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Messages - kpetschulat

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 265
Off Topic / Re: The Drawing Thread
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:51:01 pm »
So after nearly two years in the Israeli Military, I saw my mother for the first time :)

My mother wanted something to bring back to the United States, so we had this done of me.


Opinions? I feel the artist made me look a tad French, but I think it's fantastic nonetheless!

That's what you get for wearing a beret, you cheese eating surrender monkey.

Historical Reenactment / Re: Reenactment Pictures.
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:50:59 pm »
Here are some pictures from GAP 1 back in the end of January... I'm sporting a 45 pound weight loss, and looking way better and more "correct" for a soldier. Also, there are some general picture of the event that I loved in this batch...

FIG "Battle of the Bulge" Event 2015, morning formation before the battle on Friday. (I am the tallest one in the center with my toque up and scarf wrapped and tucked into my belt.)
Battle on Friday during a recycle period to reset the scenario. (I'm in the back middle with no helmet cover and an a-frame... It was done, so fuck your money)
Morning formation before the public battle on Saturday. (I'm the tall motherfucker with my toque up and the bright orange palm helmet cover towards the leftern-middle area.)
Me prepping my gear and fixing my cold weather coverage in barracks before formation on Friday morning.
Me exhausted and staring at my friend who took a pic of me for his photo album of the event.
Just an FYI about how I wear my scarf, I HAVE seen original photos of this being done the way I do it... I had to deal with multiple people telling me I wore a fucking scarf "wrong" for ffs... That event was so full of farby assholes who didn't know shit, fucking mother fuckers...
The haircut I got for the event, I call it the "Fuck you, I had lice" haircut, aka "The Pre-War".
Lastly, Landrik and I met for the first time finally at GAP 1 this year. Was awesome to meet him and shoot the shit and hang out after battles and what not. We took a selfie of our greasy, sweaty selves...

If you can't see these pics, I'll just link you to my Facebook and you can check 'em out from there...

Off Topic / Re: Much jokes such fun
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:02:49 pm »
Sarah Palin

Historical Reenactment / Re: Let's discuss: Buying things!
« on: February 14, 2015, 08:07:04 pm »
went to a firearms expo today, focused on historical arms and militaria, had lots of lovely stuff, but i forgot my wallet at home :P

an item that caught my attention though was an original SS overseas cap, with the deaths head insignia sewn onto the front, so it belonged to someone in the deaths head part of the SS. $125 AU.

First of all... It's Totenkopf, even though the name "totenkopf" is translated to "death head," it's not the right term for it. Secondly, the Totenkopf was a symbol used by the entirety of the SS, however made infamous by the 3rd SS Panzer Division which was originally that SS-TV, Totenkopfverbaende (camp guards). It was widely used in the SS as a symbol of fear and power. The Totenkopf originally was from the 1700's and was a symbol of the Brunswick troops for decades, it then transferred into Imperial Prussian use as a symbol of the first and second light horse guard squadrons, both know as the Totenkopf Husaren... The Totenkopf was also used in WW1 with Stosstruppen/Sturmtruppen, and was then ressurected with the formation of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd SS standarten in the 1930's before the transfer from SS-VT into the Waffen-SS.

Historical Reenactment / Re: Let's discuss: Buying things!
« on: February 01, 2015, 02:58:57 pm »
just inherited a bunch of great quality stuff, when i just finished my full kit...

You never "finish" kits

The Mess Hall / Re: Rate Electronic Dance Music
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:19:59 am »
This will be me at Knife Party at Webster Hall tonight in NYC...

Anywho, here's some more Knife Party for all my PLUR friends!!!

The Mess Hall / Re: Rate Electronic Dance Music
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:21:50 am »
pretty nice 8/10

I'm going to be seeing Knife Party at Webster Hall in NYC 23rd this month with this girl I've been seeing. Here's a song from their new EP album...

The album is so full of Knife Party goodies from trap, trance, techno, and dubstep... It's all totally different from song to song.

Off Topic / Re: James Foley and ISIS + Steven Sotloff + David Haines
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:23:09 pm »
I call it Weed and Fag Land.

The Mess Hall / Re: Rate Electronic Dance Music
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:16:29 am »
I was actually in the middle'ish area near the bar with a girl I met up with and my friend Anthony. I need to watch that video a few more times, but I think I saw me jumping up and down at one point.

The Mess Hall / Re: Rate Electronic Dance Music
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:07:10 pm »
Probably a good song but 3 soft 5 me

This drop tho

I just saw Eva Shaw open up for Shotwek in NYC this past Monday. Was so fucking awesome.

EDIT: oH SHIT!!! I'm actually in the crowd in that video!!! That was the night I saw her at Pacha NYC!!!

Historical Reenactment / Re: Waterloo 2015 ~Units/Impressions~
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:18:51 pm »
Any day without a redcoat is a fine day for America.


Historical Reenactment / Re: Let's discuss: Buying things!
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:14:47 pm »
So, I'm getting an A-frame and a-frame bag, including a sexy can of scho-ka-kola from a unit member this week. On top of that, at GAP, I'll be getting ANOTHER new tunic )to accomodate for my weight loss as my current one is too big by like 6 inches), a repro tornister M1895 pack with some equipment straps, and a beautiful palm forest light variant helmet cover... I'm spending bug bucks again for big items. I feel like at GAP I don't really want to wear my smock or anything, so I'm hoping to find a set of Dot-44 camo tunic and trousers. Probably going to be spending about $500 between now and GAP. Any of you guys going, and would like to meet up and chat? I plan on arriving Thursday night the earliest, and Friday late morning the latest.

The length of the box from top to bottom seems fine, it just needs the width extended.

Historical Reenactment / Re: Reenactment Pictures.
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:32:38 pm »
He's behind me, isn't he?


Historical Reenactment / Re: Reenactment Pictures.
« on: December 26, 2014, 02:30:56 pm »
I no longer am this big, but I like this photo.

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