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Messages - Pinoy12

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The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 31, 2021, 10:48:54 pm »
"Chicago Style Pizza"/Deep Dish Pizza isn’t pizza.

There is a point when there IS too much sauce and cheese. Pizza should be able to be held without massive mess in one hand.

Fite me
Chicago style pizza is ass. Never liked it. NY style the best on baby

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 31, 2021, 01:42:26 am »
I miss the old forum drama that used to keep the community alive
you’re welcome

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 30, 2021, 11:09:22 pm »
If you didn’t start in 2013 or earlier don’t say you’re an old gen or you WILL be reported

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 30, 2021, 02:12:00 am »
All these old heads always coming back to post on this dead games forums even though they don't play anymore!

Truly an honor for all those who never got to play in the "Renaissance Era" of NW...

Scuse me sir I'm an old head that still plays
you're black though....

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:18:08 am »
15-16 was the renaissance era for NW. Had the largest player pool w the most amount of talent, activity, and events. 17 had good moments too, but it was on its way down. Ever since 18 its been the same 100 (if even that) recycled players farming each other. Of course the average player skill is going to rise when the pool is so empty. By 16 every player who was worth anything knew about blockchambers, stuns, and mechanical meta. Only thing that you could maybe make a claim for advancement in tactics and skill is groupfighting.
they don’t want to hear it, but you’re right.🤷🏻‍♂️

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« on: May 16, 2021, 09:01:47 pm »
Pointblank - dominant for a year in an era where players didn't know all the tricks (All the players above him are also better i think). Havoc made the list because he came back and kicked ass, but at this point PB is just a faded memory. I think HM is a good spot for him.
5hine - More of the same story, I thought Mexicant would be a better addition since from what I could remember he was dominant in GFing in the latter years? Maybe i was wrong about that. If everyone thinks its a bad move then I suppose I could change it. Cwater might be a good addition to that.

At this point we have to accept that the players from 13-14 are just not up to snuff if we're talking about relative primes. Obviously there are exceptions for the truly great, but if they were to join in during 17-19 I don't think they would be very strong considering the competition. Really the only player who I could see as a controversial switch is Mexicant - 5hine, but other than that I think its solid.
Mexicant does not belong there. You were definitely misremembering his dominance lmao
Cause there was never any.
On the other hand imo Rune became a top tier groupfighter a little bit after maple quit playing. I vouch for him on that.

The Mess Hall / Re: If you could bring one retired player back, who?
« on: April 25, 2021, 06:01:38 am »
my man USMC Mitchell highly underrated NA player. got a GF got pussy whipped and retired from NW
Mitchell was solid. Could've been a house hold name had he kept playing.


Off Topic / Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« on: April 15, 2021, 03:23:32 am »
Ya'll arguing over a virus that doesn't even exists. Couldn't be me!

no, its more like because competitive players like playing with their friends. and also many leaders of tier 2 regiments just do not vibe
Theo is right.

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: UFC - NW
« on: March 22, 2021, 04:47:25 am »

thx pinoy. how tf you look like that and call me spineless bruh moment.

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: UFC - NW
« on: March 21, 2021, 04:07:13 pm »
Lmfaoooooooo holy shit pinoy the filipino fuckboy with 10k hours on warband jumps on the train.

Arent you like close to 30 now?
Nice, so your life consists of watching pro fighters on tv because you got bullied as teenager or something. Posting pics of me on the forums to nerds really asserts your masculinity huh? As if my appearence is somehow flawed lmao

Sad that your parents emigrated to the US only to raise a toxic piece of shit like yourself  8)

So your life consists of being a hermit huh? Straight from your linkedin page  8)

You're legit insane. Congratz
Lol you see how this works right? You make fun of me for my hobbies and it's alright, but when I do it to you it's wrong huh. You're the definition of someone that can dish it out but can't take it  ;D ;D
Anyways fuck face, I'm done talking with you. Got more important stuff to take care of. Go stuff your head in a book, read your articles, and stop going after random people on fse cause you think you can just walk all over them. We all know you've got bitch tits.

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: UFC - NW
« on: March 21, 2021, 08:22:32 am »
Lmfaoooooooo holy shit pinoy the filipino fuckboy with 10k hours on warband jumps on the train.

Arent you like close to 30 now?
Nice, so your life consists of watching pro fighters on tv because you got bullied as teenager or something. Posting pics of me on the forums to nerds really asserts your masculinity huh? As if my appearence is somehow flawed lmao

Sad that your parents emigrated to the US only to raise a toxic piece of shit like yourself  8)

So your life consists of being a hermit huh? Straight from your linkedin page  8)

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