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Messages - Comando96

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Community / Re: Is this considered as cheating? (Huge canonballs)
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:49:58 pm »
Does it actually affect gameplay or is it a visual aid? Cannons are point and click anyway, seems redundant.

This would be my line of though.

Does it actually change anything, or is it the equivalent of firing the chair texture at the enemy.

If all it changes is the animation but not the physics behind it, well firstly its harmless(sorta), secondly you can't detect it unless they record themselves doing it and upload it to youtube. It would give you an advantage, but nothing more than if a player had good eyes and jumped every time. I know someone who only gets hit by cannon-ball's if he has turned around and doesn't see them coming.

However if it did change the mechanics then, this is a problem. Someone mentioned it being slower, however that would be an optical illusion as the increased area of the cannon-ball occupies the same space for a longer period of time, so that although it appears to be going slower, it likely is the same speed. Can't verify without testing, but I'm saying this for the sake of skepticism.

Community / Re: Harlem Shake: 84e Style
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:07:22 am »
Aldamar's view on admin weapons.
"Its my server."

Harlem Shake anyone? Nein.

I don't think we'd want it any other way :) (other than those you banned with the morter)

Regiments / Re: North European Coalition (NEC)
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:35:20 am »
Good to see you have seen the light about the size of the market for NW and its durability, over that of NS. (though why both couldn't be done eludes me).

Glad to see this event provider for the many, back up. It can only be a good thing to have more supply.

Regiments / Re: VIe Corps d'Armée
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:28:10 am »
Good luck to you all.

Also, in named mature discussions, good ideas were in fact made, no offense intended, but going around claiming no proper ideas were mentioned, is a bit exaggerated in my opinion

Oh I know. But there was no sub threads dedicated to change, or anything significant taken away from them. I know there was discussion had, quite serious discussion. My point is that due to the rest of what was posted, the thread quickily went downhill and the work of the few was scuppered by the many. Hence my call for a change in attitudes. Just imagine if the only discussion... was the quality discussion. How much more pressure could be applied on that issue.

I feel the forums are calming down but there is a small vocal minority that either are seeking a fight or wont let the whole thing go. Its  all very silly

Why? I mean... by what logic do you believe that its all very silly? There are some issues, very basic which if not sorted now, then something similar will occur in the future, due to either the nature of the community or the structure in which it exists. Better push a little further now than allow it to happen again.

I believe these problems were extremely over-exaggerated.

The USA Revolted over the British imposing the lowest tax rates throughout the entire Empire...
Still it resulted in what we see today :P

All problems need to be addressed, because if they aren't, then like an uncleaned wound, it will rot and fester. Better to be proactive and have relatively minor structural change, but what in practice turns out to be quite an important check on power. I mean do the admins abuse their power? Its possible... and its only that possibility that is required in order to get muck throwing when someone falls foul.

with harsh punishment towards people who abuse their privileges

Better yet, don't give them the opportunity.
You can't do that to players but... more transparency means admins would no longer have the potential. They would serve a completely benevolent function, most importantly: From the communities points of view.

I don't want any power.

Perhaps that's why you should be admin?

I'll stick to operating in the shadows, but thank you for the comment :P

Community / Re: The server you're the most playing on
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:25:46 am »
Only time when I'm not on the 84e... is when its crashed or has no population :P

Other than Fort Napoleon 84e Siege wins hands down other than line battles.

I need that hat!

If your not already an admin then please apply for adminship. A good read thanks.
He's an admin on 84e!

I don't want any power. There are those who do, and I merely think they should excersise it better, both the power of the admins, and the power of the people which is being highly undervalued by the people themselves.
Anyways on the 84e on sever all the time if any server and I'm only an admin becase there are times that no other admins are on... so if not me, who? Luckily that's not the case with everything else.

Anyway, back on topic :P

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:26:39 am »
Very interesting.... I find the pictures that show how far ahead of everyone James Stewart was rather comical, as he was removed just before he seemingly was about to surpass 5arge. None shall pass.
He was ahead of 5arge just before the day he was removed. 5arge suppassed him the screenshot before he was removed.

What I find interesting is that after Tav was removed, you can see a sizable drop in total voters, which is quickly recouped but... there is no 91st push... no other candidate for the 91st see's an increase in votes. Also, when comparing the statistics, you see that there is no concentrated effort to vote for anyone. Votes just gradually increase.

Curious... its almost as if they gave up...
All those people just... meh... and Evanovic didn't quite make it by only a few votes.
The logic, I see little here.

... I find statistics interesting...

... don't look at me like that ¬.¬

I am writing this, for those who have been living under a rock on the forums, to address the mess that is what has happened.

What the cause was, is not important, rather the effects it has had:
The Community has been dissatisfied - to use an understated word - with the Development team of the FSE and have taken to various forms of action, to try and get changes made to the way in which the Dev team operates within and around the community. Several changes have been put forward to address this matter, in the hope it is enough to keep the peace between the community and the Dev team.

Now, while the measures put forward into the public sphere already can be debated as to whether they are enough or not(which is not what I am here to discuss, and neither shall you).

Different opinions from thereon in, having the need felt to express them, were expressed, continually, fervently and of course with little regard to personal self preservation, humility or sometimes sanity. The logic of peoples complaints could be called into question, not of the basis of the complaint; its merits; its advantages and disadvantages; its strength when scrutinised... but rather, the manner and nature of how these complaints were aired.
Hekko would be a prime example of a well thought-out post, on what was wrong - in his opinion - with the relationship between the Dev's and the Community. What followed was not a debate, discussion or a coming together of minds. Instead what followed was personal grievances; personal goals, aspirations and desires; and in general, a Clusterfuck of poorly aimed white noise which unless targeted by several specific individuals would just do damage to the community, and give no improvements at all.

The above, simply put is what this community never should do again, and cease doing currently, for the following reasons:
- Any valid points that Hekko put forward, were largely lost to the majority of the community due to, self interest, or childish simplifications of what was said. Any impact he could have had, would have been diluted, and misconstrued by some, and by the end of the thread, apparently a damn Revolution had been called for. A great opportunity for debate and possible pressure being put on the Dev team... scuppered by the very community who it would have aided the most.
- If there is an absence of an answer, one will be provided for you. In the thread and others, when people were asked their oh so high and mighty opinions, about a Solution none were given. No possible solution. Quite frankly this is shocking and shameful as a perfect opportunity was at hand. A direct line to the Developers, while under pressure to change in some way shape or form. No one stepped forward with any solutions, who was involved in this the discussion, neither any of those asked. If there was more of a debate then solution may have been discussed but, as alluded to earlier, this was scuppered. The result was, for better or worse, chosen for you, by the very Developers you sought to change. From their position it was all they could do, in the vacuum of anything helpful from the community.
- Greed. I think its clear who I am addressing here, though I won't shame him by mentioning his name. Grabbing more power for yourself at everyone else expense, damages the community. Therefore the community shouldn't allow it, nor should have this person have the audacity to turn a fragile situation into his own personal Revolution and Crusade in an attempt to benefit from it. You managed to harm the community more during this period, than any other single individual, due to the attention you focused on yourself, as well as the hijacking of every topic possible to slander the Dev team, for the sake of slander, rather than resorting to constructive criticism. Every action you took had an Opportunity Cost for the rest of the community. I hope you learn a lesson from this.

So, with this in mind, you may be asking: Well what is your solution, your recommendation? I haven't seen you around trying to help.
That's the point.

The best way to help this community is to have genuine and meaningful communication between everyone.
- No rants, about the wrongs, without actual solutions to the problems as well. You may moan as much as you like but nothing will change until a solution can be worked out. As opposed to popular belief the Dev team are not some power hungry entity who seek to control every aspect of the community, rather steer it intact so that: Bottom line: Money is made, when games are sold. Acting as Dictators is not in their best interests unless it is the only option to deal with the current situation from their point of view. Their point of view, as with all humans is limited, and likely in some way flawed. Therefore, making suggestions, clearly, seriously, and in a presentable fashion will have a much greater impact than 100 whines on a thread.
- Its about the system stupid. OK, personal bias entering in here. The FSE structure, is pretty poor in terms of Scrutiny/Oversight. Actions taken are hard to validate, and it is rare for a member of the community to call out an admin action, and for their statement to be beyond all doubt, be proven incorrect. An example of this is, conspiracy theories, centring around events, which are not helped by poor communication afterwards, due to pure laughable strength of the claim, yet as it is left un-addressed, rumour can take hold and develop unnecessarily. A community needs to be able to see what happens and why in order to function without turning into a hate filled flame war. There needs to be a more transparent system in which the admins carry out their role, which is not Authoritarian, but necessary. More transparency would also avoid the possibility of any abuses of power, going on unjustly.
- They say a Picture is worth 1,000 words. Something similar applies when dealing with this community. A half an hour teamspeak conversation can result in a more fruitful result than an entire months effort on the forums. If you have a serious point to make; a well thought-out, a well planned and potentially beneficial improvement or suggestion then, ignore the forums. Go strait to those with the ability, and the desire to improve the community. I am talking about the Developers who, want this community to keep going and thriving. Some want it strong as they love and enjoy it. Others want it to stay, just as strong, and even more thriving than it currently is, so they can make more money, when release day comes. Lets not kid ourselves here, that's reality. But the point stands. Talk.


To summarise:
The forums are a mess. The community on the forums is atrocious at times and can be very unhelpful. This needs to change.
The community needs to have less tit for tat rivalries, and more in-depth, longer posts. That is a good first step.
Finally people need to keep in mind, love them or hate them: Without the community this game is dead. Don't weaken it.
You should criticise the FSE, but you need to criticise it constructively! No complain should be made, about the system, without suggesting how to try and fix it!
The role of admins is important, but with such power, there needs to be checks upon their power for the community to see. An increase in the FSE's site transparency should be of paramount importance in the upcoming weeks.
Make use of all methods of communication like TeamSpeak, as talking directly to people, bypasses the bullshit of the forums. More progress can be made that way.

Ultimately the community needs to grow up. And I hope it does, as I want this game to go on for as long as it can! There are many good people in the community and by and large everyone has positive merits, but people need to step up, and work positively when it comes to the larger scale community.

I have no faith in humanity.
I have faith in individuals.
Become those individuals.

Modifications / Re: Minor admin changes
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:42:51 am »

Firstly there needs a be a Search function. We need to be able to type in a name, to aid in our finding of players. Preferably it should show all people, then eliminate all those who don't have that name.
For example
People on the server:

If you type in 84e:

If you type in 84e_Sop:

If you type in 84e_SoP_Traveller:

This method would allow us to do the least work possible and get the people we want as quickly as possible.

Secondly we need the list splitting up into both teams side by side. Then its 100 people list :P

Thirdly we need relevant information and filters for us to view people. Its useless for us to know their ping, and kill death ratio is only helpful for finding dedicated trolls. If we see "Sapper is wasting build points", we need to be able to just see who is a sapper! A filter for class type would be quite helpful.

Finally, and this would likely be the most helpful and important one. Teleport to a player, while in spectator.
If we here: "Betty_The_Bomber is trolling the arty" We then have to go spectator: Check the Attacks arty for fights, then the Defenders arty for fights, or visa versa. This is tedious, time consuming and really really inefficient. If we could just pick someone off of the list and switch to them immediately, it would aid us greatly!

That's my 2 pence.
Thanks for the thread.

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:02:15 pm »
Actually no. I have heard about Hypern via him coming to my TS channel lobbying for this that and the other, and it was usually about how Sawyer is not such a bad apple.

Either way I met Hypern like 2 years ago, as my view on him is a product of the golden age when everyone actually used the 22nd ts! Dare I say that I have known Hypern far longer than Tavington has.

Diplomat. Keep communication between the Regiments and sort out problems between them.You know that, therefore why not say it.

Sawyer was a problem, but he was of the opinion at the time, that keeping the group together as a powerful entity was a better option than having many various split off's even if Sawyer wasn't nearly ideal(lol understatement). Simple manipulation. Opinion correct or not, was inevitably doomed to fail, with Sawyer ending it all with his other methods, and trying to secure complete totalitarian control, destroying all those who dissented, also driving many others out. This where most hacking took place.

Many lessons were learned. Mainly about power.
How power works.
The means in which power is based.
The means in which power can be excersised.
The means in which the levers of power operate.

How to... skip the queue so to speak.

With this, in mind you can do a lot of harm, or a lot of good.
I fully believe that Hypern ultimately is trying to be a cause for good.
If for no other reason to keep this game trotting along for a couple years more.

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:03:21 pm »
Who the fuck are you? 3 posts, you joined 27 January, I've shat better representatives.

Hypern is a man with fingers in many pies. It was once said that Hypern appears here and there but do take note that he is also an E-criminal who was banned from 22nd ts and ostracised from the community.

I believe he went to different Teamspeaks and lobbied for votes, swing votes!

He's helped build and maintain a lot of communities and Regiments, which by and large, don't appear here.
He works in many TS's and works with many people to keep Regiments running. Its thankless and difficult, and also has no glory to it at all, as no one gets to see the products of its work.
He avoids the large powers as they are fearful/paranoid (with some justification, which I will mention later), but more importantly, they do not need any help.
He doesn't go on the forums; as the forums, by and large are the forums are filth comprising on a weak sense of communication, mixed with the ere of legitimacy, as well as the inevitable ego stroking.

That is why! He doesn't go on the forums, as they is no point. The small people don't go on here anyway.

Hypern started off in the HM. It's where he got his power and it is where he learned how to do what he does. Its also the place which gave birth so much of our glorious community... including Tavington. The whole reaosn you have heard about Hypern is because Tavington has told you Sid.
Now in the HM hypern was working for Soywer... part of his "troll army" yet every army, no matter how bad, needs smart people to run it and keep it togeather. Also it wasn't just Hypern but others... who were less tactful... more brutal. Tavington was a victim of this, and with never forgave hypern for allowing it to happen to him... because he trusted him. After that, he never trusted many people again.

So when you say an E-criminal, an ostracised member of the community and lobbied for swing votes... what are swing votes anyway? He got Regiments to vote for him.
The other things are Second hand words from someone who didn't have the full picture anyway. Soywer had hackers, and later Hypern found out, and still doesn't forgive himself for it, information he was trying to use for good, was passed on to people who now knew others weaknessess.

Interesting fact.
60,000 copies of the game were sold.
700 people voted.
We are all the 1.1%

Forum usage alone isn't a good way to represent the rest of the community.

How very... Audacious of me...

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 03, 2013, 09:21:56 pm »
why cant i see the vote numbers anymore ??

Good question, makes it nice and easy for them to rig the winners.

While Rig is too strong a word, I believe the reason they have done it is to prevent the effect that voting has on people. People will want to vote ideologically, but if they see a candidate with only 10 votes, and the top people have over 100, then people will decide to vote for their preferred candidate who is likely to win. This is known as Tactical voting.

It would favour the FSE if there was not possible way to vote tactically as it would draw possible support away from less well known candidates and have them done more in favour of those who are already prominent, and many of the FSE staff have likely dealt with before. Recruiting from within your own inner circle. However... a well organised candidate can break this.

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