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Messages - Doguereau

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Events: EU / Aigle Thursday Reinforcement-Linebattle Event *NEED LINES*
« on: October 08, 2023, 03:33:55 pm »
Welcome to Aigle Thursday Event !

The French Community made up of the CEL, AF, XVe and the 45e is proud to present you their own event. It is a Respawn Flag Event made for all classes, with a nice mix of custom and random maps as well as unique rules designed to bring more epicness without complexifying the event. This event will be hosted every weeks on Thursday during 1h between 7.30 PM and 8.30 PM GMT. The server name will be Aigle_Thursday_Event and the password will be communicated 1h before the event on the steam chat or you can contact one of the organisators.

General rules:

I- Do not spam in the global chat
II- Do not t-bag, troll, rambo/random etc.
III- Do not insult => kick/ban |
IV- 2 to 4 rounds depending on their length
V- No rules when garrisoning or attacking a building

Line Infantry rules:
I - Minimum 3 men to join the event
II - No fire in charge unless in anti-cav formation
III- Must form a line to shoot, single lines can not crouch
IV- If you are 3 or less, join a friendly unit or go back to your spawn to make your unit respawn
Artillery rules:
I - Minimum 3 men to join the event
II- 5 arty guards maximum are allowed and may only FiC from their arty position
III- 2 pieces on both sides and can use howitzers
IV- No abusive use of planks
V- No rockets
Cavalry rules:
I - Minimum 2 men to join the event
II - If dragoons: must form a line to shoot, on horseback or on foot
III  Stay in formation (except during the charge)     
IV - Lone cavalry man must retreat and wait for respawns or dismount and join a friendly unit or go back to your spawn to make your unit respawn
Rifles & Light Infantry rules:
I - Minimum 3 men to join the event
II - Fire in charge is forbidden unless in anti-cav, you have to form before firing
III - Can crouch and spread out
IV - No RiC (Reload in Charge)
V - If you are 3 or less, join a friendly unit or go back to your spawn to make your unit respawn
VI - Allowed to take 1 sapper only to build FENCES and STAKES

Sign Up Format:

Regiment name :
Troop/Class :
Amount Attending :
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?:
At what time does the event start?:

Weekly Regiments attending :

- 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied "Royal-Artillerie" (6-8) [1 piece]
- 5e Régiment d'Artillerie Impériale (2-5) [1 piece]
- [L-G]Preobraz (20-25 in total) [1 piece]
- 1tes (10-15 in total) [1 piece]

- 1er Régiment de Dragons "Royal Dragons" (5-8)
- 54th"Söğüt"Regiment (18-28 in total)

- 1° Reggimento di Linea Compagnia Volteggiatori (6-8)
- 1ère Demi-Brigade Légère (8-12)

- 1er Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne "Régiment de Picardie" (7-12)
- [PG] Pontonniers de la Garde Impériale (10-20)
- 1er Régiment de Fusiliers-Grenadiers (12-20)
- 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (10-15)
- [L-G]Preobraz (20-25 in total)
- 1tes (10-15 in total)
- 1stEB (8-12)
- 20 Pułk Piechoty Liniowej (6-8)
- Bataillon sacré| 32ème Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne (6-10)
- 42nd Regiment of Foot "BlackWatch" (4-6)
- [IVe] 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (6-12)
- 54th"Söğüt"Regiment (18-28 in total)
- Free slot
- Free slot
- Free slot
- Free slot
- Free slot

- 12th South Essex Regiment of Foot [1st Line Infantry]
- 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [2nd Line Infantry]
- 1er Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne "Régiment de Picardie" [3rd Line Infantry]
- [L-G]Preobraz [Foot Guard]
- 1° Reggimento di Linea Compagnia Volteggiatori [Light Infantry]
- 1er Régiment de Dragons "Royal Dragons" [Dragoon/Lancer]
- 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied "Royal-Artillerie" [Artillery]
- [L-G]Preobraz [Artillery]
- 1er Régiment de Fusiliers-Grenadiers [1st Line Infantry]
- 1stEB [2nd Line Infantry]
- 1tes [3rd Line Infantry]
- [PG] Pontonniers de la Garde Impériale [Foot Guard]
- 1ère Demi-Brigade Légère [Rifleman]
- 54th"Söğüt"Regiment [Lancer]
- 5e Régiment d'Artillerie Impériale [Artillery]
- 1tes [Artillery]

Waiting List:
- 8e Régiment d'Artillerie [Artillery]
- 4e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère [Light Infantry]

few line slots available as well as one cav for tonight only !

Holy shit, my favourite french person is here.
holy shit, my fav greek who doesnt know shit about cheese is here ! <3 

merry christmas! :)

thank you sorry i havent checked since then ^^'

Regiment name : 4 Pułk Piechoty Liniowej
Troop/Class : Line inflantry
Amount Attending : 5 - 8
Leader and Second steam link: encore ( ), there is no second at the moment
Weekly or Once?: weekly
At what time does the event start?: 20.30 (in Poland)
Accepted thanks for signing up !  :)

Events: EU / Re: HLI Tuesday LB Event "LF Lines"
« on: September 24, 2023, 01:52:24 pm »
Regiment Name: 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied alongside the 1er Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regiment Leader's/Representative's Steam: |
Class applying for: Artillery + Line
Numbers attending: 5-10 arty | 8-12 line
Would you like to join weekly?: yes
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: yes

Regiment name :1stGLI
Troop/Class :Infantry
Amount Attending :20~
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?:Weekly
At what time does the event start?:7:30 gmt

put us on the waiting list for arty.
Accepted nice to see you guys :)

a few line slots are still available !

Regiment name : Hungarian Line Infantry - HLI
Troop/Class : Cav
Amount Attending : ~10
Leader and Second steam link: ///
Weekly or Once?: Weekly
At what time does the event start?: This event will be hosted every weeks on Friday during 1h between 7.30 PM and 8.30 PM BST.
Added to the waiting list for cavalry

Name of the regiment: Legion de la Liberte
Squad/Class: Austrian line infantry.
Number of visitors: 5-10
The leader and the second link in steam:

Colonel Timitix:
Fenrih Mikhailo:

Weekly or once?: once
What time does the event start?: Idk

Accepted welcome  :D

Registration for the 87th Irish Regiment

Name of the regiment: 87th_Irish
Squad/Class: 2nd Line Infantry
Number of visitors: ~10
The leader and the second link in steam:
Weekly or once?: 1
What time does the event start?: 20:30 CET

Accepted thanks for coming  :)

Regiment name : Das niederösterreichische kaiserlich-königliche Pontonier-Korps zu Klosterneuburg
Troop/Class : Artillery
Amount Attending : 5+-
Leader and Second steam link: Unkreativ and 2nd soon™
Weekly or Once?: Weekly
At what time does the event start?: I dont know daddy, I didnt read the thread or rules  ::)
Accepted as the leader is kinda cute ngl  :)

line+arty slot available :)

Regiment name: 92e régiment d'infanterie
Troop/Class: artillery
Amount Attending: + 6
Leader and Second steam link:
Weekly or Once?: weekly
At what time does the event start?: idk
Accepted as line thanks for signing up  :)

some line+arty slots available with special pike and shot round !

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