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Messages - Fartknocker

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 245
The Mess Hall / Re: Battle Cry of Freedom NA Community Melee List
« on: May 08, 2022, 08:52:33 pm »
This isn't strykers list, it's basically ChristopherR's list. smh

Christopher runs BCoF

I’ll be honest. I take ketamine before my matches. The other teams need the help

Stop taking ketamine before matches

Mikey has been “randomly” selected to take a PED test
I promise I am not using pine tar to hold my mouse
"I've never used any illegal substance"

The Mess Hall / Re: Battle Cry of Freedom NA Community Melee List
« on: May 07, 2022, 09:15:21 am »
JackieChan is the GOAT BCoF player

Monday brings over 315 my Tuesday brings 200-250


More team turmoil within the Vietnamese Men organization. Yoloswag is losing the locker room according to multiple sources. The star player and captain has "rubbed people the wrong way" and led one anonymous player to cut communication with the team.

This one's on me. No way around it. I let my team down, I let the coaching staff down, and I let the fans down. The next man up mentality is a big part of this organization's philosophy and I feel like I have to earn the trust of my fellow players back after such a poor performance.

Cytiuz really put up the Patriots record next season in a groupfight LOL

Off Topic / Re: The General Political Thread
« on: April 28, 2022, 08:12:36 am »
Remember when I used to post in here... ah... good times.
Yes, yes. Good times. Let's get back to your room sir.
Yes, yes. But let's get you back to your room as well sir.

throw back to the GREATEST match of all time


and now today


I was having such a great day…

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