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Messages - Golden.

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Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server
« on: June 06, 2016, 06:30:53 pm »
This happened before pretty sure it is only down for a bit.

In-game Name: Coppelius
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): 82nd_Gdm_Golden
Reason For Ban: teamkill
Time/date (If Known): now
Apology/Statement Against Ban:Sorry for this teamkills, i will never do it again.
Player ID (If Known): Dont know
I would like to point out that I didn't actually ban you. It was a different admin.

Admin Application

In-Game Name: Golden
Steam Name: Golden
Regiment/Rank(If Any): 82nd Gdm, Most know me from 22nd.
Admin Experience: Some on other games. However I will not lie this would be my first admin experience on M&B NW.
Spoken Languages: English, French
Reason Why You Want This Role: I spend a lot of time on the group fighting server, infact it is mostly all I do on M&B and that means a lot of the time I see people taking the wrong units and just simply trolling. I believe I can bring an iron fist of administration in those late hours when no other admin is around, to stop all the stupid people ruining the server for the innocent group fighters.

Community Name: Golden | George Goldfield
Steam Profile:
Regiment: 82nd (The Prince of Wales' Volunteers) Regiment of Foot

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