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Messages - Waterbeetle

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Happy new year everyone!

That a lot of Boche will die in 2014! Vive la france!

So will we be able to move while crouching/proning? Cause that is a really nice thing while trying to cross no-man's land without being pinned down by MG, accurate rifles and artillery fire.

Over the top! You COWARD!

Anyways, soccer boys from NA will get rekt on World Cup this year.
Did you just ignore the warning? You had better get back on topic. Footbal is jus a sport where you use foot and kick a ball. Both american and english. Done

If you want people to stop with something, start with yourself. lol

Modifications / Re: Modeler/Texturer needed for secret project
« on: November 26, 2013, 10:38:55 pm »
Long life the cheese republic!

Released Modifications / Re: [NW|M] The Century of War (17th Century mod)
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:30:17 pm »
Discussions are fine, if we keep it civilized ofcourse.

It will also help, I'm sure, if you don't release server files upon release of the mod, and leave all play to official servers. Regiments going off and making 100s of servers kills it to, this causes a division in the community. Only official servers for awhile, maybe base them in NA/EU/AU, two per region for public play, and two per region for events. So, 12 servers in total would work better than 100. Also, don't appoint shit tonnes of admins, and admins that have administrated on other games and mods. Pick a handful of admins for each region, maybe 3 or 4 at most.

You mean with the full release or alpha/beta release?

If you mean with the full release if have to disagree with you, you can not just keep the server files away from people for only the personal attention of the mod and the authors. Mods should be open and free for everyone.

Come on be realistic, cav will just not work in this mod with the aim and the fast firing speed and how warband just is as a game makes it impossible to be fair.

You mean in the part how lame the cav got beaten? I will only expect a lot of rage from kids in the chat. :-P

Optimates / Re: Optimates Legion List [Apply here when forming a Legion]
« on: October 11, 2013, 09:39:05 am »
- Legion Name : Numidian Cavalry
- Legion Tag : Numidian_(name)
- Class : Cavalry
- Based : EU
- Thread Link :
- Leader's Steam Profile URL:

Optimates / Numidian Cavalry [EU GMT +/- 2] [Recruiting Officers]
« on: October 11, 2013, 09:35:43 am »

Join Today!

Option 1: Click HERE to sign up and make your Application.

Option 2: Contact a officer on steam:

Option 3: Join the teamspeak IP: and go into the Numidian Home channel.


Link to Roster click: HERE


Link to Ranks click: HERE


Link to Agenda click: HERE

Server Address:


Numidia lay in northern Africa, in what is now Algeria. The latin name, “Numidia,” means land of the nomads. As nomads, these people depended upon the horse for transportation. They were expert horsemen. The Numidian horsemen rode bareback, without a bridle. using their voice and a stick to guide ther mounts. A round shield, their stealth and agility were their only protection in battle. According to the representation in sculpture, Numidian warriors wore only a sleeveless tunic with a simple belt. Highly effective as light cavalry, the Numidian horsemen would dash up to an enemy, let lose light javelins, and then gallop away before they could be met with a counter attack. When on foot, the Numidians attacked with bows, slings or javelins. Impressed by their talent, the Carthaginians and later the Romans incorporated Numidians into their own armies.


First Punic War

Numidians fight alongside Carthage. 216 BC Present at battle of Cannae
Second Punic War
214BC The great Roman general, Scipio Africanus, convinces King Syphax king of the Masaesyles tribe to withdraws support from Carthage. Syphax recalls the Numidians, leaving the Carthaginians in Spain. The concerned Carthaginians encourage a rival Numidain, King Gaia of the Massyles tribe, to attack Syphax. 212BC Syphax rejoins Carthage. King Gaia’s son, Masinissa, arrives in Spain with a contingent of Numidian horsemen. 206 BC The Romans form allegiance with Masinissa (then king). 202BC Masinissa provides Romans with Numidian 4,000 cavalry and 6,000 light infantry at decisive battle of Zama. Scipio’s Carthaginian rival, Hannibal has 4,000 provided by Syphax.

Third Punic War

6,000 Numidians side with Carthage. Masinissa joins with Rome again.

BC 110-105 Jugurthine War
In contending for the Numidian throne, Jugurtha, allowed some Roman citizens to be killed (112BC). After much Roman inaction, the incident escalated to the point where the Senate was compelled to sent troops to confront Jugurtha. A line Roman commanders failed in subduing the Numidians. Some were bribed into inaction, others suffered mighty military defeat. In 109 one of the consuls, Q. Caecilus Metellus, was sent to deal with the situation. Gradual progress was made against the Numidians. In the hopes of a quicker resolution to the warone of Metellus’ officers, Gaius Marius, was made consul and took command of the army (107BC). Progress against Jugurtha was again gradual. After constructing numerous forts and bringing in light cavalry to counter the Numidian horsemen the war was winding to a close. The conflict came to a quick end in 105 BC when Jugurtha was bertayed by his ally, King Bocchus of Mauretania. Bocchus handed Jugurtha to a general of Marius, Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Sulla then delivered the captive to Marius. The Numidian king was executed in Rome as part of Marius’ triumph.

58 BC Caesar’s invasion of Gaul
Caesar commanded Numidian archers, often fighting alongside men from Crete who were reputed to be the best archers in the world.

AD 17-24 Tacfarinas Revolt

Tacfarinas was a leader of a Berber tribe of the Musulamii nomads. They lived south of the then Roman Provinces of Numidia and Mauretania Caesariensis. Numidians joined in his revolt against Rome. As a former auxiliary in the Roman army, Tacfarinas was able to apply the Roman style of organized warfare to his people. This was useful in pitched battles with the Romans, but the rebels had more success with guerilla warfare. The Roman reaction was a build up fortresses, spreading forces across the province to better counter the rebels hit and run tactics. AD 24 Tacfarinas found his rebel fortress surrounded by Romans and their allied Mauretanians. He committed suicide, ending hostilities. (see Tacitus, Annals 2.52.1 – 3.74.1-4)

AD 101-105 Trajan’s Dacian Wars

Numidian cavalry serve in the fight against the Dacians as depicted in Trajan’s Column.

Numidian Units

Name: Numidian Cavalry
Clan Tagg: Numidian_(name)
Steamgroup: *WIP*
Banner: *WIP*

Application For Officer (Recruitment Officer) 2 Applications Open:


Age: 16+
Experience: 1 year or more in Warband(Native) or NW
Other: Be mature, and disciplined, focus when needed, active and be willing to recruit.

In Development / Re: [NW][M]A Intervention[Looking for Modders]
« on: October 05, 2013, 10:54:01 pm »
Ooh, look a other topic without any proof of concept or work..
Point your finger and laugh!

In Development / Re: Sudan Campaign New Regiment Reservation List
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:23:00 pm »
Really.. You just started with the development and already a reservation List..
Read all the posts here ...

Nederlandstalig Forum / Re: Eigen taal in Napoleonic wars.
« on: September 23, 2013, 04:19:27 pm »
Je klikt op Multiplayer, play, de server en je speeld... Wat moet er vertaald worden? Lijkt me sterk dat er veel interesse is. 
En een slechten vertaling zal al helemaal niet gewaardeerd worden.

GIMP is mainly used by amateurs.

Scots Guard Are Recruiting If you wish to join add [2ndNC] The Hapi on steam ( we are a regiment for this mod)

No, just no! Recruit somewhere else.

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