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Messages - mmveteran

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last reply before me was 10 days ago
sorry guys  you really really missed the boat on this one
you announced this what 7 years ago?
there is no reason this should have taken so long

and whilst the blogs are welcome, it looks like it has been started from scratch

if you were at this point five years ago, your response and interest would have been 500x more than it is today

its almost like you started this game from BRAND NEW about a year ago

 >:(   >:(    >:(

sorry announcements mean nothing
you announced bcof in 2012
7 years ago!

i have but one question and one question only
will there tnt

Good for you, bad for us.

mach dir keine sorgen
ich habe dir einen kuchen gebacken


But don't worry, the game will come out fairly soon and you can once again become our best customer.

I dont think so
my trolling days are long over
Im a changed woman

so we wait 5 weeks just for a blog about hay and tin cans in a shed?
and then you dissapear for another 2 weeks?
but the great news is these weekly blogs again are no longer weekly blogs, just short pictures of cans every few weeks

this is similar to bannerlord
same development time etc

im sick of waiting, what have you been doing for 7 years that everything is all still a work in progress

Other Games / Re: Bannerlord
« on: January 15, 2019, 08:53:42 pm »
maybe it just shows how quick life is but i know so many people who back in 2012 were just high schoolers
now theyre parents with kids now!


one or two bugs lmao

Launch was superhyped to the max and fell flat on its face. Getty managed to get like 300-400  people split on two servers for an event. Both crashed within 2 minutes of people starting to join. Tried with 50 people on the other server, died within minutes. Servers were crashing constantly and  were riddled with gamebreaking/frustrating bugs and the gameplay just didnt feel suited to the NW system.

The server issues and general bugginess led to a bunch of such wasted time and frustration that many people simply said "fuck it it doesnt work/suit nw" and left.

It was a very ambitious project but it just didnt work with NW/Warband's engine/resources/etc.

its a genuine shame though
it was really a lot of fun, a lot more fun than say napoleonic wars/warband with its repetativeness

maybe it can be a mod for bannerlord

There recently released a patch, and the Tuesday event is still running. It's not over yet.


hmm, is that hitler or stalin

Other Games / Re: Bannerlord
« on: January 15, 2019, 11:42:22 am »
i cant wait for my great great great great grandchildrens` babies to play this game in 3020


one or two bugs lmao

Launch was superhyped to the max and fell flat on its face. Getty managed to get like 300-400  people split on two servers for an event. Both crashed within 2 minutes of people starting to join. Tried with 50 people on the other server, died within minutes. Servers were crashing constantly and  were riddled with gamebreaking/frustrating bugs and the gameplay just didnt feel suited to the NW system.

The server issues and general bugginess led to a bunch of such wasted time and frustration that many people simply said "fuck it it doesnt work/suit nw" and left.

It was a very ambitious project but it just didnt work with NW/Warband's engine/resources/etc.

its a genuine shame though
it was really a lot of fun, a lot more fun than say napoleonic wars/warband with its repetativeness

maybe it can be a mod for bannerlord

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 33 - Battle Cry of Freedom Part 4
« on: November 26, 2018, 10:34:23 pm »
will there be tnt

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 32 - Battle Cry of Freedom Part 3
« on: November 19, 2018, 09:30:38 pm »
so you finally explain what took so long
makes sense
cant wait to get my hands on some good old tnt!

General Discussion / Musician for hire for your event
« on: November 16, 2018, 08:32:06 pm »
Years of experience playing the flutes and drums on nw
I am an exprienced flutist, i can play the flutes to inspire my team to victory but i know when to get out of the way too
I have references from various individuals who can vouch for my music playing

If you are interested in hiring me for your event i just need a date, time and event password and login

message me on discord

Mary The Musician

General Discussion / Re: what ever happened to betty the bomber
« on: November 16, 2018, 08:29:35 pm »
Hey Elliott, still playing the game?

you can carry on bullying me but just remember this
REAL men dont attack women


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