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Messages - FearlessHussar

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Released Modifications / Persistent Napoleonic
« on: October 10, 2021, 01:07:07 am »

What is this?!
As the name implies this is a mod attempting to merge the systems of Persistent mods, such as PK, PW or PF, with the gameplay and items of Napoleonic Wars. This truly ambitious project is developed by BlackCat.

Some of the new elements that Persistent Napoleonic includes are:
  • Fully mobile ships WITH cannons
  • Crafting recipes for all weapons, uniforms, armor of NW
  • Fully Usable Sappers
  • Special Trade Post Settlements
  • Fully functioning bank
  • Inventory and location saves for players
  • Simple Animation Menu
  • Selectable Nationality for Orders and Shouts
  • Fully Playable Musician Classes
  • Map with many forts and locations to explore
  • Regular NW combat system BUT with jump attacks from Native included
  • And much more...

Moddb Page
The moddb page of our mod, which includes the download link, can be found on the following link:

How some of the special features work

Just like in the original NW DLC, the sappers can build stuff anywhere on the map. First, let's see the requirements for them to do so.
    You can train to become a sapper on a sapper's training station
    You will also need a "Building Hammer"
  • DONE!
    Now, you can build stuff. Just right click with the hammer equipped and a menu will appear. Each sapper's building has a price. The price is paid with your own gold.
  • NOTE
    To avoid players spamming sapper constructions, the map will have a limit of 100 such buildings. Once this limit is reached, sappers won't be able to build anymore. In that case, removing some sapper constructs or a removal of sapper works by an admin could alleviate the issue.

Trade Routes
Persistent Napoleonic has a trade route system similar to that of Napoleon Total War. Trade Routes generate gold periodically for the faction that controls them.

  • There are 10 trade routes in the game: Boston, Savannah, Santos, Calcutta, Cameroons, Tunis, Izmir, Trabzon, Ochamchira and Tianjin. So, every scene has a maximum of 10 trade posts.

  • Also, there's 8 types of products, for those routes: Coffee, Cotton, Fur, Ivory, Spices, Sugar, Tea and Tobacco.

  • The trading routes will give the faction(s) that control them some gold every 10 minutes. The money will go directly to the faction's money chest. The income will be defined according the product:
    • Ivory: 6700
    • Spices: 4480
    • Sugar: 3360
    • Cotton: 3360
    • Tea: 3080
    • Tobacco: 3080
    • Fur: 2520
    • Coffee: 2240

  • The trade route name and product will be defined by the scene maker. Ex: You can place a route named "Savannah" with the product "Coffee" and you can place the same route "Savannah" with the product "Ivory".

  • Capturing a trade route is the same as capturing a castle. Just use the banner on the trade route capturing pole.

  • Check a quick video of this new feature:

Some Pictures










-Ottoman Empire-



-Great Britain-












-Example of Interior-

-A Trade Post-

-Public Tavern-

-Ottoman Boys Eating-

-Full Official Scene-


Our Discord
If you want to receive notifications about the development of the mod and for other things regarding the mod, then I recommend joining the discord server of our mod!
Permanent Invite to our server:

Faction/Clan/Family/name (precise which one it is): France/1st "Saint George's" Regiment(1stSGR)
Amount Attending: 6-14
Leader and Second steam link:

Regiment Name and Tag in-game: 1st "York's" Greek Light Infantry / 1stGLI_Rank_Name
Class: Line
Numbers: 6-12
Once or permanent: permanent
Have you read and agree with the rules: yes
1st and 2nd in command on steam: (FearlessHussar)- , (Hiltwa)- , (Artyom, in case of absence of 1st and 2nd)-

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