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Messages - Jarl Ballin Swag

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The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 22, 2016, 11:07:14 pm »
I would replace the 75th with the 7thRF. Their record was 37-1, with their only loss to the 1stFKI when we had a stacked roster, they even beat us so their total record with us was 1-1.

Record: 38-1
Rounds: 243-32

4-6 loss against 1stFKI
8-5 Victory against 1stfKI
12-11 rounds total in both 1v1s

7v5 Victory against 38e

6-0 victory against 63e

10-2 victory against 3eVolt

6-1 victory against 44th

For the 3 notable members I would put Zorkoth, Monty and Colonys22
why am i not on 7thRF roster?  :( :( :'( :'(

The Mess Hall / Re: European/ NA Regiments - Most Notable Player List
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:38:34 pm »
nothing special  :P

The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 21, 2016, 11:28:15 am »
games dead
we should let it die
also that loss against the 29th was BS lol they didn't balance and had probably 7+ players than the 3e had. But I guess it was normal for regiments to not balance back in the day.
also played on an na 1 map and they formed lines to shoot at us during melee rip


The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:06:24 am »
you completely discount this era of NW (which is arguably the highest skilled era of NW)

Sorry Fancy but where were you during these times?
I was there but I wasn't into the xXxNWxXxMelee_E-SportsxXx scene. thought it was pretty gay tbh. But to say players were more skilled back then is a little retarded. Pub stomping on 9y GF against 30 kids with 20 hours that didnt know what the right mouse button did doesnt mean it was more skilled. People now have more time in now and the average player is way better compared to earlier.

To say that you were better 3 years ago when you had thousands of less hours and time spent in the game is just stupid, I know nostalgia is powerful and there was a more active community and happier times and all that bullshit but just be honest with yourself and accept that everyone was shit except the few who played a shit ton
7NA GF is where all the OGs played. I would say a good 75% of the people that went there consistently were god like meleers.
I spent hundreds of hours on 7NA and you are right that people who went on GF were usually above the tier of NA1 plebs and knew the basics, but I dont understand how you can say that people back then are better than people now/the past year (because a lot of people have quit) who have thousands of more hours played in the game is a little ridiculous
Thats not what people mean when they talk about skill earlier in the game

The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:58:20 am »
you completely discount this era of NW (which is arguably the highest skilled era of NW)

Sorry Fancy but where were you during these times?
I was there but I wasn't into the xXxNWxXxMelee_E-SportsxXx scene. thought it was pretty gay tbh. But to say players were more skilled back then is a little retarded. Pub stomping on 9y GF against 30 kids with 20 hours that didnt know what the right mouse button did doesnt mean it was more skilled. People now have more time in now and the average player is way better compared to earlier.

To say that you were better 3 years ago when you had thousands of less hours and time spent in the game is just stupid, I know nostalgia is powerful and there was a more active community and happier times and all that bullshit but just be honest with yourself and accept that everyone was shit except the few who played a shit ton
Thats not what people mean when they talk about skill earlier in the game

The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 21, 2016, 12:53:00 am »
If a regiment won 1000 1v1s and lost none, would they be best NA even if they only fought shit regiments? When you're talking about the best regiments of all time data alone doesn't cut it, you need CONTEXT.

Well when I look at the best regiments of all time I see (3eVolt 112 wins, 17 defeats, 2 draws) with zero context, if I check the 71sts, I can at least find context for all of their wins and losses, where as I'm just taking your word for 3eVolts record, which for all I know was against garbage regiments. So yeah, let's talk about context and proof for data....

This is an admittance that you have no fucking clue about what the competitive scene was like prior to NWL. These things ARE recorded on youtube and in 1v1 records - but instead of actually doing your research, you completely discount this era of NW (which is arguably the highest skilled era of NW). If you don't have first hand experience on a topic as in depth as the best regiment; the least you can do is not talk out of your ass. If you're actually interested in having a valid opinion that is.

See you say that while ignoring that I did do my research when I made my list on the last thread, I found basically every mention I could of the regiments involved (3eVolt included) on the forums for 1v1 records (unless they were provided like the 71st's). Asserting that I or anyone else should have to find every youtube video of 1v1's that happened prior to NWL that may or may not have been taken down or privatized at this point in order to have an opinion, is absolutely ridiculous. If you want to provide videos of every 1v1 that happened prior to NWL, I'll be happy to watch them and reform my opinion accordingly, but I'm going to assume that a majority of the 1v1's that happened prior to NWL are unrecorded.

Congratulations Cadet Godfried at a 200 man linebattle!

Thanks fam  8)

Well clearly you didnt look hard enough cuz its in the op of our own thread

what he said

asian is rly cool

Quite a few of you have steamed me and said you won't make it. In the interest of allowing everyone to participate I am moving my tournament to a more Native format.


Rounds up until the semi finals will have a maximum of 1 week to complete their matches. Players must contact their opponent and set up a server and time to have their match. You do not need an admin present to have your match

After a match one of the opponents must post their score in thread and who advanced (You may also post screens along with your score).
Example: RitZ 7-5 Mack

If all the matches are done before the 7 day period, the next round will commence

If you fail to contact your opponent, you should contact one of the admins and have them to look into the case. If it is found that your opponent is not making enough of attempt to schedule the match, you will be given the default win.

This format allows you to set up the server and also the pressure is taken off of a lot of you.

If you no longer wish to be involved in the tournament, I understand. Just let me know before Thursday 5 PST(when the bracket will be released).
Finally, good to see NW is making changes. I like how it allows players and admins breathing room and allows more people to show up to the tourney.

I enjoy homosexual relations

Community Name: RitZ
Name to be used: RitZ
Steam Name: Evil emperor of rome
Regiment: 3e

single handedly tilted an entire team
job well done

Team Name: Trench coat paladins
Team Captain (Steam Profile Link):
Team Members (3 members): Grimsight, Matthew, RitZ
Do you agree with the rules?: oui

Regiments / Re: 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale - "3eVolt" *NA*
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:45:32 pm »

stop this threads cancer

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