preliminary discussions thread and from my chats with Kincaid, I do think its unfair to portray Kincaid as cancelling you guys out without fair warning when it really was there.

What centre company?? We have one company a mix of Gren and centre of which all will be playing in the 2v2 in our line since the majority of our RGT lineup won't show up. Even if they did there are enough ways to deal with a stronger melee regiment in a LB and tbh they can't even do formations properly mostly... . There were no problems with our team until we both took a victory in a competition this year.

I don't want to shit on the 15thYR/77y team but in comparison, 92nd placed third in RGT, 15thYR second, 55th first, 92nd placed first in EIC and 15thYR second in EIC. I think people forget that 15thYR is still an OP and veteran regiment they have lost twice recently again that doesn't make em shit they have won basically everything else the past years. 77y also an experienced and well lead regiment that takes top positions in  competitions. 1v1 and 2v2 wise you can't forget to look at the leaders and experience. Besides Pieter in our team who has experience the rest is green if you compare that to the 15thYR/77y team. They have the 3 so called top leaders of NW.... but that doesn't seem to matter. Like Blitz stated in 10v10 people say we are a stack but a LB is 15+ even 20+ and people get shot, terrain can be used and leaders actually have a bigger impact but ye just cancel us.

I do disagree with this only not accepting of our team...

So I’ll just make my case to try and get my/our point across.

I think it is quite ridiculous to now go saying that certain regiments can’t play together after they have made their team and went through the “diplomacy” with each other and most other regiments that actually want to play have made their own teams as well. You can’t go and be like, you guys can’t play together and neither can you and you.

If you wanted certain regiments not to play together or certain teams not to form you should have put up restrictions in the beginning before any teams were formed. Because now you are just canceling us out of this competition with no valid reason and saying sort it out yourself and gl…. .

The fact that 92nd won EIC and 55th won RGT shouldn’t matter. The team was made before any of those wins, mainly because our officer cores get along pretty well and we play each other weekly. The fact that this year both of us were able to grasp victory shouldn’t define our participation in another competition with a different format. Only speaking for 55th now if you look back at EIC we choked and got our ass handed to us by the 77y. 15thYR just cause they lost twice doesn’t make them shit they virtually won every competition over the past years in this game. 77y has also always placed very high in the rankings in leagues and competitions.

13e, 71st, 96y, There are so many more regiments that are so called stacked in one way or another but that is just how it is in competitions. What should drive people is to overcome these regiments, stacks, teams and take on the challenge not cancel them to get an ez win in a competition because ez wins you should go get them in a casual LB.

I didn’t hear anyone complain about our team more then about other teams if there were even complaints. Every regiment, every team has a chance to win be it by skill or luck it doesn’t matter. A victor is only decided after the match is played, what is written on paper is worthless and has no meaning because everything can happen during a match and that has been proven more than enough times!

I think the teams are pretty dam fine and there would be a good competition going on still. But by cancelling our, You just play us out of the competition before it even started which is completely and utterly unfair.

I hope you see my point and can agree to it

Yes it's fair to have 2 of the top 4 melee regiments be on a team together. You also posted the team app in early June which is not that long ago...

Since when is a 2v2 only melee? The more important parts in 1v1 and 2v2 are the leading, formations and shooting and for the record we hadn't won anything by that time we signed up.

I do disagree with this only not accepting of our team...

So I’ll just make my case to try and get my/our point across.

I think it is quite ridiculous to now go saying that certain regiments can’t play together after they have made their team and went through the “diplomacy” with each other and most other regiments that actually want to play have made their own teams as well. You can’t go and be like, you guys can’t play together and neither can you and you.

If you wanted certain regiments not to play together or certain teams not to form you should have put up restrictions in the beginning before any teams were formed. Because now you are just canceling us out of this competition with no valid reason and saying sort it out yourself and gl…. .

The fact that 92nd won EIC and 55th won RGT shouldn’t matter. The team was made before any of those wins, mainly because our officer cores get along pretty well and we play each other weekly. The fact that this year both of us were able to grasp victory shouldn’t define our participation in another competition with a different format. Only speaking for 55th now if you look back at EIC we choked and got our ass handed to us by the 77y. 15thYR just cause they lost twice doesn’t make them shit they virtually won every competition over the past years in this game. 77y has also always placed very high in the rankings in leagues and competitions.

13e, 71st, 96y, There are so many more regiments that are so called stacked in one way or another but that is just how it is in competitions. What should drive people is to overcome these regiments, stacks, teams and take on the challenge not cancel them to get an ez win in a competition because ez wins you should go get them in a casual LB.

I didn’t hear anyone complain about our team more then about other teams if there were even complaints. Every regiment, every team has a chance to win be it by skill or luck it doesn’t matter. A victor is only decided after the match is played, what is written on paper is worthless and has no meaning because everything can happen during a match and that has been proven more than enough times!

I think the teams are pretty dam fine and there would be a good competition going on still. But by cancelling our, You just play us out of the competition before it even started which is completely and utterly unfair.

I hope you see my point and can agree to it

signing up a friend

Community Name: Ck
Name to be used:  55th_rct_killerfreak231
Steam Link:
Do you agree to rules stated above?: he did

signing up a friend

Player Name: new_gamer2014
Steam (Link required):

Team Name: The Flying Dutchmen
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd "Gordon's Highlanders" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):  &
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): &
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
tell me it’s a meme
would have been a good meme though but it is not ^^

Community Name: Rayleigh Fierce
Why you should be admin: didn't have much choice now did I
Previous Experience: enough
Steam Link:
Regiment: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot

Team Name: The Flying Dutchmen
Primary Contact (Steam ID):
Preferred Faction: UK

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd "Gordon's Highlanders" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID):  &
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Contacts (Steam ID): &
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name
.000000/ #Name

M.Tournaments Board / Re: M. Tournaments | TRT II | 13th of June
« on: May 29, 2021, 10:20:35 pm »
Signing up a friend
Nickname:  xXFighterXx
Steam Link (required):
Where you from (Country): Germany

fse such a lovely place

Regiment Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Regiment Banner:
Line-up (10): tba
Subs (5 max): tba
Team Leader's Steam (Link):

M.Tournaments Board / Re: M. Tournaments | TRT II | 13th of June
« on: May 16, 2021, 12:15:17 am »
Nickname:  Rayleigh Fierce
Steam Link (required):
Where you from (Country):  Belgium (Flanders)

Regiment Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Preferred faction: Any
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Line
Expected attendance: 10-15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Once
Regiment leader's Steam name: you all have me
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: yes

Not crying about the gaps at all. We only asked because you can't do wrong with asking. We just choked the melee in an epic fashion that is all there was nothing more to the 1v1.

anyhow gl to the 77y with the next match

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