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Messages - Nade

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: December 18, 2013, 10:26:17 pm »
You stole my idea, little pet scum !

Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [SIGN UP IS OPEN!]
« on: December 13, 2013, 07:12:31 pm »
Skirms are full. Can I give you something else?


Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [SIGN UP IS OPEN!]
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:34:58 pm »
Regiment Name:5e Régiment de Voltigeurs
Preferred Faction: France
Preferred Class: Skirms
Expected Attendance:10-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: once
Steam name: [IVe_5e] Sergent-Chef Nade /Carabino
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Honte au IVe !

A beard, an axe ? No doubt, it's Catredfish !

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:17:02 am »
It's written, the very first Zob Commandment says :

"I'm the Zob, your God, who brought you out of the land of Erik, out of the house of bad taste
You shall no have other gods before me
You shall wear Shakos, because shakos are wow, so cool, such badass."

I'm not making this up, I'm sorry for all bicornbieber fan boys, but Divine Law is irrevocable

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:23:43 pm »
It's an honor to be one of the most feared persons by your corps so you give medals for killing me. If I gave a medal to everyone who kills one of IVe leaders, some people would have over 20 medals :)

I'm not silly btw

It's not a medal... it's a Cup, it's better !

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:20:44 pm »
Congratulation to the winners of the Patrykup tonight

- Rapp
- Nade (zob)
- Exofrance
- Cocorico
- Antoine
and probably another guy, but nobody cares.

You too, kill this silly Polish and your name will be added to this prestigious list ! (or you can give money to Erik, it works as well)

Patay, Bayst Eu 2k13

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: October 28, 2013, 02:10:37 pm »
Ok, a new lesson for you today (Erik won't stop spamming me if I don't write it)

So, the word of the day is pretty famous, but it's a shame that so few people know what it really means.

Let's start. "Bifle" (and it's Bifleu, not Bifeul, you silly tea drinkers)
It's the contraction of Bite, and Gifle. I'm sure every one here got it now.
There's no equivalent in English, because English is not a poetic language, all of you are just miners, punks or sheep breeders.

Let's try to translate it, so you can understand and have pretty funny games during your slumber parties.
Slick, Cocklap, or even Penislap, all these neologisms are good, and I'll accept them during the exam at the end of the semester.
See you next week

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: October 24, 2013, 04:04:06 pm »
New lesson incoming !

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: October 23, 2013, 10:09:08 am »
Ok kids, let's learn a new word today
"Zob", the word zob is french slang for "penis".
It's used in several poetic expressions, like "En avant, zob au vent".
We can translate it by "Forward with our dick flapping in the wind"

French is such a lovely language <3

Regiments / Re: ♣ IVe Corps d'Armée Français ♣ [EU/FR]
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:36:22 pm »
I is good talking england

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: IVe Corps d'Armée Français
« on: September 29, 2013, 05:56:59 pm »
Bonne chance... oh, wait

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