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Messages - ZetaPrime

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GL Fancy

Regiments / Re: 20th Irish Legion Infantry Regiment
« on: August 23, 2015, 08:16:05 pm »
Since we're getting back into 1v1s, would you be interested in facing us? We had around 45 last night at our peak.

We are facing 34e tonight, I just thought I'd message you since it seems you ran into 35-40 active members.

Sure. add me on steam. we will have to schedule it

Regiments / Re: 20th Irish Legion Infantry Regiment
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:49:46 am »
35-40 active? Are you sure or is that the amount of people in your steam group..

im sure. our steam group had 65 in it. you can pm me for our teamspeka if you want

Regiments / Re: 20th Irish Legion Infantry Regiment
« on: August 23, 2015, 10:34:07 am »
Well guys. iam proud to inform you. that we still stand. and number around 35-40 active now. So with that being said, we will be making a new post since York is no londer with us. Also, fuck you Yusuf

can i get an answer on his unban plz?

Bump this thread on 8/19/15 to be unbanned.   


Has the member been unbanned?

Iam ready to be unbanned now

I have updated my post. my regiment is rdy

Hello 15th. My name is Crusader Lt.Col of the 20th. We love playing on your server. we form recruitment lines on there all the time and today harvain even Banzai'd with us in spirit. one of my members was accidently banned by an admin and hasnt been unbanned since. I would very much appreciate it if he could be unbanned so that ALL of the regiment may participate in this great server. If you decide to unban him his id is 766144. Thank you

Probably was a temp-ban, just 1 hour.

He has tried multiple days to connect. I believe it was a Perm

Community / Re: Fancy's Swaggy Sigs
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:54:32 am »
i know. i would like a better one of i can get one.

Hello 15th. My name is Crusader Lt.Col of the 20th. We love playing on your server. we form recruitment lines on there all the time and today harvain even Banzai'd with us in spirit. one of my members was accidently banned by an admin and hasnt been unbanned since. I would very much appreciate it if he could be unbanned so that ALL of the regiment may participate in this great server. If you decide to unban him his id is 766144. Thank you

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