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Messages - Slick

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Regiments / Re: 9y Leib Gvardii (Selectively Recruiting NA)
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:38:39 pm »
Welcome new members Sleek
Damn, didnt think we'd stoop this low

Historical Discussion / Re: Favorite Weapon?
« on: May 06, 2013, 12:28:30 pm »

Haven't ever fired one or anything, but dayum they're sexy

General Discussion / Re: Public Servers Lack of Admins.
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:21:44 pm »
Even though I haven't been quite as active lately, when I AM on NA_1, 90% of the time there's an admin

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:22:27 pm »
Dude, if you haven't found a job in THREE months while getting free shit, something is up, and I'm not saying you deserve to starve, but you definitely don't deserve more free shit that other people have worked hard to give you. Also, homeless shelters feed people daily, in Houston at least.

I truly can't believe what you are saying. So if you are unable to find a job after three months, you should simply be left alone? What if you have a family to take care of? Old parents? A high loan? You have to live on the streets, just because the company you worked with had to fire you?

Free shit? Seriously? You do know that the amount of money you get is barely satisfying for the purchase of food, clothes and rental of a house? They can't buy 'free shit', at least not here. They must live in the most basic circumstances, they don't go and buy flatscreen TV's and go on holidays. And those daily shelters, who pays for those?

Do you have a job, by the way?

No that isn't exactly what I'm saying, and you do have a point but allowing people to just live off of the government isn't going to motivate anyone to work.

Old parents? There should be a specific government aid system for that, wouldn't be surprised if there already is. There's also nursing homes.

You have to live on the streets, just because the company you worked with had to fire you?
Not quite understanding what you mean here. If you get fired from somewhere here in the states, and apply somewhere else, it isn't required that the business you are applying to knows about it.

I used to work at a grocery store called H-E-B, it's a huge chain here in Texas, and I saw many people with there welfare cards (called Lonestar cards here) have their baskets completely full of food. My parents both have well paying jobs, and they cannot afford the amount of quality food these people fill their baskets to the top with. Apparently your welfare system works different than ours, if people are only receiving the basics. And I'm not sure who pays for the homeless shelters, but I'm pretty sure it's donations and charities. Point is people on the streets aren't left to starve.

And by free shit, I mean free food. Not TVs and cars, even though people DO use government assistance to purchase things like TVs thru a place called rent-a-center. And no, I currently do not have a job. Being a recent HS graduate and also recently having a job, it's nice being unemployed for for a little, but I am looking

Tell me, you believe people should be able to be on welfare their whole lives, as long as they are applying to 2 places per month?

edit: It seems to me that your countries welfare system compared to ours is fairly different. People here are able to spend well over 100$ on food and other necessities (I'm not sure how often, but it's more than enough), while you make the system you speak of sound like you're only able to buy a loaf of bread and a gallon of water.

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:42:00 pm »
edit: Whoops, didn't mean to quote myself there, ignore this

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:41:36 pm »
I've never thought of it that way before. But jeez, 3 months? Damn shame

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:33:46 pm »
Not here in the Netherlands, if you can't work (or don't want to) You get money

This happens in the states as well, and it is absolutely disgusting. If you are not physically or mentally disabled, you should not be getting free shit from people who actually aren't lazy fuckers.

Some may say "what if you can't find a job?". My proposal to that would be, the government can sustain you for 1-3 months, but after that, if you haven't a job, it's your own damn fault

@Duurnig, yes, there ARE tons of people here in the United States who choose to be workless, and rake in unemployment while sitting on their asses

So, according to you, people can just starve in the streets?
Dude, if you haven't found a job in THREE months while getting free shit, something is up, and I'm not saying you deserve to starve, but you definitely don't deserve more free shit that other people have worked hard to give you. Also, homeless shelters feed people daily, in Houston at least.

Maybe jobs are incredibly hard to get in other states/countries, but in Texas we have a pretty decent economy going, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about when I say 3 months is a long time to not have found a job if you're ACTUALLY looking. That means, more than 2 applications a month

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:25:35 pm »
Not here in the Netherlands, if you can't work (or don't want to) You get money

This happens in the states as well, and it is absolutely disgusting. If you are not physically or mentally disabled, you should not be getting free shit from people who actually aren't lazy fuckers.

Some may say "what if you can't find a job?". My proposal to that would be, the government can sustain you for 1-3 months, but after that, if you haven't a job, it's your own damn fault

@Duurnig, yes, there ARE tons of people here in the United States who choose to be workless, and rake in unemployment while sitting on their asses

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:53:15 pm »
Yeah that's how I've always seen it myself 5arge, but like I said I don't really know all that much about it

Can I get a socialists input on this?

Historical Discussion / Re: Fascisme, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:38:31 pm »
People say Capitalism doesn't work because only the rich fill their pockets. Well didn't a lot of the rich have to work hard to get there under capitalism? I've always been told Capitalism rewards hard work and innovation.

Please don't bite my head off  :'(  I don't know much about this kinda stuff

Historical Discussion / Re: United States vs Great Britian? [Documentry]
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:40:23 pm »
If thats the case, please provide evidence and facts that show their are US soldiers who get away with war crimes.  Should be a either organization/some sort of gov't affiliated.  Then I will believe you.

Found this on the 1st page of google

Is it so hard to believe that there is corruption in something like war-crime prosecutions?

Historical Discussion / Re: United States vs Great Britian? [Documentry]
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:53:31 pm »
So then, Slick, just answer this question to clear things up. Do you or do you not like Obama as a president in relation to other recent presidents? Who do you think was the best president in recent years (After the vietnam war)

I'll be honest that I don't even know much about any president that came before Reagan, and to be frank I cant say I'm a huge fan of any of the ones that I do know, but if I had to pic, it would be Reagan

So it's pretty hard for me to directly answer that first question, but to directly answer that I'd say, dislike

I get a feeling from that question, that you feel that I'm going on an anti-Obama rant and am trying solely to demonize him, which aint the case. I'm using him purely as an example to war crimes committed by U.S. presidents, and once again, I use him because he's the current president.

Historical Discussion / Re: United States vs Great Britian? [Documentry]
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:56:25 pm »
If that's the case then generalize the presidents instead of singling Obama out

I'm using Obama as an example because he is our current leader, this is the reason I posted a disclaimer saying I don't mean to single Obama out, so I might have generalized other presidents if he'd asked "U.S. Troops have been able to get away with war crimes throughout history?", but he didn't. Once again, I used Obama as an example (if you'll notice I also mentioned bush), because obviously he is our current leader.

If I'm going to give examples of war crimes to someone, I think it's best to give them examples of current events

and in some scenarios these war crimes are harmful to civilians and unnecessary, and should not be allowed, in Bush's case he invaded Iraq without UN consent and found no WMD, which is a huge war crime
I'm not seeing your point here, of course theyre harmful and shouldn't be allowed. I also already mentioned Bush is a war criminal

I'm just saying that the way you presented specific bits of it is misunderstood (pointing out that US soldiers can get away with war crimes and in most cases they actually do not)
Key words, "in most cases". My point still stands that they can, and do get away with them

Historical Discussion / Re: United States vs Great Britian? [Documentry]
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:48:04 am »
ENOUGH with the Obama war crime crap, I dont like Obama, but realize that based on your theory slick that nearly every president who has had some sort of military conflict during their presidency committed war crimes.  Also, there was a marine who killed like 16 innocent Afghan civilians and is currently on trial in US court (he may even receive the death penalty), so im sure US soldiers cannot just escape from war crimes..

Excuse me m8 but I believe I specifically stated that I wasn't singling out Obama on this. I was simply giving examples of our current president's war crimes, and why some soldiers may not be prosecuted for war crimes

I don't care how many Presidents do it, it's a war crime, and it isn't crap. TORN asked a question and I responded with a pretty reasonable answer

And that's great that someone's getting punished for committing such an act, but that doesn't mean that there aren't men who get away with it

So yeah, I'm not really understanding your logic here. Just because other president's have committed war crimes, makes what I'm saying crap?

Domestic violence iz bad


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