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Messages - 33rdKincaid

Pages: 1 ... 208 209 210
Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 16, 2016, 06:51:25 pm »
Line, Skirm(1) and Arty(1) Slots Available for our Next Event on 20th June!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:49:19 pm »
Regiment Name: 44th Regiment of Foot
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Rifles and Line
Expected Attendance: 30, 15 Rifles and 15 Line please
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once for now please.
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes!

For the 27/06/2016

Will Update you on steam after this weeks event if there's a spot for 27/06/2016

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:32:45 pm »
Line and Skirm Slots Available for our Next Event on 20th June!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 14, 2016, 06:52:19 pm »
We are currently full on sign-ups for next weeks event on the 20th June! If any slots become available will update, please see first post for updated list on Class slots currently Reserved by Attending Regiments.

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:53:41 pm »
Thanks all Regiments who Attended, hope to see you again next week and hope all enjoyed the Event - A good start!

Will update available slots for next week tomorrow.

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:38:49 pm »
Regiment Name: 33e regiment d'infanterie
Preferred faction: français
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Line
Expected attendance:5-10
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: once
Regiment leader's Steam name: Mr.Poulet
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: i agree the rules

Regiment Name:4e Régiment d’Artillerie à Pied
Preferred Faction:France
Preferred Class: Arty
Expected Attendance:6-10
Will you be attending once, or weekly:Weekly
Steam name: Eagle | English Doge Monk | UA
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes
We are full for tomorrow across all classes now, will let you know if there are any slots next week. btw - please check the rules more carefully next time; max 5 arty per team in this event!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 11, 2016, 09:29:43 pm »
Hope to do so! Event Confirmed for the 13th, potentially still room for one more line/lights signup.

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:50:56 pm »
Regiment Name: 23pp
Preferred Faction:
Preferred Class: Line/Light
Expected Attendance: 10-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: [23pp]Jarl
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes


Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 09, 2016, 06:16:08 pm »
A Couple of spots still available for Lines/Lights!

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:40:06 pm »
Regiment Name: DNH
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Line
Expected Attendance: 6-12
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: (DNH) Gastong
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes


Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:31:08 pm »
Regiment Name: Royal Sicilian Rangers
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Skirmishers (Light Infantry if unavaliable)
Expected Attendance: 5-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: [RSR] Greasy Greg
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Regiment Name: 1st King's German Legion
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Line and Artillery
Expected Attendance: 15-20 Line, 5 Artillery
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once for now
Steam name: [1stKGL] Mitchell
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes

Both Accepted, only room left for Lines/Lights now

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Monday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:56:49 pm »
Regiment Name: 44th Regiment of Foot "Not a Troll Reg"
Preferred Faction: UK
Preferred Class: Rifles and Arty
Expected Attendance: 20, so 15 Rifles and 5 Artillery
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Once for now please.
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes!


Events: EU / 33rd Saturday Siege Event [EU]
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:48:28 pm »

This Event is currently on hold, thankyou to the participants for your continued attendance!

When - 19:00(UK) Saturday every other week,
alternating with the Line-only Event

Where - 33rd_Saturday_Event

The 33rd Regiment of foot is proud to host it's Saturday Siege event, which will occur every other Saturday, alternating each week with our Line-only event. The event will be hosted on our server at 19:00[UK] and will contain between 120-160 players each event. The event includes Line Infantry and Artillery.

Events will consist of 4 Siege Rounds, 14 minutes each, played across two maps so each team gets the opportunity to play both attackers and defenders twice.

Map Selection consists of a wide variety of custom maps from our much beloved 33rd NW Siege public server.

Each regiment plays as Line but is also entitled to 1 or 2 artillerymen and a sapper (map dependant).

Attendance is kept between 120-160 players to keep pings as low as possible.

Sign ups will be made on this forum however the final confirmation of attendance and giving out of the password will be handled on steam, therefore it is essential that you Add [33rd]Burnes on Steam!

Line Infantry: 10+
May take 1 Sapper
May take 1-2 Artillerymen (map dependant)
May Fire in Charge (FiC)
May Reload in Charge (RiC)
May Crouch

Must maintain formations of 5+ whilst outside the fort (beyond charging distance)

15 | 1st EvilBrigade
15 | Nr21
15 | 33rd
25 | 45th
25 | 56e
20 | 73e
20 | 92nd
15 | PG
15 | Svea Livgarde


Waiting List:

Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance: (10+)
Once or Weekly?:
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?:

old 2016-2017 thread

When - 19:00 GMT Weekly on Mondays

Where - 33rd_Monday_Event

Teamspeak 3 IP -

The 33rd Regiment of foot is proud to host it's new Monday Event, which will occur every Monday every week. The event will be hosted on our server every Monday at 7:00 p.m. GMT and will contain between 120-150 players each event, the intention being to host a relatively Lag-Free Event. The event will include Line Infantry, Skirmishers and Artillery.

The Event itself will consist of 4 rounds (time permitting) on 2 maps. We have a large host of maps from the much loved 33rd_NW_Siege Server, which have been heavily modified and are a great deal more balanced than the originals; Scope is so great with the maps that we likely only need to replay previously used maps after 3 months or so.

Please Note that this Event has recently changed it's format - We predominantly play siege but occasionally change to scripted event servers for 'Zombies' or 'Hunger games' gamemodes!

Sign ups will be made on this forum however the final confirmation of attendance and the giving out of the password will be handled on steam, therefore it is essential that you Add [33rd]Kincaid on Steam.

Siege Rules


- *Regiment occupying a Line slot may choose any Line, Light or Grenadier class, rules below applying for all*
- May fire in a charge.
- May Officer Aim.
- May Crouch.
- Ramboing is considered when either Attackers or Defenders are manoeuvring outside the fort/spawn with less than a line of 5.
- Contrary to many other events defenders may leave the fort if they wish but must do so in a Line of 5+
- Lines may spread when in charging distance of the fort or any enemy formation whilst outside the fort.
- May include 1 Sapper per Regiment to either Construct Defences or Sapper ladders.
- TNT use is dictated by map, some maps have it enabled and others do not; if enabled only use TNT appropriately, ie. to dismantle defences or walls.
- Freedom of Movement allowed whilst in Team Spawn or inside the Fort.
- Skirmishers may move out with 5-man spacing.

- No intentional teamkilling!
- No ramboing!
- No trolling!
- No abusive behavior!
- No spamming!
- Listen and obey the admins!

Regiment Application

[b]Regiment Name:[/b]
[b]Preferred Faction:[/b]
[b]Preferred Class:[/b]
[b]Expected Attendance:[/b]
[b]Steam name:[/b]
[b]Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:[/b]

Event Class Slots

(5) - 1stEB
(5) - 77y
Total: 10 (Full)

(5-10) - KHJ
(5-10) - Nr.13
Total: 10-20 (Full)

(30-40) - 33rd
(10-15) - 1stEB
(5-10) - 77y
(5-10) - 1st Prawns
Total: 50-65 (Space)

Grand Total: 70-95 (Line Spots Open!)

If you have any further inquires or concerns about the event please add the following on steam:

33rd Hosted Events


Whigs & Tories / Re: Teamspeak Icons
« on: June 06, 2016, 06:26:29 pm »

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