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Messages - Scorpiion

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Events: EU / Re: 47th Friday Line Battle (All classes-Line free)
« on: February 20, 2017, 09:25:05 pm »
Regiment Name: 5 Pułk Strzelców Konnych
Class: Cavalry
Expected attendance: 10+
Regiment representative(s) steam

Regiment Name: 5 Pułk Strzelców Konnych
Class: Cavalry
Expected Attendance: 10+
Leader's Steam name:
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: 7aDivZ/Saturday Linebattle [Looking for Lines & Lights]
« on: February 19, 2017, 10:49:53 pm »
Leaders Steam Name: Scorpiion
Name of the Clan: 5 Pułk Strzelców Konnych
Estimated Attendance: 10
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attedance or Not: Regular
Class: Cavalry
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Sunday linebattle of the Lgy! Line slots avaiable!
« on: February 19, 2017, 10:44:53 pm »
Name of the regiment: 5 Pułk Strzelców Konnych
Tag: IIIDiV_5PSK_Rank_Nick
Steam contact:
Unit type: Cavalry
Nation preference: France/Austria
Numbers: 10

Events: EU / Re: ✪ TK Friday LB ✪
« on: January 29, 2017, 10:24:04 pm »
Regiment name: 25 Pułk Piechoty
Regiments Leader's name: 25pp | Scorpiion™ | HE
Class: Line infantry
Number of members who take part: 12+
Favorite Nation: France
Once or Regular?: Regular
Do you agree our rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: KP/2ap
Class/Unit: artillery
Expected Attendance: 10-12
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: yes
Leaders Steam Link:

Regiment Name: KP/8pu
Class/Unit: Cavalry
Expected Attendance: 10-15
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: yes
Leaders Steam Link:

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