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Messages - Wolfy

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 90
Regiments / Re: 3rd (East Kent) Regiment Of Foot - The Buffs
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:17:43 pm »
IE event are always good. I got two devs in one life, mission accomplished.

Regiments / Re: 3rd (East Kent) Regiment Of Foot - The Buffs
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:38:44 am »
Good morning, i hope the ie will be good tonight :)

Sorry Kass, make sure Ulfric stays off drugs.

Never negative talks about wolfy  :'(
And this is why I say farewell dickheds.

Is this a breakup?
It's not you, it's me. I'm sorry.

Never negative talks about wolfy  :'(
And this is why I say farewell dickheds.

Good luck Dom, I'm sure you will do terrible  >:(
Don't say such things!

*slaps head, bad Wolfy. Sit down and finish you're oatmeal
I don't like oatmeal though!

Good luck Dom, I'm sure you will do terrible  >:(
Don't say such things!

dom has stolen mi rank somewon helpe
better call the bill

Regiments / Re: 32e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - "Les Invincibles"
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:43:32 pm »
Shalom aleichem.

Regiments / Re: 32e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - "Les Invincibles"
« on: August 16, 2014, 09:25:34 pm »
Just sad. Really was a pitiful display.

Regiments / Re: 32e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - "Les Invincibles"
« on: August 16, 2014, 01:59:48 pm »
But I don't like nuts, I know Jack and Dom do

Regiments / Re: 32e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - "Les Invincibles"
« on: August 14, 2014, 04:05:46 pm »
Good morning my childs
ew, go die m8
Now listen here you illiterate cunt, don't speak to Ulfric that way. You should know better americunt.

Iron Europe / Re: Iron Europe Official Weekly Monday Event
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:01:41 am »
Regiment Name: 32e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred Faction: France
Preferred Class:  Escouade de Fusiliers(Rifles)
Expected Attendance: 15-20

Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Yes
Do you agree on joining Teamspeak and playing together as a Team?:Yes

For next week.

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