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Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday Linebattle [EU]
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:55:22 pm »
Regiment Name: 75e Régiment de Ligne
Preferred Faction: France !
Preferred Class: Ligne
Expected Attendance: 20 - 25
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Oui

Regiment Name:K.K. Hussars regiment n° 3 – Erzherzog Ferdinand Carl d’Este
Preferred Faction: Austria
Preferred Class: Hussar, if not possible we can go Dragoons as well.
Expected Attendance: 15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly!
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes sir!

Both accepted!

Events: EU / Re: Event schedule [EU & NA]
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:37:56 am »
Event Name; 33rd Sunday Linebattle *Line Infantry only*  [EU]
Gamemode; Battle *Line Infantry only*
Day + time; Sunday 19:00 pm GMT
Public / invite only / signup / teamspeak ( +IP ); Thread Sign up + Teamspeak:
Link to thread;

When - 19:00 (UK) Sunday, weekly

Where - 33rd_Sunday_Event

The 33rd Regiment of foot is proud to host it's Sunday Line Battle, which will occur every Sunday, every week. The event will be hosted on our server at 19:00UK and will contain between 140-200 players each event. The event will include Line Infantry, Light Infantry, Cavalry  and Artillery. The intention with this event is to offer the community a new innovative LineBattle event, which keeps each regiments members in the action and out of spec! Events will involve rounds played in a scripted version of battle, whereby members of regiments will respawn on their units flag bearer with the number of times each side can continue respawning based on a ticket system.

Events will consist of 2 Rounds played on large fleshed out & complex maps.

Map Selection consists of a wide variety of 60 custom maps from our Sunday Event server.

Server scripts allow regiment members to respawn with their unit provided that their regimental standard is held and supported by at least 4 friendly players nearby.

These scripts make each unit on the battlefield a more permanent fixture, requiring more careful and coordinated attacks to eliminate entire regiments.

Capturing enemy standards will reward your team by removing a vast amount of enemy tickets, swinging the engagement in your favour.

Credit to the 92nd Regiment of Foot (Wolffe) for pioneering this exciting new gamemode

Sign ups will be made on this forum however the final confirmation of attendance and giving out of the password will be handled on steam, therefore it is essential that you Add [33rd]Kincaid on Steam!

Line Infantry: 10+
Cost 1 ticket to spawn.
May not FiC/RiC.
May use 1-man spacing if in double rank.
May have the front rank crouch.
Must maintain formation when manoeuvring & firing.

Cavalry: 10-15
Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
Must stay in formation unless in charge.
After dropping below 4 players, suicide or continue the current charge.

Light Infantry: 10-15
Cost 2 tickets to spawn.
May not FiC/RiC.
May crouch.
May use 5-man spacing.

Artillery: 5-10
Cost 4 tickets to spawn.
May use Howitzer or 12 pounder.
May not FiC/RiC.
May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.
May use 5-man spacing when defending their artillery piece.
When mounted, crew members must stay with their piece at all times.

05 | 2tes Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment (Horse Artillery)
05 | 19th Regiment of Foot (Horse Artillery)
10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot (Horse Artillery)

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot (Cavalry)
10 | Nr.10 Husaren Regiment (Cavalry)

10 | 33rd Regiment of Foot (Lights)
10 | Svea Livgarde (Rifles/Lights)
10 | 56e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne (Rifles/Lights)

10 | 1er Régiment de Fusiliers-Grenadiers
10 | 19th Regiment of Foot
15 | 33rd Regiment of Foot
20 | 54th Regiment of Foot
15 | Nr59 Infanterie Regiment
10 | 84th Regiment of Foot
10 | 102nd Regiment of Foot
15 | Hungarian Line Infantry


Waiting List:
10 | 1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied (Artillery)
10 | Hungarian Line Infantry (Artillery)
10 | k.k. Legion "Erzherzog Karl" (Light Infantry)

[b]Regiment Name[/b]:
[b]Preferred class[/b]:
[b]Estimated Attendance[/b]:
[b]Once or Weekly?[/b]:
[b]Contact Steam ID[/b]:
[b]Read the Rules and Accept them?[/b]:

Events: EU / Re: Event schedule [EU & NA]
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:49:26 pm »
Event Name; 33rd Wednesday Linebattle [EU]
Gamemode; Battle
Day + time; Wednesday 19:00 pm GMT
Public / invite only / signup / teamspeak ( +IP ); Thread Sign up + Teamspeak:
Link to thread;

Events: EU / 33rd Wednesday Event [EU]
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:35:10 pm »
When - 19:00UK every week

Where - 33rd_Wednesday_Event

The 33rd Regiment of Foot is proud to Host our Wednesday Rotating event, taking place every Wednesdays at 19:00UK lasting until 20:00UK, with our Historical Event replacing one event per month. We occasionally played all types of formats for this event but at the moment the staple format is Line-only.

Typically a Line-only Flag-spawning event with the occasional other format (and Historical Event) to break it up.

An excellent selection of different maps and slight variations on each mode available.

LineBattle | Rules & Information
Events will consist of 2-3 Flag-spawning rounds on average.

Map Selection consists of a wide variety of 40 custom maps from our Battle One server.

Special classes are excluded from the event to keep the playing field even and fair for all participants. (ONLY FOR LINE ONLY)

Attendance is kept between 120-160 players to keep pings as low as possible.

Line Infantry: 10+
May use half-man spacing or front rank crouch if in double rank.
May crouch when disengaged (neither Reloading nor Firing).

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).
Must maintain formation whilst Firing & Manoeuvring.

After dropping below 3 players, must join another line or charge.

Cavalry: 10-15
All classes are available to use.
Dragoons must dismount to shoot - when dismounted behave as Lights.

Must always be in formation unless in charge.
After dropping below 4 players they must dismount & join a line on foot.

Light Infantry: 10-15
May use 5 man spacing.
May crouch.
If numbering greater than 15 take an officer and/or musicians

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).

After dropping below 3 players, must join another line or charge.

Artillery: 3-10
2 Artillery pieces per team
Arty guard may act as lights
May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).
If all pieces are lost then must join friendly line in order to recover them.
Arty guard must remain with Arty at all times.


Conquest | Rules & Information
Events will consist of 2-3 rounds of 400-600 point Conquest, changing map each round.

Map Selection consists of a wide variety of some 30 custom maps, from our Conquest server.

Conquest base spawning rules are enforced through scripts.

A good mix of large/small maps are chosen each event, to give each round a different atmosphere
(Large maps feeling more like typical Linebattles whereas smaller maps feel more like sieges with plenty of melee)

Conquest Specific Rules:
Units must form lines of 5 when moving out from spawn or flags.
Freedom of movement permitted around flags or on ships/boats.
FiC/RiC allowed around flags or on Ships/boats.

Line Infantry: 10+
May use half-man spacing or front rank crouch if in double rank.
May crouch when disengaged (neither Reloading nor Firing).

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).
Must maintain formation whilst Firing & Manoeuvring.

After dropping below 5 players, must join another line or charge.

Cavalry: 10-15
Take Hussars only.
Must always be in formation unless in charge.
Must rejoin their unit in the field upon respawning (if applicable).

After dropping below 4 players they must dismount & join a line on foot.

Light Infantry: 10-15
May use 5 man spacing.
May crouch.
If numbering greater than 15 take an officer and/or musicians

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).
Must rejoin their unit in the field upon respawning (if applicable).

After dropping below 5 players, must join another line or charge.

Artillery: 3-10
Artillery pieces are provided at spawn.
Arty guard may act as lights
May have a sapper, no TNT or floating defences.

No Fire in Charge (FiC).
No Reload in Charge (RiC).
Only two pieces may be used at any one time.
If all pieces are lost then must join friendly line in order to recover them.
Arty guard must remain with Arty at all times.


Siege | Rules & Information
Events will consist of 4 Siege Rounds, 14 minutes each, played across two maps so each team gets the opportunity to play both attackers and defenders twice.

Map Selection consists of a wide variety of custom maps from our much beloved 33rd NW Siege public server.

Each regiment plays as Line, 1 or 2 regiments will be assigned artillery (map dependant).

Line Infantry: 10+
May take 1 Sapper
May take 1-2 Artillerymen (map dependant)
May Fire in Charge (FiC)
May Reload in Charge (RiC)
May Crouch

Must maintain formations of 5+ whilst outside the fort (beyond charging distance)


Conquest Assault | Rules & Information

Every map we will have 2 rounds, so every Team gets to be the Attacker and the Defender.

The Defending team starts with control over most (or all) flags on the map, while the Attacking team controls only their base (or 1 more flag)

The Attackers start with way more tickets than the Defenders, because as soon as the game starts, the Attackers start bleeding tickets since they don't own any flags yet.

Both Attackers and Defenders have a base that can not be captured by the other team.

Some maps will not be playable by Cavalry, so Cavalry regiments will need to take a line unit.

All maps have set Artillery Pieces for use by arty.

Each regiment will be assigned its own unit.   

Server side reskins appropriate to each maps are applied; Ranging between Clone troopers, Rebels, Droids and Empire.

    Normal Infantry: 10+  - Normal Rankers
Equipment + Stats
Equipment - Musket
Stats: Health = Medium, Bullet Damage = Low, Reload Speed = High, Movement Speed = Medium.

    Tanks/Guards: 1 Per Unit - Sergeant's Class
Equipment + Stats
Equipment: Musket + Axe
Stats: Health = High, Bullet Damage = Medium, Reload Speed = Medium, Movement Speed = Low.

Demolition Infantry: 2 Per Unit - Musicians
Equipment + Stats
Equipment: Shotgun, Grenades + Melee Weapon
Stats: Health = Medium, Bullet Damage = High, Reload Speed = Low, Movement Speed = Medium.

    Snipers: 2 Per Unit - Musicians
Equipment + Stats
Equipment: Rifle + Small Sabre
Stats: Health = Low, Bullet Damage = High, Reload Speed = Low, Movement Speed = High.

    Generals: 1 Per Team - Commander
Equipment + Stats
Equipment: Officer Sword
Stats: Health = High, Bullet Damage = High, Reload Speed = High, Movement Speed = High.

    Arty: 3-10
Equipment + Stats
Equipment: Spyglass, Ramrod, Lighter, Sabre
Stats: Health = High, Bullet Damage = Low, Reload Speed = Low, Movement Speed = High.


15 | 1st Greek Light Infantry
10 | 1er Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne
15 | 12th Regiment of Foot   
20 | 23rd Regiment of Foot   
20 | 33rd Regiment of Foot 
15 | Infanterie-Regiment Nr.77
15 | 92nd Regiment of Foot 
15 | 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
15 | Pontonniers de la Garde


Waiting List:

Regiment Name:
Preferred Class:
Estimated Attendance:
Once or Regular?:
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?:

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